Using Sound Waves to Increase Brain Efficiency Thru Thickening Theory

Sound is being used in medicine more and more. Currently it is being used to break up kidney stones and a new innovation has been developed to zap fat cells too. In fact you can get thin again via specially pointed directional sound, which takes out fat cells? Sound good, yes indeed. What if you used it to enhance rather than destroy? What if you used it to thicken the brain? Why?

Well we know Einstein was a smart guy right? Indeed, and his brain was no different than any others, yet it was a little thicker in a few places? Ah so what if we could thicken the brain a little then using sound? Can it be done? I believe so and here is what I propose we try as an experiment to see if it works;

First we put growth vitamins, enzymes and boost the brains immune system, next we send directional sound waves into the brain areas we wish to thicken, at vibrational frequencies, which are hostile, the cells react by building up a defense.

Simultaneously we send in a positive vibrational frequency, pulsing the two and cycling them. Negative or hostile for 2 seconds and the positive for 3-4 or 5-6 seconds and continue. This is only a theory, but I think it could work. If blood low to the brain is maintained and good oxygen content, I think we could get with some top research neurologists and get this figured out, so consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow