Proactiv Solution Has Acne Finally Met Its Match?

Teenagers look at it as that unavoidable passage into adulthood, but the most commonly used name for it is acne. Yes, those little bumps that send most teenagers into an unconcious fright, but what is acne, and why do we despise it? All acne starts with one basic lesion, called the comedo. The comedo is a hair follicle that is enlarged and plugged with dead skin cells, oil and bacteria. The comedo is invisible to the naked eye; it lies beneath the skin surface, waiting for the right conditions to form, before it turns into an inflamed lesion. Though all acne may start out the same, it can take many forms and may react differently in different people.

Though acne appears to be just acne, there's actually more than one type. They basically fall into two groups; inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne. Types of inflammatory acne are papule, which if viewed up close looks like a firm pink bump, pustule, which may appear red at the base, with a yellowish or white center, nodule or cyst, which are large and very painful. Nodules are the most severe form of acne lesion, and may continue for weeks or months. Both nodules and cysts have been known to leave scars. Types of non-inflammatory acne are whitehead, which is when the plugged follicle stays below the surface of the skin and blackhead, which is when the plugged follicle enlarges and pushes through the skin.

Why do people get acne? Was it something you ate? Was it how you washed your face? The answer to those questions is a resounding and confusing no! There are things going on beneath your skin that you're not aware of, until after they surface. One thing research did discover is that genetics may play a role in how long your acne persists.

Okay, acne is the disease, so what's the cure? Well, I hate to break the bad news, but at this point in time, there's still no cure, so prevention is the key. If prevention is what you're looking for, then Proactiv Solution maybe your best remedy. Proactiv was created by two dermatologists, who wanted to find a better way to treat acne patients. After years of experimenting, they finally produced a treatment that they thought would work. In 1995 the public got its chance to try out Proactiv Solution, and the rest they say, is history. Proactiv is all over the airways, with stars upon stars, singing the praises of this acne treatment.

So what makes Proactiv so great? First and foremost, it's a treatment. The creators set out to produce a treatment to attack acne before it became visible. And how does Proactiv accomplish this task? Proactiv uses a combination of ingredients that work together to heal and prevent acne. These ingredients help to unplug pores, exfoliate skin, attack acne-causing bacteria and soothe inflammation. Proactiv uses a three step system. First there is the renewing cleanser, this process exfoliates the pores and allows benzoyl peroxide to penetrate. Next is the revitalizing toner, this helps to unclog your pores and remove dead skin cells. Last in the process is the repairing lotion, this helps deliver benzoyl peroxide deep into your pores, so it can attack acne causing bacteria at the source.

Whether Proactiv goes down in history as the best acne fighter remains to be seen, but right now, there are millions of faces that won't leave home without it!

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Acne Products