Acne's Early Warning Signals

At the first sign of acne you should be ready to spring into action. What are acne's first signs?

The symptoms to watch for are small, tender, red spots that later turn into pimples containing puss like degraded fatty acids. These first signs of ance usually disappear over a few days or weeks, depending on the severity.

Because severe acne can cause scars it's important to act quickly when you spot skin blemishes. Your first action should be:

- Avoid working in with oil, grease and other chemicals.

- Do your best to control stress or emotional tension.

- Refrain from squeezing or picking at the pimples.

Next you must get to work on an acne prevention plan:

- Wash your face regularly with a mild cleanser. Wash your skin whenever you feel perspiration. Use a light touch when washing as hard scrubbing may aggravate your acne.

- Shampoo your hair regularly and wear a style that prevents your hair from constantly touching your face.

- Shield your skin from excessive cold, heat and sunlight. Extended exposure to sunlight may burn your skin and can even lead to skin cancer.

- Avoid oily creams and foundations. They clog pores and may cause pimples. Use water-based moisturizers.

- Adopt a sensible, varied diet. Drink lots of water and exercise regularly.

Should you rush to a dermatologist at the first sign of a skin blemish? Probably not. Mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter medications. It's wise to ask your pharmacist for advice on an acne remedy. They stay up to date on the most effective treatments and can give valuable advice.

Try the pills, lotions or creams recommend by your pharmacist for six to eight weeks. It takes time to get acne under control. If you acne gets worse instead of better in that time your best bet is to visit a dermatologist.

Treating acne is like going to war. Be ready to fight back at the first sign of an acne attack.

Mark Walters web site presents everything about acne cures, remedies, treatments and advice

What is Oily Skin How to Treat It and How NOT to Treat It

1 out of every 2 teenagers has oily skin. We hear about it every day on TV and the radio in ads for Proactive and Murad. Stars like Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Puff Daddy, Eminem, and even Paris Hilton all pitch various products and treatments for oily skin. Most of these products are nothing more than a mild benzoyl peroxide or salicylic (less than 2%) cleanser. The reality is that when we questioned real dermatologists none recommended these products. Their actual recommendations were:

1) skin peels and laser treatments.

2) tetracycline

3) Accutane - in severe acne cases only.

4) Doxycycline

5) Cetaphil - Every dermatologist said this was a great face wash.

You have to remember Paris Hilton, Eminem, and Jessica Simpson are all paid endorsers. Read the fine print. Not one of them guarantees or stands behind the product. To properly treat oily skin and the acne it can and usually does cause, you have to get to the source.

Benzoyl peroxide will only affect the surface and irritate it. Salicylic acid is a weaker acid and must be used in much stronger strengths to be effective - lees than 10% just won't cut it. What really works is treating the bacteria that are rampant in oily skin. This is what causes acne. A trichloroacetic acid (TCA peel) skin peel is the most effective external treatment and now the most cost effective as it is currently available to consumers for in home use. A TCA peel will alter the skin pH (acidity levels) and make the conditions unfavorable for the bacteria. TCA peels will also get rid of excess oil, increase exfolliation, collagen production, and new skin production - all helpful with oily skin. TCA peels are also very effective on acne scars - an added plus. And the best thing is there are no side effects.

Tetracycline is available by prescription only. It will kill the bacteria, but only for as long as you keep taking it. It will not affect the oilyness and is not effective against mild to severe acne. It also has side effects like yellow teeth. Their are similar antibiotics like doxycycline that have basically the same results.

Accutane is a very drastic prescription only medication. The side effects can be quite severe and are common. Blood tests must be done on a weekly or monthly basis. Accutane will cease the production of oil by stopping the functionality of the sebaceous glands. Usually this was reserved for mild to severe acne patients. The complications are so severe there have been numerous class action lawsuits (just watch TV or look up Sokolove the attorneys office on the internet).

Lasers have been used in a limited capacity as they are still too expensive and are mostly effective on thee resultant scarring from the acne, not on the oilyness and excess sebum production.

So, straight from real non-paid dermatologists all over the country, one can conclude that the most effective treatment with the least cost is TCA peels. And they are now available for home use. Now you know how to permanently cure oily skin, treat acne, and have beautiful skin from a real dermatologists perspective. Don't be misled by a highly compensated endorser like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, Eminem, Puff Daddy, etc...

For more information on TCA peels contact

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

The Battle Against Acne

Acne is a problem for most all teens in there adolescence years. During this time acne is a major battle with most all teenagers. Acne gives a person a real blow to there self-esteem, and the self awareness of there appearance. During this time to a teen appearance plays a very important roll in there life.

If an acne problem isn?t treated properly with a proper skin care treatment. The acne can have a life long effect on a person. The scaring that acne can cause on a persons skin can and in most cases, do cause emotional scaring as well.

Not only are teenagers venerable to acne but almost everyone has to deal with acne from time to time. It's not because we eat the wrong things. Nor is it because we don't wash our face enough. In fact, washing too vigorously can make acne worse!

Acne is caused from imbalances and impurities within the body. There are ways to treat acne from the source. This has been proven to be an effected method of skin care. By treating acne where it starts can fight the acne problem at the source.

Treating acne with skin care products have been around for a long time. Acne can be treated, and in most cases be stopped before it can cause damage to the skin. There are a number of skin care products on the market that can help contain an acne problem. Using these effective skin care products along with the proven skin care products that fight acne from with in can greatly improve a person?s chance of defeating acne.

Robert Emler: Skin care is and always will be an important part of a persons life. Fighting acne has become an easier fight to win with today solutions. For more information on skin care products for fighting acne go to.

Acne Solutions Do You Need One?

Acne solutions occupy the minds of our teenagers. With acne being the most common skin complaint in the world, and teenagers being the most body conscious people in our society, acne solutions are keenly sought by our young.

However the search for ?acne solutions? or ?acne cures? rests on the assumption that acne can be cured, much the same as it is assumed that many other medical problems of the modern age can be cured. The reality however, is different. Real acne solutions are just that, solutions, not cures.

It is a symptom of our fast fix society that if we have a problem we want an immediate fix. If we can?t fix it ourselves we assume that technology will come to the rescue and provide a simple, painless low cost fix in a bottle.

Acne, unfortunately, isn?t so easy.

Acne affects, according to some, up to 95% if teenagers at some time in their teen or early adult years. It can be serious and debilitating, mild and easy to control, or usually somewhere in between. The market for acne cures is huge, billions of dollars.

And of course there are a myriad of acne remedies out there all claiming to be the one and only. The magic bullet of acne cures. The one stop fix for every teenagers troubling acne.

Millions are spent in advertising these so called acne cures or acne remedies. Wild claims are made about their effectiveness. Guarantees are offered that they will work.

However the reality of acne is that scientists still do not fully understand what causes it. The causes of acne are thought to be hormonal, or more specifically a hormonal imbalance, but the mechanism isn?t fully proven.

So despite the fact that the market for acne remedies is huge, it is still true that acne cannot be cured. Acne is a condition caused by some mix of as yet unknown factors at work in the body, and will only stop when the body decides it?s time for it to stop. Until then it will, or can, continue and this process is independent of attempts to cure it.

Does this mean that there are no acne solutions? No not at all. Quite the opposite. It just means that people searching for acne cures need to approach the problem with the right perspective.

Don?t expect to find the ?perfect? acne cure. The one secret potion that, when applied, will immediately clear up all those annoying spots in a few days. That, once the cure has been effected, it will be unnecessary to apply the product any more.

Look at it this way. Good acne solutions do exist. They can be a little hard to find because what works for some may not work for others, so you may need to try a number of products until you find the one that works for you.

And once you have found the acne control that works for you don?t expect to use it for a while and stop. Acne isn?t cured, it?s managed. Once you have the spots under control you then need to practice active acne prevention by continuing to use the product until your body says ?enough is enough?. And observing some basic common sense precautions.

It?s a question of attitude and expectations. Go into it looking for the perfect once only ?acne cure? and you will be disappointed. Understand that acne is a natural body condition that can be controlled with some effort once the right product has been found.

That it will not stop until it has decided to and that you may well need to keep using the product for quite some time until it does. And that as a huge percentage of your friends will also get it at some time it is just a part of growing up.

Acne cures? There aren?t any. Acne solutions? They do exist, and there are some very good ones. But you need to understand the difference.

Find out more about Acne as well as Acne Cures and adult acne, acne skin care product, the best acne treatments and more at Peter?s website, Acne All Gone.

Mesothelioma Stomach Symptoms

Stomach or abdominal symptoms are often experienced by patients with peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma is a cancer of the peritoneal cells that line the abdomen. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are insidious and often tend to be confused for symptoms of more common, and often more benign, abdominal conditions. Peritoneal mesothelioma therefore may go undiagnosed until it is fairly advanced and resistant to treatment.

Common abdominal symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. An abdominal lump or swelling may be present. Such a lump or swelling may obstruct the bowel, causing constipation. Fluid may collect in the abdominal cavity, causing distension and bloating. This collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity is called ascites, and is also seen in people with liver disease. The fluid is often drained to relieve symptoms of bloating and distension; excessive fluid collection may hamper normal breathing. The collection of fluid in the abdomen, and the pressure of a cancerous growth, may impede the return of blood flow from the legs, leading to swollen feet. Such swelling of the extremities is also seen in kidney disease and pregnancy.

Some recent studies have shown a transient reduction in tumor mass and fluid collection following the introduction of certain substances into the abdominal cavity; however, these effects have been shown on a small number of patients and are being researched further.

Abdominal pain in peritoneal mesothelioma may be caused by the pressure on organs and nerves exerted by a growing tumor, by distension of the bowel, or by infiltration of adjacent tissues and organs by cancerous cells. Narcotic pain-relieving drugs or radiotherapy may be used to relieve severe pain. Abdominal symptoms and the systemic effects of cancer can cause severe weight loss in people with peritoneal mesothelioma. Fever and fatigue are also common.

