Treatment of Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is probably the most widely used treatment for acne because of its antibacterial and drying properties. It is available for use by everyone from babies to teens to middle aged persons. It is available in mild solutions for over-the-counter use and in prescription strength.

Benzoyl peroxide is closely related to industrial drying agents in a variety of products. The products sold for a quick repair to automotive bodies contain benzoic acid. Another use of a similar substance is as a preservative in food. It's a pretty affective way to remove liquids. Still it can be overly drying as can be deduced from its use in car repairs.

Naturally something as widely available as this substance is misused on occasion. Overly strong solutions sold for use on the thicker skin of the torso would be harmful if used on the face. This would be extremely true if the very strong solution sold for a young adult were to be used for a baby's delicate skin. The same substance can be prescribed for a baby but in a much more dilute solution.

This very simple approach to acne treatment enters the marketplace in many different forms. Whether used in soap or cleansing foam, it is just as easy to overuse this chemical. In any of its forms no matter how creamy the product may feel it really is the strength of the solution that determines the way in which it is to be used.

Baby and adult skin treatments use the lowest solution at 2.5% while the strongest solution at about 10% is used in the treatment of cystic acne of the body. A few applications for solutions of 1% are available for the treatment of rosacea acne.

Benzoyl peroxide should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

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