Acne And Oily Skin

Acne is a real cosmetic problem. Many of the acne patients sometimes feel that they would never get rid of acne. With latest treatments, if you have patience, you can treat your acne successfully. But what if you also have oily skin?

Oily Skin- What is it?

Our skin has sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum. This sebum keeps our skin well moisturized and protects skin from microbial infections. The sebum is mainly made of lipids and dead skin cells. The skin constantly produces the sebum. If you don't wash your hair for few days you will find that your hair is oily. That is sebum. What if your body produces more than required sebum? You get oily skin.

Oily Skin- Why some people get it?

Why some people have it? As we saw, the sebum makes the skin oily. Some of us have overactive sebaceous glands. That is mainly because of hormones that trigger excess sebum production. That is the reason many women get more oily skin during their menstrual periods. Apart from regular care of the oily skin, talk to your doctor about any method to control the androgens that trigger sebum production.

Acne and oily skin-

Oily skin is the right environment for the P.acnes bacteria to flourish. With more oil in the glands and on the skin, these bacteria infect many glands and produce acne. If you have oily skin, please manage it properly, otherwise your chances of getting acne are high.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit Read articles, advice and tips on love, dating, relationship and break-up on Love articles. If you love to solve a quiz, please visit Try as many free quizzes as you want. You will find a quiz on subjects such as Personality, Friendship, Love, Dating, Relationship and many other subjects.

Finding the Best Acne Treatment for Your Troubled Skin

Acne causes embarrassment and discouragement for millions of people. Most are in their teen years, but adults are affected, too. There are many choices of acne treatment on the market. Some are well formulated, while others are weak and ineffective. Finding the best acne treatment for your skin can improve your outlook, and your looks.

The best products for treating your acne are natural, gentle products. Look for botanical ingredients in the list. Some herbal ingredients that are healing to blemished skin include sage, yarrow, coltsfoot, wild thyme, horsetail, althea (or marshmallow), and balm mint (or melissa). Aloe vera is a well known skin healer, and is often included in good acne products.

Also valuable in a treatment remedy for acne are certain essential oils. Some essential oils are harsh for skin. (None should be used straight, but should always be diluted with a carrier oil!) The best acne treatment products might include oils such as lavender, rose, tangerine, and geranium. These are not only healing to the skin, but will make the product smell great, too.

If the product is made with a transdermal system, any vitamins or herbal ingredients will be able to absorb into the skin and treat the acne where it starts. Some vitamins that might be included in a topical acne treatment include vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and pro vitamin B5.

Just like healthy food for the body, the best acne treatment will provide nourishment and nutrition directly to the skin. The skin tends to reveal the health of a person. What shows up on the outside often indicates a deficiency or need on the inside. Getting a healthy diet can help you overcome your acne, and is a good addition to make to your use of good products.

Even the best products, however, won't clear up that acne if they are used inconsistently. It's a good idea to get into the routine of taking your vitamin supplements and cleansing your face every day. Don't let procrastination or disorganization leave you without time for taking care of yourself. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is a major agent in removing toxins from the body. It needs to be pampered and cared for.

A moisturizer is also an important part of an acne treatment. Like other components, it needs to be 100% natural, or it can make matters worse by contributing to clogging the pores. Make sure you take the time to read the label to make sure the ingredients are natural botanicals, nutrients, and healthful oils.

Some people say you should try to use only products on your skin that you would be willing to put in your mouth. This might not always be the case, since the skin does act like a filter, while absorbing nutrients and other substances. Still, one should be cautious about using unnatural products.

Written by Jim McDonald, a contributing writer for, an informative website about the Best Acne Treatment and natural skin care.

Tai Chi for Health and Wellness

Walking through an assisted living center or senior care facility you are confronted with a glaring reality that is difficult to ignore. Most of the residents are moving with the aid of a cane, walker or wheelchair. Those who are able to walk unassisted do so at a slow and deliberate pace talking each step as if they were traversing a minefield. Every venture out of their room carries with it the risk that this could be their last, for most are one fall away from a broken hip and total immobility and even death. Although not uncommon, this severe deterioration of general health and leg strength is preventable and often reversible. Tai Chi Chuan, the Great Ultimate Fist, offers the ideal recipe for improved mental, physical and spiritual health and a better overall life experience.