Mesothelioma Symptoms provides detailed information on Advanced Mesothelioma Symptoms, Clinical Mesothelioma Symptoms, Mesothelioma Diagnosis: An Introduction, Mesothelioma Stomach Symptoms and more. Mesothelioma Symptoms is affiliated with Pleural Mesothelioma Information.

What Are The Four Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer?

One rare form of cancer is called Mesothelioma, a malignant tumor in the mesothelial tissues of the lungs and the abdomen, arising from the inhalation of asbestos. Its rarity is one of the reasons why a lot of people are not aware of this kind of fatal disease. In fact, many people die of Mesothelioma undiagnosed. Although there is now a growing awareness of the hazards of asbestos to health, still many have not heard of Mesothelioma and thus, have not understood its nature, cause, signs and treatment. Even some physicians find it hard to detect Mesothelioma because its symptoms are akin to other diseases like lung cancer and pneumonia. Furthermore, it takes decades for a patient who was exposed to asbestos to develop Mesothelioma ? fifty years, at most.

Being unaware of Mesothelioma poses higher risks since it deters diagnosis and treatment. A person undergoing treatment must know the different stages of the cancer or the extent of the disease. Chances of recovering from Mesothelioma and the kind of treatment depend on the stage of the illness. There are basically two staging systems used for Pleural Mesothelioma (lungs): TNM system and Brighan system. These staging systems are also used in other kinds of cancers; however, the first is commonly used. There is no established method in determining the stage of the Peritoneal Mesothelioma cancer (abdominal) so the TNM system is used.

There are three variables in the TNM system: tumor, lymph nodes and metastasis. In the earliest stage of Mesothelioma, stage I, the malignant Mesothelioma cells start to grow and multiply only one layer of the pleura. The pleura is the membrane that encloses the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. However, there are some instances wherein the pericardium (membrane that covers the heart) and diaphragm cover are already affected. In this case, the cancer patient is still in stage I Mesothelioma.

In the second stage, the two layers of the pleura are already affected by Mesothelioma. Take note, however, that in this stage, only one side of the body is affected. Normally, the pleura produces only small amount of lubricating fluid that allows easy expanding and contracting of the lungs. The excess fluid is absorbed by the blood and the lymph vessels so there?s a balance between the amount of fluid produced and removed. During the second stage Mesothelioma, fluid starts to build up between the membrane of the lungs and the membrane of the chest wall, resulting to pleural effusion. The increase in the volume of fluid produced causes shortness of breath and chest pain. Other Mesothelioma cancer patients experience dry and persistent cough. Diagnosis of the pleural effusion is achieved through a chest x-ray.

Stage III Mesothelioma means that the malignant cells have already spread to the chest wall, esophagus and the lymph nodes on one part of the chest. The patient may suffer severe pain near the parts affected. When not treated immediately or when the Mesothelioma patient doesn?t respond well to medication, the cancer may advance to the fourth stage. The fourth stage Mesothelioma is formidable since at this stage the Mesothelioma cells have penetrated into the bloodstream and other organs in the body like the liver, the bones and the brain. The lymph nodes on the other side of the chest may also be affected by Mesothelioma in stage IV.

Brighan staging system, on the other hand, determines whether the Mesothelioma can be surgically removed or not and whether the lymph nodes are affected or not. In stage I Mesothelioma, the lymph nodes are not yet affected and the patient can still recover through surgery. In stage II, surgery can still be executed but some lymph nodes have already been infiltrated by the cancer cells. In stage III, the heart and chest wall are already affected; thus, surgery is no longer advisable. The lymph nodes in this stage, however, may or may not be affected. In the final stage, stage IV Mesothelioma, cancer cells have already gone to the bloodstream and other parts of the body like the heart, brain, bone and liver. In most cases, a patient who has reached stage IV Mesothelioma only has four to twenty-four months to live.

David Arnold Livingston is a believer in gaining knowledge around Health issues and recommends, as a resource:

Dead Sea Minerals Health from the Lowest Point on Earth

A study involving a European occupational therapist suffering from psoriasis who had obtained compensation from her health insurance in order to undergo therapy at the Dead Sea has lead to great interest in health funds in Denmark, Germany and other European Countries. This has resulted in their subsidizing treatment from the Dead Sea for people suffering from both Psoriasis and other skin conditions. If Health Insurance companies can be considering coverage of treatment at the Dead Sea for relief and treatment of skin disorders, then it seems reasonable to advocate usage of products manufactured from the Mud and minerals of the Dead Sea.

Healthy skin and

Assisting to replace or remove electrolytes enables the body to maintain a good fluid balance thereby improving a feeling of relaxation, health and well being. Below is a list of the therapeutic physical and mental well being is dependent on the correct sodium and potassium or fluid balance in the body. This is regulated by the Adrenal gland, which in turn affect healthy function of the kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for controlling 28 chemicals in the body. An imbalance of these chemicals or electrolytes can result in certain skin or other symptoms and over an extended period of time results in various illnesses. benefits of the Dead Sea products together with the conditions or symptoms they alleviate.

The Dead Sea Salts differ from regular sea salt in 2 important ways.

1) They contain 10 times more minerals than sea salt.
2) The Dead

Sea salts absorb essential oils with ease, which enables them to be released into the bath water as they dissolve.

This is beneficial for those wishing to benefit from the Dead Sea in the privacy of their own home. Some of the minerals found in the Dead Sea are listed below together with their functions or benefits to health. This provides some insight as to why these minerals assist in cleansing, de-toxing and restoring a healthy status quo of the body, especially the skin and muscles.

Minerals and Chemicals found in the Dead Sea

Sulfur-is found in the amino acids cysteine, and methionine; as well as in cells, hemoglobin (of the blood), collagen (of the muscles), keratin (required for skin), insulin, heparin, biotin, co-enzyme A, (required for healthy hair, skin, nails, among many other biological structures). Sulfur is necessary for synthesizing collagen. It is required for the adequate digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and a number of vitamins e.g. thiamin, biotin and pantothenic acid; It is also essential to enable cells to breathe Sulfur is necessary for the secretion of bile from the liver and for converting toxins into non-toxins.

Chlorine is necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, together with being vital for cell metabolism

Iodine is necessary for the production of the hormone thyroxin, and is also vital for both energy and cell metabolism is necessary to maintain the water balance in order for cell metabolism to take place, assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste products. An imbalance in potassium often leads to water retention.

Potassium also plays a vital role in regulating muscle contractions and the nervous system.

Sodium like potassium plays s a vital role in assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste.

Calcium is necessary in strengthening cell membranes and cleansing the pores. In addition it is vital for production and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, together with regulating the heart muscles and nerves.

Magnesium is necessary in assisting the body to utilize other essential nutiens and in cell metabolism.

Bromine helps with the natural repair of the body together with cell metabolism and can be sued as a natural antibiotic. Saunas often use Dead Sea salts to evaporate the bromides thus creating and environment similar to the Dead Sea. Having a hot bath with Dead Sea salts and allowing the steam to collect in the bathroom will have a similar effect. Other than the benefits listed below for bath salts, steaming and using these salts in the bath can be beneficial for respiratory conditions e.g. asthma.

PELOTHERAPY The main healing property of mud is humic acid, which comes from concentration of organic matter. After the Ice Age the earth experienced a compression of plant and animal life resulting in transformation of various rocks and hence, muds. The parts of the earth, which suffered the most erosion, have higher deposits of humic acid. One of these areas is the Dead Sea, which has the largest concentration of humic acid, chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, bromine and various other minerals. Since the Dead Sea Mud (also known as Pelloid) has a high concentration of minerals together with an ability to hold heat, the mud can be used for certain healing benefits. Smearing the Pelloid onto the body in a process known as Pelotherapy provides cleansing and detoxing of the skin which has proved beneficial for skin, muscle pain and arthritic or rheumatic conditions.


Is an ancient healing form using water, usually with added salts, thereby distinguishing it from hydrotherapy, to condition, relax and revitalize the skin, body and muscles. Its benefits are seen in improving circulation, strengthening the immune system, reducing pain, stress and insomnia.

Yoav Cohen is an author for AHAVA Dead Sea products site.

Skin Cancer Prevention: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself from UV Rays

Skin cancer prevention measures can actively reduce your chances of developing skin cancer if you implement them in your daily routine. The most common form of cancer in the United States, tens of thousands of Americans contract skin cancer every year.

Skin cancer comes in three forms: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Of the three, melanoma is the most dangerous and life threatening. Skin cancer claims the lives of approximately ten thousand Americans on an annual basis.

What causes skin cancer?

Overexposure to ultraviolet sunlight (UV rays) is believed to be the dominant external factor in a person?s development of skin cancer, although genetic factors can play a role. To protect yourself from UV rays, you should take the following 5 steps for proper skin cancer prevention:

1. Avoid Direct Sun Exposure: Avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight during midday (generally from 10am to 4pm). This is the time when UV rays are most intense. Plan your schedule to avoid outdoor activities during these hours. Also, be aware that sand and snow reflect sunlight, so if you?re at the beach or a ski resort, direct sunlight can bombard you from every direction with UV rays.

2. Cover Yourself: When out in the sun, keep your skin covered. Wear long-sleeves and long pants if possible. Wearing a hat with a 3 to 4 inch brim all around is preferable. This will guard your neck and cheeks from dangerous prolonged exposure. Also note that dry, dark-colored garments offer the best protection.

