Vitamins Aiding in the Cure of Acne

There are many different types of acne therefore there are many different acne cures and prevention methods that have been used for years by people all over the world. There is no one particular acne product that can be used to treat and cure all types of acne. In many cases whatever acne products and medication you use for treatment will need to be continued for prevention.

Some forms of acne are mild and can be controlled with mild over the counter acne medications, products, natural and home remedies are often the best treatments and turn out to be cures for many people.

Some forms of acne are a result of more serious illnesses and the best acne treatments are given under the care of a physician. When most people think about acne treatments and cures they think of topical products but there are so many acne medications and natural acne treatment programs that incorporate vitamins in healing acne, however it is important to remember that there is no one vitamin or mineral alone that will cure acne.

Vitamins can be one of the best acne treatments as part of a program where other methods are included. Some of the most popular vitamins and minerals used on the market to treat acne that have also been touted as possible acne cures are as listed:

B5: B5 was a at one time believed to be an acne cure when it is really no more than an acne treatment. It was suggested that one should take extremely high doses. Contrary to popular belief, too much of a good thing is not good at all not to mention how it can damage your body in other ways.

Zinc: There were some studies done in which zinc was quite successful in treating acne but it is by no means a cure. It is one of the best treatments for acne for many people and for many it is not. It is said to work better on some people than tetracycline.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is wonderful because it gives a boost to the immune system which will certainly aid in the overall health of your whole body and by default your skin. It also regulates vitamin A which is essential in keeping the skin healthy.

There are a series of vitamins that are essential in keeping you healthy but taking one of them without the others is not a cure for acne. Taking one kind of vitamin is not the best acne treatment and will only cause more of an imbalance in your body that will only aggravate your acne instead of healing it. So what ever you do in effort to treat your acne, do so with an open mind.


To effectively treat your acne, you need to fix the problems in your body that are causing your acne. Acuzine is a great product that attacks the main, internal causes of acne.