Seniors and mature adults often suffer from a host of mental and physical conditions. They are susceptible to numerous maladies that severely restrict their mobility and reduce the quality of their life. It is not unusual for mature adults to experience heart problems, poor circulation, osteo arthritis, forgetfulness, lack of coordination, muscle and leg weakness, pain, digestive and colon irregularities, kidney malfunction breathing difficulties, low bone density, poor posture and balance and a fear of falling.

Today?s seniors come from generations that exercised little and had even less regard for a healthy diet. Many grew up during the Great Depression where survival and not personal health was of primary concern. Chen Style Tai Chi, created over 800 years ago by a Taoist, Chang San-Feng, was originally a fighting art. Yang Lu Chan popularized Tai Chi by drastically restructuring the form. He deleted several difficult jumps, leaps and aggressive kicks and punches and created a program suitable for all ages and physical conditions. His family continued to improve the style until it evolved into its present form known as Yang Family Style ?Large Frame? which consists of 108 continuous movements designed to improve health, cure illness and revitalize the mind, body and spirit. The foundation of Tai Chi began with the 3000-year-old concept of Yin and Yang, the principal energy forces making up the universe. When these two opposing influences are in balance, the Chi or vital energy will be harmonious and health at and optimum level.

Tai Chi is considered one of the Nei Gong or internal arts, meaning its primary focus is to develop the body from the inside out. This is in contrast to Wai Gong, which emphasizes external muscle development. The 108 movements of Yang Style Tai Chi are a perfect blend of Yin and Yang energies, strengthening muscle tissue through the continuous tensing and relaxing motions; massaging the joints by the process of the slow, rhythmic transition from one movement to the next; and stimulating and exercising the internal organs as a result of the gentle twisting and turning of the waist.

As the body ages there is a natural tendency to reduce the level of mental and physical activity, which in turn sets the stage for what is known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as stagnation. The presence of stagnation always results in the deterioration of overall health and wellness. Regular practice of Tai Chi will improve posture, balance and flexibility, build strength and endurance, correct digestive irregularities, increase muscle and bone density, balance the metabolism, strengthen the immune system, relieve tension and stress, release anxiety, create a mind-body connection, enhance focus and awareness, release energy blocks, gain a sense of calmness and well-being and lessen mood swings. Tai Chi will also effectively treat chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and migraines.

Physically demanding activities such as jogging, weight lifting, high impact aerobics? are not suitable for everyone. However, the slow and evenly paced movements of Tai Chi make it uniquely adaptable to young, old, strong and weak. The intensity of the training can be perfectly matched to the age and health of the participants much the same as a dimmer switch regulates the brightness of a light. This means that all people ? athletes, dancers, elderly? will benefit from regular practice of Tai Chi. With 108 movements, there is a broad range of motion that exercises every cell of the body at a level that reaches deep into the very core.

There are no clothing or equipment requirements and just about any moderately sized space will work. The slow, relaxed pace of the form creates a unique bond where the mind sees the movements and transfers that vision to the physical body. With practice, the mind and body begin to act and re-act as one.

Who should do Tai Chi? Everyone will benefit whether it is your primary form of exercise or simply added to an existing program. The key is regular practice of the movements blended with meditation to attain a state of mindfulness. As your skill increases you will experience a new found understanding of yourself and the world around you.

? 2006 Edward Niam, All Rights Reserved

Edward Niam is the founder of the Institute for Self Healing located in Hudson, Ohio and creator of TaiQiGong Fitness Systems, a unique program for all ages blending the healing qualities of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Meditation, Shaolin Kung Fu and Traditional Chinese Medicine to fine tune and recharge your mental, physical and spiritual health. He can be reached at 330-342-0838,, and

Edward Niam is founder of the Institute for Self Healing which provides training to help people of all ages improve their mental, physical and spiritual health through concepts found in Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Meditation, Shaolin Kung Fu and Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is a master of Shaolin Kung Fu and Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been helping people utilize the secrets of alternative therapies for over 30 years.

Emotional Clearing of Agoraphobia with Hypnotherapy

One of the primary goals of psychotherapy has been the healing of depression, anxiety, chronic anger, and other emotional disorders, as well as the alleviation of psychosomatic diseases whose source is in the client's suppressed emotions. As hypnotherapists, we are constantly encountering our clients' childhood pain and trauma while attempting to assist them in behavioral changes. Alchemical hypnotherapy offers revolutionary new technologies for the rapid healing of these childhood memories. This process is Emotional Clearing Therapy. This article discusses how these new strategies of healing childhood traumas accelerates the solving of these emotional problems.