3. Use Sunscreen Properly: You should always use sunscreen when enduring prolonged exposure in the sun. Find a sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor of at least 15 and read the directions for proper application. The higher the SPF, the higher the protection you will receive against dangerous sunburns. However, sunscreen does not offer ?bulletproof? protection, and UV rays can penetrate water, so just because you feel ?cool? in the water doesn?t mean you?re protected from sunburn.

4. Use Sunglasses That Block UV Rays: Making certain your sunglasses can block UV rays helps to guard your eyes from serious sun damage. The best constructed sunglasses should have a UV ray absorption rate of 99% to 100%. Never assume that darker lenses equal increased protection. UV rays are blocked by a chemical applied to the lenses. This chemical has nothing to do with the color of transparency of sunglass lenses.

5. Stay Away From Tanning Beds: It is a myth to believe that tanning beds and sunlamps are free of harmful UV rays. These cosmetic instruments might make your skin more attractive in the short-term, but they can significantly increase your risk of developing skin cancer in the long-term. Health professionals advise their patients to avoid them.

By implementing these 5 steps in your daily routine, you can significantly decrease your risk of developing skin cancer, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle that allows for proper exposure to the sun. Another important step in prevention of skin cancer is routine examination by a doctor. If skin cancer is detected early, then your odds of survival are markedly increased.

About The Author
Britt Gillette educates others on the numerous benefits of Himalayan Goji Juice. You can find more articles such as this one on skin cancer prevention at The Goji Juice Resource.

Is Laser Surgery Recommended For Your Acne?

Acne laser surgery has gained in popularity, as many suffers are prepared to take drastic action to fight back against acne. Even though it can work wonders acne laser surgery should only be considered for use in extreme cases, when it is really necessary as a last resort. While it is often considered a beauty treatment, it is real, serious surgery and, as such, should not be used without careful consideration.

How does it work?

The procedure must only be administered by a trained doctor. A dermatologist may use acne laser surgery in the most severe acne cases to dig to the very core of a pimple and clear it completely. The laser device is designed so that it is weak enough not to cause any additional damage beyond the area being treated. Most experts consider this laser surgery very safe, but as with any surgery there is always at least a small opportunity for unexpected consequences.

Are there any problems with acne laser surgery?

Every responsible doctor will council that acne laser surgery is by no means a perfect and universal solution. There are several important factors that limit the surgery's usefulness.

1. The causes of acne

Laser surgery concentrates only on one aspect of the disease - its visible effects. While the surgery can surely get rid of acne's visible symptoms, it can not really heal. The laser surgery should be only a part of more complex acne treatment program that will consist of a change of diet, reducing stress levels and possibly even hormonal treatment. Otherwise the symptoms will sooner or later appear once again.

2. Doctors' only

Another possible problem is the surgeon's skill (or lack of it. Be sure you're going to get your acne laser surgery from a trained and experienced doctor. There have been reports of cosmetologists giving an acne light treatment without the proper training. Laser surgery is not the place to try and save money. You will get the best chance for success with an experienced dermatologists doing the work.

3. The cost

Acne laser surgery is in a mid-point between cosmetics and health care. Some health insurance policies may cover it, some may not. Most insurance companies pay for acne laser surgery only in most extreme cases. Whatever you might think about the severity of your acne, it is wise to make sure that you insurance company agrees with you. Otherwise you may find laser surgery costing more than you planned.

4. Preparations

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that you have to seriously prepare for the treatment. In some cases laser surgery is serious enough that you must spend a few days in a bed after the procedure. Can you afford to be away from work for those days? and will you employer agree to your absence?

If course you should consider laser surgery if your acne is severe and has not responded to other treatment. Just don't rush in to it without careful thought and preparation.

Mark Walters advises those suffering from acne and other skin conditions online at

Serious Cervical Cancer Stages and Treatments

Serious cases of cervical cancer can be successfully treated, although it is best to catch cervical cancer early. The best way to do this is with regular, routine and periodic paps tests. In the invasive stage more drastic measures need to be taken to stop the spread of cancer and even in this case if the cancer has not moved beyond the cervics there is nearly a 90% rate of survival. Forty years ago we couldn?t say that, so things have come along way. By getting paps tests abnormal cells are found early and removed or treated very easily.

There are many ways used to treat later stage cervical cancer. Hysterectomy surgery in the invasive stages is one of the more popular ways to treat cervical cancer and is used often inn younger women, because it preserve the ovaries. Hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix thus removing the cancer in the process. Hysterectomies in more serious cases include removing part of the vagina, cervix, uterus as well as any lumph nodes in the region.

Radical trachelectomy can be another method used to preserve fertility, this would remove the cervix and lower part of the uterus, but the rest of the uterus is left for bearing the fetus. Lymph nodes are also removed in the pelvis and there is further surveillance to see if cancer has spread. Chemotherapy anti cancer drugs can also be used to enter the patients bloodstream which can increase the effects of radiation to treat cervical cancer. Radiation treatment is also possible to shrink the tumors killing the cancer cells. This prevents the cancer cells from reproducing.

The less serious cases are treated with a simple hysterectomy or radical trachelectomy, which would first choice in invasive stages. Sometimes in later stages a combination of any of these will be used. If you have periodic paps tests you can prevent this level of treatment and even if you have to go through any of these levels of treatment you most likely will end up a cancer survivor like Lance Armstrong. So talk with your doctor, stay informed, do your own research and think on this.

Lance Winslow

Is Food To Blame For Your Spots?

Are you tired with spots? Can what you eat really afflict you with acne? Many of us have heard the stories of greasy foods or too much chocolate giving you spots. Do you really have to watch what you eat?

Actually, there are many acne diet myths out there and most of them stem back to an inaccurate medical study that was taken back in the 1960?s. This study put the blame on greasy foods and chocolates for afflicting teenagers with spots. However, more recent studies have dismissed the link between food and acne. Acne occurs when your pores clog up deep down which grows into a mild infection, not because of some food you?ve eaten.

However, there are some people who experience mild allergies to specific foods, and some trace minerals and additives in our foods might see the spots appear. However, if you have any reason to believe that a specific food is causing your spots, then try cutting that food from your diet for a few weeks. Then attempt to eat that food once more, if you break out in spots yet again, then you could well be allergic to it and just by cutting down that food, you have found yourself a useful acne treatment.

Also, foods which are strong in iodine will produce spots. You?ll find that seafood like shrimp is high in iodine, though you?d have to eat an awful lot of shrimp before you broke out in spots! You?ll also find that the growth hormone that?s in most milk (anything that isn?t organic) as been shown in a recent 2005 study to produce hormone production in individuals, and these hormone shifts are known to make some individuals see spots! Our hormones stimulate oil production, which aids in the clogging of our pores, which all leads to acne treatment!

If you are using diet to control your acne, then consider starting with a regular skin care treatment, then look to make some diet adjustments. When you are looking to clear up your skin, try sensible things such as a healthier diet and removing suspect foods from your diet. Just remember that there are quite a few scientists who don?t think there is a link between your diet and your skin?s appearance, but it might be a help to you.

For more information and resources on this subject, please visit

Adrenal Fatigue: How it Affects Your Life and How to Heal it

80 % of American society is afflicted with adrenal fatigue at some point in their life yet most are unaware of the problem. They simply know they don?t feel well or perhaps symptoms lead them to explore other disorders; we do know that often symptoms denote multiple possibilities and sometimes overlap disorders. Do these symptoms apply to you?

♠ Weight gain, especially in waist or stomach, and it stubbornly sticks to you
♠ Fatigue ~ lack of energy ~ lethargy
♠ Insomnia
♠ Brain fog ~ concentration difficulty
♠ Morning sluggishness ~ need for stimulants to get you moving
♠ Constipation
♠ Nervousness ~ anxiety
♠ Mild depression
♠ Dry skin and hair
♠ Arthritis
♠ Pain in upper back and neck
♠ Unexplained hair loss
♠ Cold hands and feet ~ or just plain cold
♠ Allergies ~ both inhalants and food
♠ Low body temperature
♠ Reduced sex drive

If you said ?yes? to several of these symptoms there is a strong possibly that you are experiencing adrenal fatigue. If you said ?yes? to half or more, your adrenals are fatigued.

What is adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is simply the allowance of stressors to influence and perhaps take control over your life. Stress is a big issue in most people?s lives and all too often the person has no idea how to deal with the stress. The result is adrenal fatigue as well as many other imbalances within the body, mind and spirit of the individual. Stress has many faces such as:

Anger ~ fear ~ guilt
Not enough sleep ~ chronic fatigue
Chronic illness
Chronic infection
Too much exercise
Improper diet
Gluten intolerance
Worry ~ anxiety ~ continually focusing on negative aspects and events
Exposure to large amount of toxins
Excess sugar
Digestive imbalances

What happens when your body becomes stressed?

Your adrenal glands are located directly above the kidneys which are found in the back of you right above your waist. In this tiny gland is the most abundant hormone in your body ? DHEA. Cortisol (often referred to as the hormone of death) is also found in your adrenal glands. The adrenals main purpose is to be a stress regulator. Here?s an example.

You are traveling down the road and someone pulls out in front of you. You slam on your brakes, maybe say a few choice words, and are grateful that you avoided an accident. In the meantime you had probably stopped breathing momentarily, at the very least you only took shallow quick breaths. Your heart probably began racing and felt like it would pop out of your chest and maybe even your head started throbbing. What you probably don?t know is that your cortisol also shot up to accommodate for the demand put on your adrenals. This is what we term flight and flight, and it is beneficial when something like this occurs. However, when our life becomes a continual fight and flight atmosphere, we can easily develop adrenal fatigue. The adrenals kicking in for a sudden trauma is meant to be temporary. From the stressors already mentioned, it is usually a combination of various stressors that create this syndrome for you.

