Introduction to the Fat Transfer Procedure

Fat transfer involves suctioning out a small amount of fat from the knees, abdomen or thighs and moving this fat into the facial area (example: laugh lines, frown lines or lips). Fat transfer is a much more advantageous approach and leads to permanent improved changes in facial contour. Permanent injectable fillers are not recommended, such as silicon, gortex, methyl methacrolate, or artecoll which are considered unsafe. These permanent fillers can lead to major deformities. The fat transfer procedure is considered to be the safest fillers if used by a qualified surgeon since it uses your own fat. Lips are also being permanently enhanced using the fat transfer technique.

1) Fat Transfer is excellent to permanently fill in the following facial areas:

?Glabella ?Nasolabial and retrusive maxillas ?Lips ?Nasojugal fold ?Chin creases ?Vertical lip lines ?Depressed traumatic scars ?Some types of facial rhytids ?Submalar area ?Cheeks ?Lower eyelid depressions over the infraorbital rim ?Nasal depressions ?Acne scarring

2) Fat Transfer is excellent to permanently fill in the following trunk and extremity areas:

Congenital deformities of soft tissue and/or muscle

Correcting liposuction deformities

Fat atrophy defects from cortisone injections

Traumatic soft tissue defects

3) Informed Consent:

Patients will need 1-3 sittings for the fat transfer procedure no closer than three months apart.

4) Fat Transfer Technique:

Can be performed under local anesthesia or with IV sedation or in conjunction with other surgical procedures

Dr. Clavin is a board certified plastic and recontructive surgeon practicing is Santa Monica, CA. Dr. Clavin's background is wide and varied. He achieved remarkable recognition as a physician and surgeon at a very young age. He developed and patented the Non Surgical Eyelift as well as a complete line of Glycolic Acid and Vitamin C skin care products. He has appeared on National and Regional television many times. For a detailed explanation of Dr. Clavin's background please visit his website at and