Psychological research has strongly indicated that our patterns of emotional health or weakness are often determined by childhood factors. Sigmond Freud was the first modern psychologist to suggest that trauma in the early years of childhood may be of supreme importance in determining an individual's emotional adjustment in later life.

More recent research by behavioral psychologists has indicated that the basic nurturing a child receives in its first six years of life provides the critical foundation for happiness, maturity and responsibility in later life. Serious traumas occurring in this time period can permanently cripple that child's maturing process.

The healing of these emotional traumas, however, has been an elusive goal for most psychotherapies. Freud used such techniques as free association and dream interpretation to reach an analysis of the client's subconscious material after 2-5 years of weekly therapy. The insight gained by the client into the childhood sources of his current neurosis would, theoretically, allow the client to let go of childish or irrational behavior. The client's logic might be as follows: Well, I can see that these feelings or behaviors might have been appropriate at age 3, but are obviously unnecessary now!

Since Freud's day, the science of insight therapy has come a long way, but is still based on Freud's basic principle that insight leads to recovery. However, a large percentage of clients have discovered that insight alone is not sufficient to relieve the emotional symptoms caused by childhood trauma.

More recently, therapy pioneers like Wilhelm Reich and Arthur Janov have developed a new form of therapy called emotional release to deal with early trauma. By taking the client back to the scene of these childhood experiences and reliving them in gory detail, it is thought that a client could release the emotional charge from the experience, often by kicking and screaming. This would relieve muscular tension, anxiety, and neurotic behavior. Wilhelm Reich's work involved forcing the emotional release through deep pressure on the body's muscles in which the repressed emotional charge had been stored.

Janov created a powerful group experience through psychodrama methods. These therapies are based on the concept that releasing locked-in emotion through acting out buried feelings in the context of being regressed to a childhood memory presented the long-sought solution for childhood trauma. Therefore, I call these methods emotional release therapy.

Recently, some problems have become evident in this form of therapy as well. Many of my colleagues and students in this field have noticed that people who have done many months of emotional release become very adept at expressing feelings, but aren't necessarily feeling better. They often become fixated on acting out negative emotions. One client of mine who had worked with Janov for six months stated that asserting his feelings, crying, and being emotionally upset became a pattern for him and others in his group.

While getting in touch with his feelings felt good at first, getting stuck acting out his emotional pain all the time felt bad. His solution: he repressed his emotions and moved back into his intellect. Another friend found that Reichian therapy allowed her to open up all the anger inside, but her frequent fits of rage didn't make her very many friends or make her life easier.

Now a new style of therapy is emerging which utilizes an entirely new approach to dealing with childhood trauma. This therapy, which I call emotional clearing, focuses on providing the client's Inner Child with an experience of being loved and nurtured by caring parents after being rescued from the trauma of childhood. This mode of therapy is especially effective because it provides the opportunity for the client to experience, in a childlike state, the fulfillment of emotional needs and completion of the emotional maturation which was blocked by traumatic experiences. Furthermore, while emotional release therapy may fixate the client in the expression of negative emotions, emotional clearing allows the client to experience profound states of bliss and joy which the therapist can then anchor (through post-hypnotic suggestion) to the client's daily stressful situations, replacing tension and fear with bliss and joy even in difficult crisis.

For example, one client who had a phobia of crowded supermarkets (agoraphobia) entered a childhood trauma which connected to this phobic response. During the course of the session, we rescued her child from this traumatic scene by having the client visualize her adult self and other persons that she trusted enter into the hypnotically-induced scene. After rescuing this inner child, I suggested that she become the rescued child. She felt this experience as waves of bliss and relief in her body. I then used post-hypnotic suggestion to anchor this bliss, stating, Every time you enter a supermarket, you remember this wonderful feeling of being rescued.

This linking process is simply a teaching the subconscious mind to change its response pattern from (supermarket = childhood trauma = panic) to the new pattern (supermarket = childhood rescue = bliss).

After one session in this case, a one-year follow-up revealed a complete remission of symptoms.

About Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis: America's oldest spiritually oriented hypnotherapy training program has trained over 2000 hypnotherapists since 1983. The Alchemy Institute is approved by the state of California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPVE) and American Council of Hypnotists Examiners. Our website offers an extensive library of articles about hypnotherapy. If you're interested in making changes in your life through the techniques of hypnotherapy described here, call our office at 1-800-950-4984 or visit our website at

Causes of Acne ? Solution and Acne Control

In order to answer this question, we should first examine different types and causes of acne. It?s important to note that you are not alone in your struggles with acne. Acne is a skin condition which effects millions of people. Acne does not discriminate. It can appear on the faces of the young and old of both sexes of any and every cultural background.