As a result of continuous stress to your body, your cortisol remains elevated and thus the symptoms begin. It is very likely that at the same time your DHEA is declining, and if you are 40 or older, it is doing so naturally. We know that hormones do decline with age, but if we are stressed they will decline more rapidly. All of this not only tears down your health but ages you faster both internally and externally. And who wants to age faster!

As a result of experiencing adrenal fatigue, most individuals reach for stimulants to get and keep them going ? coffee, sodas, pills, alcohol, chocolate, nicotine, etc. They are masking their problem and it continues to grow worse without their awareness due to the cover-up.

Here?s the importance of cortisol.

It normalizes blood sugar ~ When a stressor occurs the cortisol increases the blood sugar level in your body, working with the pancreas to provide enough glucose to provide energy for your cells. Continuous increased blood sugar levels creates a blood sugar imbalance which can lead to multiple physical disorders such as diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory ~ Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. When trauma happens to our body the cortisol is released to reduce the swelling and repair the injury. Too much trauma produces too much cortisol. There are many disorders associated with inflammation such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis.

Immune system supporter ~ Cortisol influences most cells that participate in your immune system?s regulation. Chronic high levels of cortisol suppress the immune system allowing an individual to be more susceptible to illness, especially to viruses.

Stress balancer ~ Cortisol helps to balance your stress reactions, but if stress becomes chronic then it can no longer maintain the balance. The result can be weight gain that is difficult to reduce, high blood pressure, estrogen dominance that can lead to uterine fibroids and even breast cancer, and much more.

So you can see how easy it is to find yourself in the throws of adrenal fatigue and yet suspect other disorders. I personally believe, as do many health practitioners, that it is imperative to repair your adrenals no matter what illness or disorder you have because the adrenals will always be affected if there is imbalance anywhere in your body.

Steps to repair your adrenals

1.First of all understand this. Traditional medicine testing cannot detect adrenal fatigue unless it has become severe. That?s why so many physicians tell their patients ? and you may have been one of them ? to go home and relax or give them a prescription drug for anxiety to help. That?s simply a band-aid approach and resolves little if anything, and it definitely doesn?t cure the problem.

2.However, there is a saliva test that holistic practitioners and doctors are using that has excellent results in measuring your cortisol and DHEA levels. It is called the ASI, or Adrenal Stress Index. Although nothing is ever 100% accurate, this has very high accuracy. The reason is that your saliva is part of your tissues and can relate to the lab technicians what is being absorbed within your body as well as the level of your hormones.

3.Realize that all physical disorders have emotional cores. You may be able to ?fix? your adrenal problem temporarily by making some lifestyle changes, but if you don?t release the negative emotion that underlies your stress it will simply come back again, perhaps in another form. We are multidimensional beings and it requires a balance in all four areas to be healthy. One tire on your car can cause quite an imbalance if it loses enough air. So it is with your body and health.

4.Remove your stressors. You might be laughing right now as you?re thinking I don?t know what your life is like and what you?re going through. You might be surprised just how much I do understand. And yes, you can successfully become stress free. You see, I?m a recoveree of adrenal fatigue and had been experiencing it for decades but didn?t know it. I gave birth to and raised five children, worked all through those years, was driven to succeed in my work, began having big health challenges, divorced, experienced major financial struggles for several years, found myself in a potentially destructive business arrangement from which I finally detached, and so on. We all have our stories but you don?t have to stay in them. I left my old story and created a life free from stress and its affects on me. You can do it too! The key is in how you respond to the stressors. If you want to know more about how to live stress-free, click on my website on the home page, and order my free eBook entitled Stress Free Living. There are many other products and services listed on my website that may help you as well.

5.Get enough sleep! This can be a real problem for many people. So many come into our health store begging for something so they can sleep. Insomnia often accompanies adrenal fatigue yet it is most necessary for repair. 7-8 hours or more are necessary for healing and the adrenals repair most from 11pm ? 1am. (some say the repair begins at 10 pm) So that means that you night owls might need to make some changes. I had to do this as well. Melatonin, 5HTP, herbs, magnesium, warm baths, reading before retiring, working with a coach to learn new ways to respond to your stress, listening to soft music, are all possible was to help you sleep. It is also essential to clean your liver and digest your food well to sleep well. Guides for this are mentioned below.

6.Change your diet. Follow these guidelines to allow for adrenal repair:

♦ Eliminate sugar, caffeine, and alcohol ? these fight against adrenal repair
♦ Consider adding salt to you diet ? but only Himalayan or Celtic types
♦ Consume many organic vegetables, at least 6 every day
♦ Consider juicing veggies several times a week for cleansing your body
♦ Drink 1 mug of warm water on empty stomach every morning with ? organic lemon squeezed in it ? cleanses the liver easily and naturally
♦ Exercise, but only moderately at first. Rule of thumb is to stop if tired.
♦ Eat regularly, at least three meals per day ? may benefit from 5-6 small ones
♦ Eat plenty of good protein as amino acids found in protein help restore adrenals
♦ Progesterone cream ? promotes healthy adrenals and thyroid glands, helps to

balance estrogen overload ♦ Supplementation ? this is an individualized process ? there is no one protocol that works for everyone and what works for one can be toxic to another. Below are some suggestions but please do your own research and seek the help of qualified practitioners for your repair process.

Note: When your adrenals are fatigued the immediate craving is for sugar, yet ironically it is the worst thing you could consume as it furthers the adrenal fatigue. Individuals who crave sugar or carbohydrates often find that adrenal fatigue is a root cause of their cravings.

Adrenals will be better served with organic vegetables, the darker and brighter the better, plenty of good quality protein to ensure enough amino acids, plenty of water and the inclusion of beneficial oils like refined, organic extra virgin coconut oil. This kind of coconut oil can actually cause weight loss and provide the good fats necessary for the conversion of ALL hormones in your body.

Supplementation that can support adrenal repair:

♦ Vitamin C and bioflavonoids ? 1000 mg to 5000

mg daily, divided doses

♦ B-5, pantothenic acid, or panethine gelcaps ? 1000 ? 1500 mg daily, divided

♦ Vitamin E, mixed tocopherols ? 400 iu?s

daily, one gelcap

♦ Magnesium ? citrate good form, 500 mg or

more daily, powdered form good

♦ Natural progesterone cream ? men can also


Also may be beneficial:

♦ B complex, 50 ? 100 mg 2 x?s daily

♦ Multi-vitamin/mineral ? once daily

♦ Antioxidants

♦ DHEA ? be careful with this, especially

women, as only a little is needed to help

♦ Natural hydrocortisone ? caution here as

well ? prescription only

Additional suggestions:

Since most individuals with adrenal fatigue have compromised digestion, it is vital that they can digest food and supplement intake properly and have a good intestinal flora balance. You might want to include the following in your daily diet to assist in adrenal restoration:

♦ Probiotics - 2 ? 3 times per day
♦ Digestive enzymes ? with every meal
♦ Eating raw fermented vegetables - daily

Note: Often less is best, at least to begin. If your body is not functioning optimally, it may be necessary to introduce supplements and changes slowly so as not to ?shock? the body or overload it. Of course, in the case of serious disease, it is often beneficial to saturate the body quickly to detoxify and ensure healing. Baby steps do best and know that adrenal restoration takes time, from 3 months to as much as two years, according to the severity of your adrenal fatigue.

Here are some websites that provide lots of good information on adrenal fatigue and a healthy lifestyle?

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., has been on a path for many years to learn and share the basic principles of health in all dimensions. She is an Author of multiple books and audios, Speaker, Spiritual Wholeness Coach, Trainer, Energy Facilitator and Co-owner of a health store. I invite you to visit her website for more information at

Embracing Authenticity

Our authenticity is found hidden in the small details of our daily round - home, family, work and pleasures.

- Something more ?Small thing forgotten?

Susan Jeffers mentions in her book ?Dare to Connect? something called ?Everybody training? instead of ?somebody training?. The majority of people are programmed from a young age that we must be a ?somebody? we seek out to be accepted by others including acceptance from friends, family, the church, groups, the society, the nation and the world. We climb to the top of the ?work ladder? go away on holidays and spend our money on luxuries goods. Most of us jump on the treadmill of more, better, best without actually ever realizing who we are. We put our mask on, and ?act? as people want us to act. Eventually our authentic self becomes hidden and our ego self is absorbed and acted out daily, this is ?somebody training?.

We have to realize that a lot of people are walking around acting out what people want them to be. (I know from experience that most people would rather connect with a genuine less than saintly human, not a fake robotic person. They would rather them be themselves and have aninteraction that has the human touch of less than perfect. Accepting each other as they are; flaws and all.)

Under the surface of the ?mask? that many of us are wearing we are being held back by loneliness, isolation, and lack of self-esteem. We need to realize what mask we are wearing, once we can identify our mask we can learn to change our behaviours when we simultaneously try to impress others hoping for acceptance we neglect our authenticity of who we are as humans and as unique individual beings. Psychiatrist W.W Broadbent identifies a few mask that people wear.

? Man?s man style (I am absolutely fearless.)
? Saint style (Aren?t I sweet, smiling, loving and accepting?)
? Windy style (Aren?t I wonderfully articulate?)
? Chameleon style ( Ill be anything you want me to be)
? Moralizer style (I am virtuous and righteous and I always do what I should do?and so should you!)
? Frightened-fawn-in-the-forest style (I am weak and need you to take care of me)
? Martyr style (Oh, what I have done for you and get nothing in return.)
? Super-self-sufficient style (I don?t you, I don?t need anyone.)
? Playing authentic style (Look how honest and forthright and authentic I am.)
? Toilet-bowl syndrome (Poor, poor me. The whole world is shitting on me.)
? Red Cross nurse style (Can?t you see how giving and nurturing I am?)
? Guru style (Look how wise I am)
? One-upman style (See how cleverly I can put anyone down)
? Fan style (Whatever you do, it is great!)
? Nice-guy style (How could you help but like such a charming, sweet guy as I am?)
? Dig me style (Don?t I entertain and amuse you?)


