Who Else Suffers From Chronic Headaches? A Physical Perspective 2

Aromatherapy has also been shown to relieve headaches, primarily peppermint therapeutic grade essential oil. Try putting a couple drops on your temples during the day and at night. Lavender is also wonderful for relaxation, and calming.

Aromatherapy works in this way: once the essential oil is inhaled, aromatic signals are sent to the limbic system of the brain and have a direct affect on the mind and emotions. The chemical elements of the oils are carried into the bloodstream, shifting the physiology of the body. Schmachtenberger says biochemically, headaches may signify liver and gallbladder congestion. Having heavy metals in the body may create headaches. The main heavy metals are lead and mercury. Do you have a mouth full of mercury? Have you lived on fish practically your whole life? Have you ever lived close to a fossil fuel plant? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider doing a heavy metal cleanse, and also some liver detoxification work. Cleansing in general is good for everyone. Sulfur containing foods are great for cleaning out the liver. Some suggestions for sulfur containing foods are: cilantro, garlic, eggs, and dill. If you do feel you may be at risk for heavy metals, chlorella which is a form of blue algae is a heavy metal binder. It will bind with the heavy metals and flush them out of the body.

Soaking your hands and feet in water often brings immediate relief. Icing your head will also bring relief. Place the ice pack on your forehead or on the back of your neck. What is happening in the body during a headache is that there is essentially too much blood flowing in to the head and it can?t flow out. The arteries are more open than the veins at this point. Soaking your hands and feet or icing your head supports blood to flow more into the extremities.

You may want to consider some supplements to support your body. Some supplements and herbs to consider:

?Drink water! If we are thirsty that means that our body is already dehydrated! Simply being dehydrated can cause headaches.

?Central fats-omega 3. (Fish oil and cod liver oil.) This is vitamin D that we get from the sun

?B vitamins

?All calming herbs: chamomile, lavender, valerian, passion flower, hops

Marnina Reid is a nationally certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She is the author of Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches, a newly released e-book. Marnina has a private practice in San Diego, and faciliates trainings in emotional healing. She mainly works with women who have suffered from emotional trauma helping them to remove the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward. Several of Marnina's clients have suffered from chronic headaches and have been successful at eliminating them. This inspired her to create an e-book specifically addressing headaches.

For free cutting edge health tips that can enhance your life and prevent disease visit: http://www.naturalcuresforchronicheadaches.com

For more information on Marnina Reid, or Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches Please visit: http://www.naturalcuresforchronicheadaches.com