Types of Acne:

Whitehead Acne: As the name suggests, whiteheads are named after their appearance. If your pores are clogged, yet bulge with a white tip - these are whiteheads.

Blackhead Acne: Like the whitehead, a blackhead is named after it?s physical description. If your pores become clogged, yet stay open - a blackhead becomes visible. The top surface of that part of your skin will darken, displaying the rapped dirt in the pore.

Pimple Acne: Sometimes our pore open, leaving them vulnerable to bacteria. Should bacteria, known as sebum, enter - the skin will display a red bump. This is commonly referred to as a pimple.

Nodule: These are clogged pores which are very deep in the skin. These nodules are infected lumps or cysts which can be tender to the touch or very painful.

Causes of Acne:

Hormonal changes in teenagers and adults can cause different types of acne in teenage boys and girls. Statistics show that eight out of ten teenagers display some type of acne during their adolescent years.

While our bodies need some oils, excessive build-up of oils can promote blocked pores, causing whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.

Excessive washing removes all oils from the skin. The face needs some oil to maintain its healthy appearance. Otherwise you become a candidate for dry damaged skin or more acne.

Scrubbing your face is never the solution. Gentle exfoliation is always suggested, but scrubbing is a no-no. The objective is to soothe your face and rid it of acne. Not aggravate the skin and cause yourself pain. Washing your face with water, while healthy for your skin, is unlikely to remedy the issue ? which lies in the buildup of oils in the skin caused by DHT.

Acne Solution:

Finding an acne treatment that attacks the real root cause of acne ? the buildup of oils in the skin which leads to blackheads and attracts bacteria. By reducing the level of DHT in the skin layer, oil production is reduced, thereby eliminating acne creating at the source.

Jen Carter is team member for Clearogen, a new acne treatment created by Board Certified Dermatologist Dr Alex Khadavi, designed to attack the root causes of teenage and adult acne instead of simply addressing the symptoms. Visit

Victoria's FiveYear Migraine Comes to an End

Just imagine having migraine every day for five years. Victoria from Littlehampton telephoned me to enquire about therapy to end her long-term migraine. Victoria began to get migraine at about eleven years old, and it gradually became more frequent until it was happening every single day. Perhaps two or three times each week, Victoria would have to simply stay in bed. At other days, she was able to get up, but by mid-afternoon she was unable to participate in any activity, and just sit quietly, exhausted, waiting for the migraine to pass, later in the evening.

When I visited Victoria, she explained that she could often manage one activity during the day, like a trip to the supermarket, providing it was earlier in the day. After the event, she would be exhausted, and would be unable to do anything else but rest. Victoria is married, with a one-year old baby. Can you imagine getting married with a migraine? Can you imagine giving birth to a baby with a migraine? Victoria did all of these things.

Migraine is the most excruciatingly painful condition. Imagine all of the blood vessels in your brain pounding, alternatively dilating, and the next second contracting. Add to this a feeling of nausea as bad as being sea-sick, and then, if the next hormone knocks on in this crescendo, it causes vomiting, but this time without relieving the nausea, which just continues as if there had been no vomiting.Victoria hoped that each day would not reach the full spectrum of nausea and vomiting. That would be a good day, with only the severe pounding to contend with.

As I walked into Victoria's home, I noticed how there were so many things not put away. It was a normal, but untidy home, and I did not realise that this was all because Victoria ran out of energy before she had finished her essential tasks, and there was no more energy available to tidy up.

Victoria began the Migraine Resolution programme. At first, she noticed very little benefit, but she was determined to keep up the programme, and give it the very best chance of working for her. To Victoria, it seemed unlikely that it would work, but she had to try.

She had heard of others who had succeeded in the programme, and had become migraine-free, so she continued, even while she occasionally lost hope of it ever working for her. She just did it anyway! The programme consisted of hypnotherapy to relieve subconscious tensions, and NLP techniques to link a conscious command to her subconscious to get the migraine to reverse back to neutral. The subconscious sometimes knows what it should be doing, but needs time to make all the changes required to reach that objective. While this is happening, it seems as though there is no progress.