Can you identify your personal mask you use to cover up your authentic self around people?

Can you list five people that you believe wear any of the above mask.

Person Mask


How does it make you feel when others cover up who they really are?

Why do you think they cover up their authentic self?

Can you recall a time when you covered up who you really were in order to be a ?somebody?? How did this make you feel?

Can you recall a time where you felt like you were a ?everybody?? How did this make you feel?

LIFE WORKS ASSIGNMENT:Observe this week who you are most prone to cover up your authentic self around? And why you cover up your authentic self around this person?

1. Is this necessary?
2. How did this make you feel?
3. How can you be more of your authentic self around this person?

Sarah Liddle Life & Business Coach + 6421 160 0016

3 Easy Ways to Treat Body Acne!

Are you suffering from Body acne? or Zits below the neckline? Don?t worry. You are not alone! Lot?s of teen get body acne. It is common in the winter months, when you are wearing piles of heavy clothing.

Sweat can clog skin pores and lead to breakouts all over. Other things that can cause body acne are tight fitting clothing ( It traps sweat against the skin, leading to clogged pores and blemishes) stress and hormones. Body acne commonly pops up on the chest and back.

? To zap body acne and prevent it from coming back, you can wash your body daily with a salicylic acid based cleanser. Look for this ingredient on product labels.

? Shower daily and be sure to shower as soon as possible anytime you have been sweating ? such as after playing sports, working outside or just being in the sun. After your shower, you can follow up by a body moisturizer that contains Alfa Hydroxy acid. This will exfoliate skin and help prevent breakouts, without drying skin out.

? At Nighttime you can treat body acne just like facial acne, by applying an acne zapping gel or cream at the effected parts.

? If your body acne is particularly bad and wont respond to this treatment after about a month, you will probably need to see a dermatologist.

Venkata Ramana is a Health Enthusiast. Visit his Acne and Depression websites and gain maximum Information to stay fit and healthy.

Adult Acne Solutions

Acne is a common skin infection that affects mostly teenagers. However, not only teens suffer from acne, Adults too are also affected by this problem. A complete understanding of acne continues to baffle experts. What really precipitates acne? Why does it disappear without apparent reason in some adults and persist in others? What we do know is that a hormonal imbalance triggers a sequence of physiological changes in the skin leading to the onset of acne. These events include an excessive production of oil, clogging of hair follicles and bacterial infection.

Acne can cause severe damage to the skin and to a person?s psyche. Acne scars often disfigure the face, causing embarrassment and loss of self-esteem. An early cure is therefore essential. About 5% of adults suffer from acne. This figure does not include women who suffer from transient attacks of acne during menstrual cycles and in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Although the acne eventually disappears in such cases, it could cause scarring if treatment is delayed or ignored. Adults with acne need a two-fold remedial approach - eradication of acne and surgical procedure to remove acne scars. The following tips could help control adult acne and prevent permanent skin damage.

Early Action: Begin medications as soon as a fresh outbreak of acne occurs. This will help control its spread.

Keep skin clean and moist: Wash face regularly with warm water, and a mild soap. Cleansing solutions containing antibacterial agents like Chloroxylenol are useful in eliminating skin bacteria.

Avoid squeezing pimples: Squeezing spreads the infection and should be avoided. Handle affected areas gently and use soft and clean tissues to dry affected areas after washing.

Use skin lotions containing combinations of salicylic acid and lactic acids: These agents are effective in de-clogging hair follicles and stimulate growth of new skin. Lotions containing combinations of lactic acid with lanolin or similar compounds are also useful in keeping the skin healthy and moist.

Drugs like OrthoTrycyclen have proved useful in controlling acne in pre-menstrual women. If lesions containing pus persist after using topical antibiotics, consult your physician about oral antibiotics.

Nowadays several surgical procedures such as dermal fillers, punch excision, punch excision with skin graft replacement, punch elevation, subcutaneous incision and laser resurfacing are used in removing effects of acne scars. The important thing is to control acne before it controls the way you feel about yourself.

Acne Solutions provides detailed information about acne solutions, natural acne solutions, acne scar solutions, best acne solutions and more. Acne Solutions is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.

Proactiv Solution Has Acne Finally Met Its Match?

Teenagers look at it as that unavoidable passage into adulthood, but the most commonly used name for it is acne. Yes, those little bumps that send most teenagers into an unconcious fright, but what is acne, and why do we despise it? All acne starts with one basic lesion, called the comedo. The comedo is a hair follicle that is enlarged and plugged with dead skin cells, oil and bacteria. The comedo is invisible to the naked eye; it lies beneath the skin surface, waiting for the right conditions to form, before it turns into an inflamed lesion. Though all acne may start out the same, it can take many forms and may react differently in different people.

Though acne appears to be just acne, there's actually more than one type. They basically fall into two groups; inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne. Types of inflammatory acne are papule, which if viewed up close looks like a firm pink bump, pustule, which may appear red at the base, with a yellowish or white center, nodule or cyst, which are large and very painful. Nodules are the most severe form of acne lesion, and may continue for weeks or months. Both nodules and cysts have been known to leave scars. Types of non-inflammatory acne are whitehead, which is when the plugged follicle stays below the surface of the skin and blackhead, which is when the plugged follicle enlarges and pushes through the skin.

Why do people get acne? Was it something you ate? Was it how you washed your face? The answer to those questions is a resounding and confusing no! There are things going on beneath your skin that you're not aware of, until after they surface. One thing research did discover is that genetics may play a role in how long your acne persists.

Okay, acne is the disease, so what's the cure? Well, I hate to break the bad news, but at this point in time, there's still no cure, so prevention is the key. If prevention is what you're looking for, then Proactiv Solution maybe your best remedy. Proactiv was created by two dermatologists, who wanted to find a better way to treat acne patients. After years of experimenting, they finally produced a treatment that they thought would work. In 1995 the public got its chance to try out Proactiv Solution, and the rest they say, is history. Proactiv is all over the airways, with stars upon stars, singing the praises of this acne treatment.

So what makes Proactiv so great? First and foremost, it's a treatment. The creators set out to produce a treatment to attack acne before it became visible. And how does Proactiv accomplish this task? Proactiv uses a combination of ingredients that work together to heal and prevent acne. These ingredients help to unplug pores, exfoliate skin, attack acne-causing bacteria and soothe inflammation. Proactiv uses a three step system. First there is the renewing cleanser, this process exfoliates the pores and allows benzoyl peroxide to penetrate. Next is the revitalizing toner, this helps to unclog your pores and remove dead skin cells. Last in the process is the repairing lotion, this helps deliver benzoyl peroxide deep into your pores, so it can attack acne causing bacteria at the source.

Whether Proactiv goes down in history as the best acne fighter remains to be seen, but right now, there are millions of faces that won't leave home without it!

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Acne Products

Acne and Its Treatment

Acne is a menace. However, it?s not something that cannot be tackled. There are loads of acne skin care products around. We can classify acne skin care products into 3 broad categories ?

1. Preventive or general acne skin care products
2. Over-the-counter, specialised acne skin care products
3. On-prescription acne skin care products.

The general acne skin care products are the ones that are used as acne-prevention measure. These include cleansers, make-up removers and similar products that help prevent acne. In the real sense, these acne skin care products are just those that should anyway be part of your daily routine. However, some of these are more oriented to act like an acne skin care product. These acne skin care products act against the causes of acne e.g. limiting the production of sebum/oil and preventing clogging of skin pores. Basically, these acne skin care products prevent the oil from getting trapped in pores and hence hamper the growth of bacteria that lead to acne. The general acne skin care products also include exfoliation products like skin peels. These work towards removing dead skin cells, hence reducing the possibility of pore-clogging and bacteria development.

Then there are specialised acne skin care products that are available over-the-counter i.e. without the need of a prescription. These include products like vanishing creams which extract the extra oil from the skin. Most of these acne skin care products are based on benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, both of which are the enemies of bacteria (and hence acne). You should start with a product that has lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (e.g. 5%) and see how your skin responds to it. Alpha-hydroxy-acid based moisturizers are also popular as acne skin care products. You might have to try a few, before you zero-in on the acne skin care product that is effective for you. If nothing seems to work, you should contact a dermatologist.

On-prescription acne skin care products are the ones that are prescribed by a dermatologist. This can include ointments that can be applied on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical treatment. Dermatologist could also suggest a minor surgical procedure to remove the contents of pustules. However, never try to squeeze or do this by yourself, it can lead to permanent damage of your skin. Your doctor could also prescribe a hormone-based treatment (since hormonal changes are also known to cause acne). Such acne skin care products are known to be very effective in some cases.

So, with all those acne skin care products, tackling acne is not that difficult.

Learn how to cure acne, pimples naturally - with many home remedies.

For Find lots of makeup and beauty tips. Also learn how to cure your acne and dont forget to visit our beauty forums at - they are fun.

Acupuncture for Infertility Will It Work for You?

Acupuncture for infertility promises miraculous cure even where modern scientific methods fail to work. Being a Chinese remedy, Acupuncture might conjure a feeling of dark rooms, hushed voices and incessant pains for pricking of needles. But it is not the case when you go to treat your infertility syndrome with acupuncture. It, on the other hand, promises complete relaxation and instant cure from infertility.

Acupuncture is based on Chinese methods. The Chinese people believed that to remain healthy, energy should flow in a balanced way throughout your body. Whenever there is a blockage in the flow of that energy, inflammations will occur leading to severe pains and several types of diseases. Since energy flows the meridian points, so acupuncture inserts needles in different parts of the body to make energy flow smoothly. Placing needles on certain points unblocks the energy points. This reduces the particular type of disease.

