Skin Care Tips To Avoid A Level 5 Acne Emergency

Having healthy looking skin is extremely important when it comes to avoiding a level 5 acne emergency. That's the time when you can least afford to have a zit or pimple breakout. Think in terms of your prom night, family photos or heaven forbid, your wedding day. This article focuses on the most popular skin care tips in an effort to keep you from having the dreaded level 5 acne emergency.

There are many types of skin care products for one simple reason. There are just as many different types of skin. As a result it's extremely important that you're aware of your particular skin type in order to purchase and use the correct skin care products in an effort to prevent an outbreak of acne.

Did you know that the body is composed of 75% water. With this in mind its no wonder many experts glorify the helpful effects water has on the human body. True drinking lots of water throughout the day will help eliminate headaches, surpress your appetite and keep you in shape. However, it also has a helpful effect on your skin keeping it moist and in healthy shape at the cellular level. Don't underestimate the importance of water in your fight to avoid a level 5 zit emergency.

Although it should go without saying cleaner skin is undeniably healthier and better suited to fight off any developing skin blemishes. So with that said, make sure to regularly clean your skin with semi-warm water. It has been proven that hot water and cold water can actually damage your skin at the molecular level so avoid using them while cleaning your skin to get rid of excess oils and dirt. Also be wary of how hard you scrub your skin. Instead of a hard rubbing action, focus on a gentle cleaning which will actually exfoliate your skin with a much better success rate. Additionally make sure to avoid using soap on your face. Soap is actually quite abrasive to your skin and does more harm then good. Instead focus on using a quality skin car product to keep your skin clean and moist throughout the day.

Although this article doesn't focus on your overall health the truth is a healthy dose of regular exercise followed by a good night's sleep will alleviate your stress levels and keep your skin taut and help to eliminate wrinkles. Eliminating or lowering your stress levels has been proven to reduce acne outbreaks so exercise and sleep are key to your skin's beauty and health. This is especially important if you spend alot of time in the sun and are prone to forget about putting on skin moisturisers.

Finally don't be scared to visit the local dermatologist, especially if you see or notice any skin blemish or pimple outbreak. After all nobody really wants to suffer from a level 5 acne emergency. Follow the skin care tips outlined in this article and you'll be on your way to cleaner and healthier looking skin in no time flat.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne treatments that you can research in your pajamas on his website.