But Victoria kept on going. Her reward was about to happen. I re-visited Victoria to continue the programme, reducing subconscious stresses, and reinforcing the reversal programme. A few days after this second visit, Victoria had her first full day without a migraine developing. When the migraine began, she proceeded with her conscious command, and the migraine reversed back to neutral. Victoria was amazed that it had worked this time, but she was not yet convinced. It could have been a coincidence. The following day, Victoria tried it again, and it worked. The third day Victoria tried the programme, and she was disappointed. Her subconscious ignored her, and also on the fourth day, and Victoria had a normal migraine on these days. However, on the fifth and sixth days, she was once again successful, and enjoyed two days without migraine. She was delighted. She was now growing in confidence, and perfecting her own technique of sending her migraine away. It was wonderful to be able to spend so much more quality time, playing with her young baby daughter, and getting on with her life.

Over the next few weeks, on her weekly telephone conversations with me, Victoria grew more and more confident that she was getting more and more control over her migraines. She watched the gaps between the migraines grow from two days to six, then to twelve days. The concept that she is on the road to becoming completely migraine free is still hard to believe for Victoria, but she knows that she will get there, and be completely migraine-free for the rest of her life.

I spoke with Victoria today, and she told me that she has counted eighteen days since her last migraine. I could hear the joy in her voice, as she said, I have even been able to tidy my home.

Olivia Roberts is a registered hypnotherapist/master NLP, practicing in many areas of the UK. She is a trainer in advanced hypnotherapy techniques, including the Migraine Resolution programme. Visit the web sites and http://www.hypnotherapy

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

While most people have heard of rhinoplasty or nose surgery, most do not know what the procedure entails once you enter the hospital operating room.

Once you are in the operating room and have spoken with the people who will take care of you during the surgery, the anesthesia will be administered. The exact type of anesthesia used will depend on the duration and complexity of the surgery about to be performed, any allergies you may have to any of the anesthesia drugs available, and the preference of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Before any incisions are made, before any intrusive procedures begin, the nose is anesthetized with a local anesthesia either lidocaine or marcaine with epinephrine. This is used to numb the tissue, the surrounding cartilage and facial bones and further protect the patient from feeling any of the surgery. In addition, many surgeons use a diluted form of cocaine possibly mixed with epinephrine to shrink the mucous membranes inside the nose as well as to seriously reduce blood flow to the area.

There are two basic approaches to rhinoplasty and depending on the artistry and sophistication of the surgeon and the type of work required, either approach may be employed with equally indiscernible success.

1. Internal (endonasal) rhinoplasty ? here the surgeon makes incisions only on the inside of the nose, opens the skin up and proceeds to do his work without making any incisions on the external facia. Internal rhinoplasty requires more skill and artistry to perform and can only be properly employed in cases where the amount of surgery being performed is minimal or at least of such a nature that all of the work can be reached from the interior of the nose.

2. External rhinoplasty or open-tip rhinoplasty means the doctor is making incisions on the outside of the nose, at the crease where the nose joins the face so that there is no discernible scarring after the procedure has been completed. Open-tip rhinoplasty is usually employed where the surgery requires more extensive removal or manipulation of the skin and cartilage tissue.

Either of these procedures can be performed utilizing a local anesthetic or a general anesthesia and can usually be completed anywhere from two to four hours again depending on the complexity of the work being performed. Using either the internal or the external incision methods, the skin and cartilage of the nose is exposed and the surgeon can then begin the artful process of sculpting the existing tissue to achieve the desired goals of the patient.

Remembering that rhinoplasty is really more art than surgery, the doctor will frequently refer to the photographs and notes he has made prior to the procedure. He will carefully check the symmetry of the shape of the nose and make sure that the changes he is making are the right ones to achieve the desired result. Very small alterations, incisions as small as a millimeter or two, can make large differences after the swelling has gone down in the overall appearance and balance of the finished look. This is the artistry of the surgeon you have selected.

When the surgeon has completed the sculpting process, he will carefully check the blood vessels in the area to see if they have been affected by the surgery, he will measure the nostril openings to see if they conform to his pre-op notes and measurements and then he will begin the process of closing up the nose. Small sutures will be used to close the incisions made during the procedure whether internal or external. These incisions are similar in size and form to the ones employed by heart surgeons when they are closing up small veins and arteries after cardiovascular surgery.