What acupuncture treatment will suit you?

A close research on acupuncture and infertility shows that treatment depends from person to person. However, you should visit the doctor, state your problem and know what acupuncture fertility treatment is right for you. Suggest every detail of your physical condition to the doctor and then go for particular acupuncture remedy. Whether you are suffering from low sperm count, bad quality egg, miscarriage problems, troubling ovulation or blocked Fallopian tubes, acupuncture has a remedy for all.

Acupuncture is best for those people who have already undergone various treatments without any effective results. It is also appropriate for those who do not want to undergo any costly fertility treatments. It is a safe, easy, reliable and painless method that provides fast relief from infertility. Acupuncture for infertility includes pricking of needles in the earlobes, eyebrows, eyelids, ears and fingertips. After the needles are pricked, the patient has to relax for 30 to 45 minutes. Acupuncture guarantees complete cure from infertility by just 3-4 regular sessions.

Other Chinese herbal treatments

Acupuncture for infertility can include auricular, electrified or manual treatments. Electrified means using of electric needles to cure pains and obstacles. Auricular treatment involving pricking of needles in the ears and earlobes is an alternative therapy for female infertility due to hormone disorders. Another method used during acupuncture treatments for infertility includes usage of Chinese herbal medicines. Hachimijiogan is a Chinese herb that subsequently reduces serum prolactin level and results in normal ovulatory cycle and pregnancy. However, using rhubarb, endometriotic pill No 1 and Hochuekkito also reduces pelvic pain and intercourse pain, removes blood stasis, disintegrates mass and leads to purgation of serums.

Acupuncture works for infertility by increasing the production of endorphins or brain chemicals that help to reduce stress. It also improves blood supply to the ovaries, and the uterus. This makes it easier for the uterus to nourish a fetus and reduce the risk of miscarriage effectively. Atlanta acupuncture for infertility pregnancy suggests that the sessions stimulates the central nervous systems causing neurotransmitters and neurophormones to be released, thus reducing infertility effectively.

We have made a research on the subject of acupuncture. Find it only on the atlanta acupuncture for infertility pregnancy and much more. All about acupuncture on LeanderNet -

Is Colonic Hydrotherapy Safe? Are Colonics Even Natural?

Colonics, colonic hydrotherapy and colonic irrigation all refer to one of the fastest growing practices in natural medicine--irrigation of the bowel. During a colonics cleanse a flexible hose is inserted into the rectum and warm liquid is forced, under gentle pressure, into the large intestine. After a period of several minutes the bowel is allowed to evacuate.

The idea behind colonics goes back millennia. The ancient Egyptians wrote extensively of their belief that the colon was the key to all diseases and this theme has been repeated throughout history. Modern-day chiropractors, naturopaths and other natural practitioners all believe (albeit to varying degrees) in the link between colon health and overall vitality.

What It's Supposed to Do For You

Practitioners of this therapy believe that the health of the colon is directly related to the health of the entire body. Proponents of colonic irrigation claim that the procedure will rid the body of excess fecal matter and remove toxins, resulting in an overall healthier system. Many practitioners stop short of making further health claims but some have gone so far as to suggest the therapy for everything from the common cold to mental illness. Colonic hydrotherapy is often recommended for:

  • Various gastrointestinal disorders
  • Migraine
  • Auto-immune disorders including arthritis, allergy and asthma
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Parasites

But Is It Safe?

Though there's no way to know for sure how many colonic procedures are performed in the US, injuries are apparently rare. Potential side effects include:

  • Infection from contaminated equipment
  • Disturbance of the electrolyte balance
  • Perforation of the bowel
  • Heart failure (caused by excessive fluid absorption)

What The Critics Say

One of the most common criticisms of colonic hydrotherapy is its use by unqualified practitioners. A 2004 study in the UK found that only one third of the registered practitioners interviewed had any previous clinical background and over 80% worked completely alone with no trained medical assistant present during the procedure. And things aren't any better here in the US. In 2003 the Texas Attorney General sued 6 practitioners (none of whom were medically trained or working with a physician) after 1 death and several serious injuries resulted from perforated colons.

Is Colonic Hydrotherapy Natural?

In my opinion, there's nothing natural about filling your colon with liquid and I can't imagine a situation in which I'd recommend it. Your body is simply not designed to work that way and the idea that we're all walking around with pounds of putrefied fecal matter in our colons is ludicrous. At best colonic hydrotherapy is a highly invasive therapy; in the hands of someone who doesn't know what he's doing, it's potentially deadly.

Lisa Barger is a traditional naturopath specializing in natural health education. To learn more about Ms. Barger's belief in Empowerment through Education or to take a free online natural health class see her website,

Do You Want To Live?

I often start my naturopathic or medical intuitive exam out this way to insure the body is in alignment with the brain. I have the client hold their arm out. As I test the resistance in their muscles, I have them repeat after me, ?I want to live.? If the arm drops, the body is not in alignment with the brain. This is called being psychologically reversed. Most times there is a way to fix that with an easy exercise. Here it is:

Lightly tap on the backside of each hand, between the ring and little fingers and centered between the knuckle and wrist. Got your bearings? Now repeat this phrase out loud three times as you tap the points on both hands:

?I totally and completely accept myself, with all of my problems and all of my shortcomings.?

That?s it. Now check your work. Have the person whose arm has dropped hold their arm up again and say, ?I want to live.? The arm should stay up and the muscles should be able to resist the pull on the wrist downward.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times a day for about a month.

Oh, just one tip. Men resist this exercise and often feel anger and resistance in doing it. When queried, ?Did you do the exercise?? many of them will not have completed the process at home. Women often can?t get through the sentence the six times it takes to do the exercise. They start to cry (and they act so surprised that tears are coming out.) Offer a tissue and do it anyway. It?s often a major step in the healing process.

So, what if the body never comes into alignment with the brain? Bad deal. You will need to make some choices. One of my cancer patients, Virginia, was like that. No matter what I offered she found an excuse to not comply. She couldn?t eat raw foods, prepare meals, take supplements on a regular basis, take a daily bath, or change her attitude. She forgot to make appointments with the massage therapist. She did not drink her water. About the only thing she continued were homeopathics and her Rife machine treatments?and coming to see me because I listened. The lumps started coming back in force. Some days, not one positive thing would come out of her mouth. Her husband was with her all the way, although she found much fault with him. It must have been difficult, at best.

Life is part of a cycle. There is a time to live and fight and a time to release and die. It was time for Virginia. She had completed her lessons and had been present for the soul lessons she signed up to help others complete in this life.

One day I just said, ?It?s time to change my focus on your case.? ?Are you giving up on me?? She asked tearfully. ?Heavens, no! I?m just changing my focus. It?s time for me to support you in the process of dying.?

And that?s what I did. As transitions go, it was nearly perfect. We discussed the dying process, what she would experience and what she should focus on. We discussed pain killers, and when to take them. We discussed the side effects of drugs, and I worked with her in determining when she should let the medical system take over (which she had resisted most of her life even to the point of refusing a mastectomy?one breast had just rotted off.) We talked about God, religion and the philosophy of life. She was able to take short day trips with her husband and be out-of-doors. She stopped denying herself the foods she loved and ate what she wanted to. She spent the last days with her family?mending emotional fences and making peace with her father. Hospice provided her with the perfect volunteer, who had the same religious beliefs as she had.

The most amazing thing was that after living with cancer for almost 10 years, she died pain-free. I occasionally feel her energy around me. She?s kicking up her feet and very busy on the other side, doing all the things she was not able to do on this side for so many years.

Until we meet again Virginia. It was an honor to be of service.

? 2005 by Dr. Denice M. Moffat

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Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1995. She has a content-rich website at and free monthly newsletter. Inspiration to support this challenge is included in our Inspiration section at:

Leukemia 101: What You Need to Know About

Cancer in any form is a deadly disease. But when it affects the most vital components of the body then their fatality increases manifold. One such type of cancer is cancer of the blood, technically known as leukemia. Blood is the most important tissue of the body. It is the connective tissue which carries and supplies oxygen and other vital elements to the remotest parts of the body. The importance of blood can be understood by the fact that it is the most important of all the connective tissues which provide the nutrients and other vital elements to the body.

The most dangerous feature of leukemia is that it is related to the blood which has access to almost all body organs including the all important brain and heart. The incidence of cancerous cells being carried to the different parts of the body increases drastically due to this fact. Another striking aspect of the blood cancer is that it affects the leukocytes or the ?white blood corpuscles? of the blood. These are the ones that protect the body from external infections. Thus the immunity of the body is seen to decrease drastically due to leukemia. The main effect of the disease is that the body starts producing infected and abnormal cells that hinder the function of blood i.e. carrying of oxygen.

A patient suffering from leukemia is seen to loose weight due to anemia. This happens because the cancerous cells are unable to carry the hemoglobin properly which is the chief source of iron to the body. And due to that the body looses all vitality. The situation of the patient becomes vulnerable because the brain also starts to dysfunction due to infected blood. Headache, night sweats etc. can be commonly seen to occur as an attachment to this deadly disease.

The people living in areas prone to radioactive waste disposal and activity are most common targets of leukemia. Overexposure to radioactivity causes the cells to mutate and function abnormally. The children who are diagnosed with Down syndrome have a high probability to develop leukemia. Over exposure to Benzene, the industrially important hydrocarbon is also a known cause of blood cancer. The abnormal cells are easily detected under the microscope. Thus the doctor suspicious of such a disease advises the patient for a bone marrow examination. The onset can be detected by the swollen lymph nodes of the body which are commonly found in armpits, around the neck and at the thigh.

