Adult Acne Solutions

Acne is a common skin infection that affects mostly teenagers. However, not only teens suffer from acne, Adults too are also affected by this problem. A complete understanding of acne continues to baffle experts. What really precipitates acne? Why does it disappear without apparent reason in some adults and persist in others? What we do know is that a hormonal imbalance triggers a sequence of physiological changes in the skin leading to the onset of acne. These events include an excessive production of oil, clogging of hair follicles and bacterial infection.

Acne can cause severe damage to the skin and to a person?s psyche. Acne scars often disfigure the face, causing embarrassment and loss of self-esteem. An early cure is therefore essential. About 5% of adults suffer from acne. This figure does not include women who suffer from transient attacks of acne during menstrual cycles and in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Although the acne eventually disappears in such cases, it could cause scarring if treatment is delayed or ignored. Adults with acne need a two-fold remedial approach - eradication of acne and surgical procedure to remove acne scars. The following tips could help control adult acne and prevent permanent skin damage.

Early Action: Begin medications as soon as a fresh outbreak of acne occurs. This will help control its spread.

Keep skin clean and moist: Wash face regularly with warm water, and a mild soap. Cleansing solutions containing antibacterial agents like Chloroxylenol are useful in eliminating skin bacteria.

Avoid squeezing pimples: Squeezing spreads the infection and should be avoided. Handle affected areas gently and use soft and clean tissues to dry affected areas after washing.

Use skin lotions containing combinations of salicylic acid and lactic acids: These agents are effective in de-clogging hair follicles and stimulate growth of new skin. Lotions containing combinations of lactic acid with lanolin or similar compounds are also useful in keeping the skin healthy and moist.

Drugs like OrthoTrycyclen have proved useful in controlling acne in pre-menstrual women. If lesions containing pus persist after using topical antibiotics, consult your physician about oral antibiotics.

Nowadays several surgical procedures such as dermal fillers, punch excision, punch excision with skin graft replacement, punch elevation, subcutaneous incision and laser resurfacing are used in removing effects of acne scars. The important thing is to control acne before it controls the way you feel about yourself.

Acne Solutions provides detailed information about acne solutions, natural acne solutions, acne scar solutions, best acne solutions and more. Acne Solutions is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.