Finally, a small protective splint is placed around the nose. Your surgeon will have fitted you for the splint prior to the surgery and you will be expecting it when you awaken. After about 24 to 48 hours, on your next visit, the splint will be removed and your new nose will be ready to ?face? the world. You?ll be left with some swelling, a small amount of pain and some antibiotics to ward off infection.

Rhinoplasty Info provides comprehensive information on preparing for and recovering from rhinoplasty, as well as costs, surgeons, and procedures, including revision rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty Info is the sister site of Dental Implants Web.

How to Properly Begin a Jogging Routine

Jogging is not only one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight; it also makes your heart and lungs stronger. You can jog almost anywhere and just about any time you want, making it very convenient to do. This is why there are so many people who do it.

The trouble that most people have in the beginning is not knowing how to get started properly and they usually end up doing it wrong. This has prompted scores of people to quit doing it before it has had enough time to do them any good.

Let's take a look at some things that may make it a little easier to get started on a jogging routine without running yourself into the ground.

The first and probably the most common mistake people make when starting a jogging routine is that they start out too fast. They go out and pace themselves much to fast and end up huffing and puffing out of breath after 5 or 10 minutes. This is an instant recipe for failure and many people quit within a few days.

Some people who are a little more resilient may keep going for a while thinking that if they just stay with it long enough, it will start to get easier. Usually what happens is it gets harder because even though they might be getting in better condition, they continue to push harder along the way so it seems that there is no progress.

When you are about to set out on a jogging routine, the best thing you can do is buy a heart rate monitor before you ever jog your first step. With one of these, you can set up a pace that is comfortable for you and you can keep within that level throughout your jog. This means that you will not have to guess about the pace and you will not have to feel like your lungs are on fire when you are finished.

The key here is to always jog between 50% and 70% of your maximal heart rate. This is easy to do with a heart rate monitor because you can keep a close check on your heart rate as you go. You can speed your pace up if it goes a little low, and slow down if it goes a little high. You can even slow to a walking pace if your heart rate goes too high, and resume a jogging pace once it goes below 50%.

The way for you to know where your heart rate should be to be between 50% and 70% is by using this formula:

Subtract your age from 220. This will be your maximal heart rate. Now, simply multiply this by .50 and .70 and that will give you your targeted heart zone. Below is an example of this formula.

Say you are age 40

220 minus 40 equals 180

180 times .50 equals 90

180 times .70 equals 126

By looking at this example, you can see that if you are 40 years old, you would keep your heart rate between 90 and 126 while doing your jog.

The fact is, you do not need to go fast to get benefits from jogging, it is how long you are moving that counts. It is more beneficial to cover a mile in say, 15 minutes than to cover it in 7 minutes and then be exhausted.

If you stay within the limits of your heart rate capabilities, you will begin to add more time and miles to your jog as you go and jogging will become something you look forward to instead of something you dread doing.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

Keep Your Heart Healthy Naturally With Cardio EZ

Cardio E-Z

An oral chelation supplement that was developed by Dr. Donsbach in 1997, Cardio E-Z is a product that is used to help with cardiovascular and heart health. It contains several vitamins and antioxidants such as EDTA, CoQ10, etc., in order to help maintain a healthy heart.

There are several vitamin components that make up Cardio E-Z, and among them are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Calcium, Magnesium, Coenzyme Q10, and Gingko.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that commonly goes by the name of ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble substance that helps with bodily functions. Being an antioxidant, vitamin C helps neutralize oxidative stress or free radical damage in the cells. In other words, vitamin C boosts the body?s antioxidant defense against diseases like heart disease.

Aside from this, vitamin C in Cardio E-Z can also help in the body?s process of healing wounds, as well as in the production of skin, tendons, blood vessels, etc.

Vitamin E

A fat-soluble substance and likewise, an antioxidant, vitamin E is also able to help with heart disease. This is because cell damage by free radicals is the root cause of cardiovascular disease. Being so, vitamin E as an antioxidant can also combat free radical attacks, and thereby help with heart disease.

Vitamin E is also found in Cardio E-Z. There was a study conducted wherein 121,000 women were tested with vitamin E. Those who took vitamin E supplements had a 40% lower risk for coronary artery disease compared to those people who did not take the vitamin E supplements.


Niacin or Vitamin B3 is manufactured inside the body in small amounts to help with bodily functions such as metabolism, cell respiration, the secretion of stomach fluids, and the nervous system. However, there are some people who are deficient in niacin, which sometimes leads to dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia.

