What is Oily Skin How to Treat It and How NOT to Treat It

1 out of every 2 teenagers has oily skin. We hear about it every day on TV and the radio in ads for Proactive and Murad. Stars like Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Puff Daddy, Eminem, and even Paris Hilton all pitch various products and treatments for oily skin. Most of these products are nothing more than a mild benzoyl peroxide or salicylic (less than 2%) cleanser. The reality is that when we questioned real dermatologists none recommended these products. Their actual recommendations were:

1) skin peels and laser treatments.

2) tetracycline

3) Accutane - in severe acne cases only.

4) Doxycycline

5) Cetaphil - Every dermatologist said this was a great face wash.

You have to remember Paris Hilton, Eminem, and Jessica Simpson are all paid endorsers. Read the fine print. Not one of them guarantees or stands behind the product. To properly treat oily skin and the acne it can and usually does cause, you have to get to the source.

Benzoyl peroxide will only affect the surface and irritate it. Salicylic acid is a weaker acid and must be used in much stronger strengths to be effective - lees than 10% just won't cut it. What really works is treating the bacteria that are rampant in oily skin. This is what causes acne. A trichloroacetic acid (TCA peel) skin peel is the most effective external treatment and now the most cost effective as it is currently available to consumers for in home use. A TCA peel will alter the skin pH (acidity levels) and make the conditions unfavorable for the bacteria. TCA peels will also get rid of excess oil, increase exfolliation, collagen production, and new skin production - all helpful with oily skin. TCA peels are also very effective on acne scars - an added plus. And the best thing is there are no side effects.

Tetracycline is available by prescription only. It will kill the bacteria, but only for as long as you keep taking it. It will not affect the oilyness and is not effective against mild to severe acne. It also has side effects like yellow teeth. Their are similar antibiotics like doxycycline that have basically the same results.

Accutane is a very drastic prescription only medication. The side effects can be quite severe and are common. Blood tests must be done on a weekly or monthly basis. Accutane will cease the production of oil by stopping the functionality of the sebaceous glands. Usually this was reserved for mild to severe acne patients. The complications are so severe there have been numerous class action lawsuits (just watch TV or look up Sokolove the attorneys office on the internet).

Lasers have been used in a limited capacity as they are still too expensive and are mostly effective on thee resultant scarring from the acne, not on the oilyness and excess sebum production.

So, straight from real non-paid dermatologists all over the country, one can conclude that the most effective treatment with the least cost is TCA peels. And they are now available for home use. Now you know how to permanently cure oily skin, treat acne, and have beautiful skin from a real dermatologists perspective. Don't be misled by a highly compensated endorser like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, Eminem, Puff Daddy, etc...

For more information on TCA peels contact www.bestskinpeel.com

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: http://www.bestskinpeel.com