Chemotherapy is the most effective but a very painful way of killing the cancerous cells. The patient is subjected to drugs orally. The patient undergoes tremendous pressure as he is injected with lot many chemicals at a time. Another treatment is through the radiation. It is also very treacherous way of getting treated. The patients are seen to loose hair and texture of skin.

Leukemia though very dangerous is still curable and the research in the field is also being done on an extensive basis. Proper treatment at the right time can prevent the reflux of this disease. Methods like bone marrow transplant, which may be required at a later stage, are also effective in treating the patient. Above all to over come with the disease a person needs to be loved and supported by all. Leukemia is fatal disease but life is mightier then it.

Mansi aggarwal writes about leukemia. Learn more at

Hypnosis: Five Things You Might Not Have Realised Hypnosis Can Do For You

When hypnosis is mentioned the first thought is usually about entertainment and people looking foolish on stage. The second thought is usually about smoking, and if there were any enthusiasm left for a third thought that would probably be about weight loss. These are the areas that hypnosis is associated with in the minds of most people.

And this is a real shame because hypnosis is a powerful tool for positive personal growth. It is a powerful tool that can make life much, much easier. Whenever people come to see me for help it is invariably because they've tried everything else and everything else (usually the world of medicine) has failed them. After treatment they frequently express the wish that they'd come to see me first.

The real problem is that since hypnosis is known primarily through its use for entertainment ? it's value is not appreciated in all the other areas where it can bring about great benefits.

So what exactly can hypnosis do for you?

It can change your life, and:

1. Help you achieve success
2. Take you into a past-life
3. Heal disease
4. Reduce pain
5. Improve sporting performance

1. Achieve Success

Success is the thing most of us want. You can only want it if you don't believe you have it. But success isn't a thing, it's a feeling and hypnosis can help you feel successful. Now what use is that to me? You may be asking yourself. I've got bills to pay, I'd like a new car, or to visit family on the other side of the world. I want to run my own company, be the best at what I do?

These are tangibles. And, surprisingly hypnosis can help you to achieve these things too. It works on the basis of the idea that if you are not moving in the direction of what you want, then that is because there are subconscious blocks. In other words there is subconscious resistance that sabotages your attempts to achieve your goals in life. Because hypnosis works, primarily, by re-programming the subconscious, it can be utilised to bring the subconscious into alignment with the conscious and free you to move easily towards the achievements you desire.

2. Past-Life Regression

Belief in reincarnation is not necessary in order to experience a past-life under hypnotic regression. Hypnosis is a wonderful way to re-experience past-life memories comfortably. If you've heard just three too many people who were all Cleopatra, or other equally famous historical characters, then like me, you'd probably be more than a little sceptical. But, under hypnotic regression, most people experience mundane ordinary past lives ? like, farmers or soldiers, or merchants, or servants? My first past-life experience was as a Spanish Inquisitor, my second as a Roman soldier being killed in battle, my third as a tribal chieftain in ancient Britain, and the fourth one as a poor French farmer. So why would anyone want to go back to experience a life that, in essence, isn't romantic or exciting or special? What value is it? No matter how 'mundane' the life experienced - that life is special.

To re-experience memories of a time in history that you know nothing, or very little, about, is of itself a source of fascination when those memories are experienced by you. The experience makes it real for you. It can't fail to enhance your current life when you know, without doubt now, that your consciousness continues on after your body ceases to function. It means there is no Hell ? other than the one you make for yourself on planet Earth. If you engage in a series of regressions you will notice patterns in your behaviours and those of the people who are in those other lives with you. Becoming aware of these patterns can help you to free yourself from problems in this current life.

3. Heal disease.

Wow! There's a claim. Even doctors would have difficulty demonstrating they could do that. If hypnosis can heal disease why isn't everybody using it all the time? Hypnosis isn't what does the healing. The person with the disease does the healing themselves. What hypnosis does is make that process easier and more accessible. It isn't guaranteed, but then neither is any medical treatment. Oncologist O. Carl Simonton was one of the pioneers of the use of hypnosis to visualise a powerful immune system destroying weak cancer cells. This technique can be used with any disease process.

4. Reduce pain.

Minds are powerful things, but most of the power is lost because the mind isn't focused. There are several hypnotic techniques that can be used to reduce pain by training the mind to respond differently to the signals it interprets as pain. This can result in a reduction in the pain, or its removal. If you want to go further you can use hypnosis to explore the psychological reasons for the presence of the pain. This has the potential to bring about a release that results in healing.

5. Improve Sporting performance.

Whatever sporting activity you enjoy, professionally, or for fun ? hypnosis can help you to improve your game - as long as you have the physical ability and fitness to perform at the level you desire. (If you haven't hypnosis can be used to motivate you to achieve that). Hypnosis can be used to focus the mind, to visualise success, to avoid distractions, and to instil the muscle-memory that allows you to act faster than thought.

So you see, hypnosis is a valuable tool that allows you to become who you really are, freed from the burdens that hold you back and prevent you from living your life to the full.

Michael J. Hadfield MBSCH is a registered clinical hypnotherapist. You can experience his unique style on a popular range of hypnosis CD's and tapes at Here you can also obtain treatment for a variety of problems and explore his approach to health, healing, and hypnosis.

Microdermabrasion Acne Treatments Harsh or Helpful?

Many people think of microdermabrasion acne treatments as those supplied in salons by professional skincare specialists, but there are actually a multitude of microdermabrasion acne treatments available on your drugstore shelves. Many of the well-known and highly effective acne control products available today include beads or crystals that offer a microdermabrasion effect.

But many acne sufferers have been warned off using harsh products on their skin, as these can simply exacerbate the condition rather than helping to control it. Microdermabrasion acne treatments work by scraping away impurities and dead skin cells ? surely this is not a treatment suitable for daily use? Won?t this aggravate my skin, leaving it raw and sore?

Older products might in fact have had this effect upon the skin ? usually exfoliants were recommended as a once or twice a week treatment. But advances in skincare have produced a wide variety of microdermabrasion acne treatments that combine an exfoliating effect with mild and soothing cleansers, which in combination can clear the skin of debris without aggravating sensitive skin.

In fact, using a mild exfoliant, such as those used in microdermabrasion acne treatments, is one of the most effective weapons in acne control. The daily use of these microdermabrasion acne treatments clears the skin of impurities, leaving it refreshed and revitalised, allowing blemishes to heal and preventing new ones from forming. The beads or crystal are complimented by other ingredients, such as salicylic acid, which are established tools in acne control. The combination of two powerful cleansing substances doubles your power in the fight against acne.

While this type of dermabrasion acne treatment might not be suitable for those with extremely sensitive skin, these products contain soothing ingredients that make them suitable for daily use in acne control. Home dermabrasion treatments are usually offered with toners and other products, and it is important to use all of these in combination, as the ingredients in each balance the effects of the other.

These skincare packages offer a complete routine for your skin that can make a real difference to your acne. Try a microdermabrasion acne treatment, and see what its gentle power can do for you.

Microdermabrasion acne treatments may be simpler than you thought.

Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne and Adult Acne, Acne Skin Care Products, the Best Acne Treatments and more at Peter?s website, Acne All Gone.

A Biblical Perspective On Staying Young

In Genesis 1:29 the Bible tells how God made provisions for man's food. ?And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. In the Garden of Eden God gave permission to eat of every tree in the garden except of course for the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17). During this time man lived to be hundreds of years old. Adam was 930 years old at the time of his death (Genesis 5:5). So in these times man was sustained by herbs and fruits. Sadly due to the wickedness of mankind God promised His spirit would not always strive with man and his days would be numbered a hundred and twenty years (Genesis 6:3).

According to the National Vital Statistics Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2003 the average life expectancy for Americans was 77.6 years. And this is actually a record high. We should ask ourselves what has changed from the time of Genesis 6:3 to today? God promised each of us 120 years yet sadly so many people have deteriorating health even at the earliest of ages. And for many of those who do reach the average life expectancy, or beyond, they face deteriorating health conditions along with physical ailments while their faces and bodies show the passage of time.

I don't believe our Heavenly Father intended for man to live his time on this earth in diseased, aged bodies. God is our Creator and He knows everything we need in order to sustain what He created. He made those things in which we need in order to live in abundant health and vitality.

We hear more and more today of the importance of eating healthy foods, drinking water and getting exercise. These are all Biblical principles. God gave specific instructions in the Book of Exodus to His chosen people, the Israelites, in what was good to eat and what was unacceptable. Following these instructions, the Israelites were spared from disease and pestilence. In Exodus 15:26 God said, ?If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.?

Unfortunately man has to contend with more than the consequences of not following the will of God. He also has to contend with man himself. We live in a fast-paced society today where growing your own garden of fresh produce and making everything ?from scratch? isn't the norm. With our busy schedules we usually opt for convenience rather than quality. Eating foods that have been processed in order to have a longer shelf life or foods that have been genetically modified (GM) have contributed to a decline in our overall health. God intended for man to have fresh clean water for drinking, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean and clean meats (Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14: 3-21). God also provided herbs to be used as medicine. I believe that over time toxins from processed foods and foods that contain antibiotics and hormones along with environmental toxins and toxins from stress age our bodies in a way God never intended. I believe God is a loving God. He created us in The Beginning in order to have fellowship with us. He had the very best intentions for us and still does. Man walks away from God every time he commits a sin and doesn't repent of it. I believe that God allotted each and every one of us 120 years upon this earth in which to have a positive impact and to make a difference. God has given each one of us special gifts and plenty of time on earth to use those gifts to bring glory to Him and His kingdom. I think God is also trying to reach those who love Him and bring knowledge of how to live a more healthy life. A life that is not filled with disease and aches and pains. I don't believe our bodies were meant to wither and fade over the years.

I believe God in His infinite grace and mercy is sharing knowledge and wisdom today with those who love Him. Too long have we been in the dark about the foods we put into our bodies and the drugs we willingly take or give to our families without questioning the numerous side effects that could occur.