Vitamin B6

A water-soluble substance, vitamin B6 is important to the body. It aids in the metabolism of protein, as well as in the functions of the nervous system and the immune system.


Calcium plays an important role, especially in the bones. It also helps with the body functions involving the muscles and the nerves.


Magnesium is also found in Cardio E-Z. Magnesium is used not only in over 300 chemical reactions in the body, but also in keeping the heart healthy. It also helps with the cardiovascular health by keeping the heart rhythm steady.


A very potent antioxidant also known as ubiquinone, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is found naturally in the body. It aids in cardiovascular health, such as with congestive heart failure.


Gingko is one of the oldest herbs used in traditional medicine and is recognized for its health benefit on the circulatory system. Not only can it help with preventing clumping in the arteries, but also with the brain and the blood oxygen levels.

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Vitamins To Clear Skin

Acne can sometimes be improved with a regimen of vitamins and vitamin supplements. Vitamins to clear skin are readily available and reasonably priced.

Vitamins to clear skin problems can be found in drugstores or online. You can also find vitamins to clear skin and acne problems at health or vitamin stores.

Some vitamins to clear skin are Vitamin A and Vitamin B-complex. These vitamins to clear skin will help maintain healthy skin.

Vitamin B5 is another one of the vitamins to clear skin. This vitamin plus a cream that contains 20% pantothenic acid by weight should be applied four to six times a day.

Vitamins to clear skin can include Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. Vitamin B6 will help with hormonal balance and Vitamin C improves the immune system as well as promotes healing.

Other vitamins to clear skin are Vitamin E and Zinc. Zinc is a mineral that promotes healthy skin and healing. Vitamin E is one of the vitamins to clear skin that is necessary for good skin health.

When you are taking Vitamin E as one of the vitamins to clear skin you should also consider adding 200-400 mcg. of selenium a day. This will help the vitamin E become more effective.

If you thinking about trying vitamins to clear skin you may want to ask your doctor which ones she recommends. Your dermatologist may also have some ideas on vitamins to clear skin.

Vitamins to clear skin can really help improve acne. Find the best combinations of vitamins to clear skin and you may see results within a month or two.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Understanding Eczema Naturally

Eczema is such a common ailment among today's children that nation wide between 10-20% of all children experience some degree of atopic eczema. It is one of the most common complaints I see in my naturopathic practice. 30 years ago eczema was a relatively rare complaint, so why are our children increasingly suffering from this irritating and frustrating ailment? The answer most medical doctors will give is that we don't know. Not only is there no obvious cause for eczema but also there is also no obvious cure. As most parents who have children with eczema will know, the conventional treatment for eczema is at best palliative. Understanding more about what eczema is and why it occurs is the key to understanding how to treat it and how to prevent it.

So what is eczema? It is a skin disorder where the skin becomes dry, red and itchy. With persistent scratching, the skin can become broken and inflamed, leading to secondary infection of fungus or bacteria. In children, the classic eczema presentation is usually behind the knees, in the creases of arms and on the cheeks. However, in practicality, it can be anywhere on the body.

When conventional medicine doesn't have the answers, people look for alternatives. In many systems of alternative medicine, eczema is clearly understood and can be managed quite effectively. Naturopathy, homeopathy and traditional Chinese medicine are three medical systems in which eczema not only has a known cause but also a cure.

To understand eczema, we have to go beyond conventional Western thought. Our bodies are magnificent systems that are capable of sustaining health throughout the many ups and downs of life. Our immune systems are beautifully complex and effective armies that are able to combat foreign invaders both from within our bodies and from our environment. This system has been with us for thousands of years and has worked quite effectively for us. However, in the last 100 years there has been a surge of ailments such as eczema, asthma, chronic allergies, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, which are linked to an imbalanced immune system. Our bodies are simply responding in the best way they know how, to combat all of the increased toxins, pollutants and chemicals in our food, home and environment.

Our bodies have not evolved as quickly as our world has changed. Therefore our bodies see relatively harmless items as dangerous. Children are especially susceptible to developing immune reactions such as eczema, asthma, and allergies. In naturopathic medicine, eczema is often linked to an allergy to dairy products and a poorly functioning digestive system. This is because children's digestive systems are more sensitive to the type of foods and food additives that we eat in today's world. Understanding why eczema is occurring is already half of the problem solved.