God always provides a way for His people. We just have to trust in His will.

What are the things I think God would like for us to do to live a more healthy, vital life?

  • First and foremost I think we should put God first in everything we do and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior over our lives. This is what our purpose in life was always intended to be.
  • God gives His children a powerful tool by sharing His wisdom with us through His Word in the Bible. You can find the answer to all life's questions in His Word.
  • Pray. Spend time in fellowship with God. Give thanks to Him each day for all He has blessed you with. Also give thanks to Him each time you sit down to eat for providing you what your body needs.
  • Be a blessing to others.
  • Make the commitment to change to a healthier lifestyle. Educate yourself on what are the best, nutritious foods to eat. Set aside time to get physical exercise and drink lots of water. And most importantly, pray for God to give you the will power and strength you will need in order to make a change.
  • Whenever possible, consider natural, God-given means for healing your body. You would be amazed at the difference just taking natural supplements like vitamins and minerals and other nutritional supplements could make in how you feel and even look! Signs of aging are the result of years of accumulated toxins in the body. Cleanse your body of the bad stuff and start enjoying the good things in life!
  • Use herbs as God intended them to be used.
  • I think as Christians today God is providing us with the knowledge we need the same as He did His chosen people in the Old Testament to be healthy and stay that way.

    About the author:

    Michelle Newport is a Certified Herbalist and Founder of Nature For Life ( from North Carolina, where she lives with her husband and daughter. After suffering from chronic health problems, Michelle began studying natural medicine as well as natural health from a Biblical perspective and enjoys being able to share information on how to achieve better health - mind, body and spirit.

    Everything about Acne and Treatments for Acne that are Guaranteed to Work

    What is common to the age group between 12 and 17 apart from teen tantrums and high school crushes? The answer has to be acne. All teenagers have it in some form or the other and some even carry it over into adulthood, with consequences severe enough to merit a visit to the physician. Americans spend an astronomical amount on acne treatment.

    Acne is the generic term for clogged skin pores, pimples and deep-seated cystic or nodular lumps occurring mainly on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms.

    Knowing its requisite cure also involves knowing the causes of acne. Over-productive oil glands and clogged pores are the main reasons behind these skin lesions. This is why they are common during puberty or during hormonal fluctuations.

    Now clogged pores, which are caused by dirt and dust, result in the glandular oil not being able to escape. There is thus swelling in the area leading to the skin lesions.

    Acne manifests itself in various forms of skin disorders. Blackheads (open comedones) and whiteheads (closed comedones) are amongst the most common and the least severe forms of skin scar. With bacterial infection, these may progress to skin inflammations like the raised papule, the pus-filled pustule or the hardened nodule.

    There are several forms of medication, some preventive and others curative. Preventive medication stresses on keeping the skin squeaky clean to prevent the incidence of clogged pores. Antiseptic liquid cleansers like Cetaphil cleanse the skin without causing any irritation. In fact, these should form an integral part of your daily skin care regime.

    Taking care of your skin also involves going slow on the make-up and also religiously removing any traces of make-up when retiring for the night. You should not prick a pimple as this leads to scar and the possibility of further infection.

    Topical creams and lotions like those containing Benzoyl Peroxide, antibiotics like tetracycline and Vitamin A-based tretinoin and adapalene are considered effective for acne. In fact, Benzoyl Peroxide is a highly recommended and widely prescribed cream, which gently exfoliates the skin and prevents bacterial infection.

    However these creams have a drying and itching effect and should be started in low doses.

    Isotretinoin is commonly given as a medicine for the severe nodular and cystic cases. But recent research has shown that isotretinoin causes birth defects if taken during pregnancy and has even been linked to alarming side effects like psychological ailments, depression and suicidal streaks.

    Popular medication also includes oral antibiotics that work well in advanced cases. However, these should be taken under strict medical supervision, as they are known to cause harm during pregnancy.

    By far the best remedy for such skin disorders is the TCA Peel. A favorite with dermatologists around the world, this form of medication is the safest, easiest and doesn?t involve any side effects. The TCA Peels also work towards making the skin radiantly supple and thus younger-looking (for more information on TCA skin peels see the link below).

    With the right treatment, acne aches will no longer pain you.

    David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels and other for doctors offices and medispas. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

    Mesothelioma Cancer

    Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organs usually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of asbestos exposure. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. Even people who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure.

    People in the occupations such as construction jobs in shipyards, insulators, boilermakers, etc. are at the risk of contracting asbestos disease.

    The 2 common types of mesothelioma are:

    Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs).

    The survival time for a patient with diffuse malignant mesothelioma is from 4 to 24 months from the observance of the symptoms. Mesothelioma is also difficult to diagnose.

    The chance of recovery for a patient with mesothelioma depends on size and location of the cancer, age of the patient and his response to the treatment.

    Presently, the treatment options for mesotheliomas are:

  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery and Photodynamic therapy
  • There is some evidence that provitamin A or beta-carotene may decrease the risk of mesothelioma.

    Mesothelioma Cancer


    [Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info.

    This article has been written by Visit the web site mesothelioma information, for more information.

    Excessive Underarm Sweating What IsThe Easiest And Safest Cure?

    Nobody wants to talk about excessive sweating or sweaty underarms, although it's a common problem for a lot of people. It's a visual embarrassment and also a smelly concern!

    Sweating is one of the ways we regulate our body temperature, and sweating also keeps our skin moist. If you suffer from excessive sweating, it's not because you have too many sweat glands, it's because of the nerve cell activity of those glands. There are two types of sweat glands, apoccrine and eccrine glands.

    Not surprisingly, at least 1% of the population suffers from excessive sweating, especially excessive underarm sweating. Everybody sweats more when they are hot or nervous, but excessive sweating may be partly due to our genes.

    It's important to control excessive sweating, and there are many different opinions and views on how to achieve this. If you suffer from excessive sweating, you've probably already tried the commercial antiperspirants and deodorants, and you're still looking for a cure for your problem.

    Diet control alone will not cure excessive sweating, but can help reduce it somewhat. Certain foods, such as onions, fish, garlic, and spicy foods like curry, can be smelled in the sweat. Try to reduce your intake of these types of foods.

    Underarm hair holds sweat and can make the problem worse. If possible, shave your armpits to reduce the bacteria build-up.

    There are other expensive and more painful cures available, such as Botox injections given in very small doses into the skin which can stop excessive sweating for 2-8 months. However, Botox is a poison, and it's natural to have concerns about the long term effects of such treatment.

    As a last resort, surgery is often considered, where the sympathetic nerves that control sweating are cut. This type of operation requires general anesthesia, and is not guaranteed to work. The success rate is approximately 30%. Underarm skin can be removed and can be quite effective, but this is not a common operation due to the scarring and is not encouraged or performed very often.

    Natural ways to cure excessive sweating are by far the easiest and cheapest way to control the problem. It's definitely safer to try diet control and natural remedies first.

    All-Natural -- Techniques You Need to Know to Enjoy Fast & Safe Relief from Excessive Underarm Sweating Forever!

    My First Thermographic Experience

    I had been a bit nervous all day wondering what my thermogram procedure would entail. Would I need to undress completely? Would I be given one of those paper gowns that opens in the front and barely covers me? Would there be any heat coming out of the camera? I had been avoiding a mammogram after reading the latest information about the risks associated with X-ray; knowing that I was potentially putting myself at greater risk by not taking charge of my health. It was my massage therapist who told me about thermography as an adjunctive tool for breast cancer screening and now I find myself lost in my thoughts as I am driving to my thermographic appointment.

    As I entered the lobby, I noticed that the temperature was cool and refreshing. The paintings on the wall were bright and cheerful with many colors that caught my eye. I felt at ease right away.

    I was quickly greeted by the thermographer. She guided me to her office and there I felt all the tension melt away. She showed me around the office explaining the need for a cool temperature and allowing me to browse her collection of literature, leaflets, handouts and brochures. It smelled like my grandmother?s garden in the spring. Just a hint of orange blossom, honeysuckle, green apple all mixed with a light touch of rain forest greeted my nose. The plants were lush and healthy and soft music was playing in the background. The lights were dim and I could almost imagine myself back in grandma?s Arizona room.

    The thermographer asked if I had any questions and of course I said no, trying to show her that I was calm, relaxed and not a bit nervous. She smiled knowingly and asked me to please step behind the room divider and change into a robe she set out for me. The robes were soft cotton and tied in the front. She then asked that I fill out the paperwork. She explained that I would need to do my best to keep my arms away from the side of my body so I could cool down and she could get a more accurate image. She then read over my information and asked me questions about my health in general and specifically breast health. All the while, I was grateful for the full coverage of the cool, cotton robe and remembered to keep my arms away from my body.

    Next, I moved to the scanning area where I was shown the six different positions required for the scan. She then asked me to sit on the stool and turn my back to her. At this point, she asked me to drop my gown. I was told to keep my hands on my waist while she took my thermal picture. I learned that it usually takes 12-15 minutes for the temperature of my skin to come to equilibrium with the temperature of the room. Once my temperature stabilized, the scanning began. During the scan, she asked that I raise my hands above my head and remain still; allowing me to rest my hands back on my waist between the different poses. The camera did not emit any heat and never touched my body. The total scan time was about 5 minutes.

    Once we were done, I changed back into my clothes and thanked the technician for a soothing and comforting experience. Before I left the office, I picked up a few of the breast health brochures to share with my family, friends and colleagues.

    Thermographic screening is not covered by most insurance companies but is surprisingly affordable for most people. For more information or to find a certified clinic in your area, go to

    Brenda Witt is co-owner of Proactive Health Solutions in Southern California. She is an American College of Clinical Thermology (ACCT) certified thermographer in the Orange County area.