What can we do to treat eczema? Well, the first step is to follow a healthy lifestyle. If we can minimize the amount of toxins in our body and environment, our body's overactive immune system can relax a little bit more. Eating healthy and varied food choices and having an active lifestyle will encourage our bodies to become more balanced. However, in today's world, no matter how careful we are, we will undoubtedly encounter allergens, pollutants and chemicals in our life. If you or your child is susceptible to an overzealous immune system, there are ways to re educate the way the body functions. Two ways that can be very effective are homeopathy and acupuncture or acupressure. These methods of healing work on the body's energetic blue print and re set it.

It is a simple matter of teaching the body that it can relax when it encounters low levels of allergens whilst still keeping an active lookout for harmful invaders such as viruses and bacteria. In my naturopathic practice, I gently guide patients towards a healthier lifestyle and use homeopathy and acupressure to balance the body. Children are especially responsive to these gentle treatment techniques and enjoy getting involved in their own healing process by massaging their own acupressure points at home. It is important to seek a qualified practitioner who will be able to guide you through the process. Eczema need not be an itchy nuisance; it can be the key to a healthier immune response. Learning how to manage and correct this imbalance early on can help prevent you or your child from developing other immune related illnesses in the future.

Dr Auromira Parks BA (Hons), ND, MRN, BTAA Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and Bowen Therapist Supervisor in Naturopathy, University of Westminster, London, England.

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Will an Acne Cream Treatment Work?

For mild to severe breakouts an acne cream treatment can be quite effective. Although they do not work for everyone, they are worth looking into to clear your skin of unsightly blemishes. To get you started, we'll discuss the various acne cream options, and your dermatologist can help you figure out which is right for you.

There are a number of over the counter and prescription acne cream treatments to choose from, depending on the severity of your skin problem. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, with varying degrees of potency.

The most common acne cream ingredient is benzoyl peroxide, and it can be found in such popular medications as Clearasil, Oxy and Proactive Solution. In small amounts, benzoyl peroxide is the magic bullet, but it is important to know what concentration works best for your condition. Too high of a concentration level can leave your skin dry and scaly which can lead to more problems down the road.

Another typical acne cream ingredient is alcohol. Once again, alcohol in small concentration levels will do wonders for the face, but too much can lead the face to become dry like with benzoyl peroxide. This can be found in many popular OTC medications.

For serious cases of acne, your dermatologist might recommend a more powerful prescription acne cream treatment such as adapalene, sold as Differin, or Retin A (tretinoin), yet these also come with the potential for dryness, scaling, burning or pruritus. Some users experience increased sun sensitivity. Although these powerful drugs can be quite effective, you may be allergic to the acne cream ingredient so monitor your situation carefully.

One of the newest treatment options are natural supplements with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other therapeutic nutrients that can remedy pimples and unclear skin from the inside out. Instead of a cream for acne rosacea or other skin problem, these are pills taken twice a day that completely eliminate toxins in the body that are responsible for causing skin infections.

The acne cream ingredient that can cause side effects will not be present in a natural supplement, so you can safely and effectively fight acne without worrying about allergic reactions, burning, itching or other irritating effects.

Whether you have a serious acne problem or the occasional break out that leaves your face discolored, there is an answer out there for you. For more severe cases a prescription acne cream treatment might be your only option, but before you try one you ought to look at over the counter applications and natural treatments. It may be an acne cream ingredient such as benzoyl peroxide or a supplement ingredient such as bioperine extract that is the solution you have been looking for.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Natural Acne Cream Treatment, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Who Else Suffers From Chronic Headaches? A Physical Perspective 2

Aromatherapy has also been shown to relieve headaches, primarily peppermint therapeutic grade essential oil. Try putting a couple drops on your temples during the day and at night. Lavender is also wonderful for relaxation, and calming.

Aromatherapy works in this way: once the essential oil is inhaled, aromatic signals are sent to the limbic system of the brain and have a direct affect on the mind and emotions. The chemical elements of the oils are carried into the bloodstream, shifting the physiology of the body. Schmachtenberger says biochemically, headaches may signify liver and gallbladder congestion. Having heavy metals in the body may create headaches. The main heavy metals are lead and mercury. Do you have a mouth full of mercury? Have you lived on fish practically your whole life? Have you ever lived close to a fossil fuel plant? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider doing a heavy metal cleanse, and also some liver detoxification work. Cleansing in general is good for everyone. Sulfur containing foods are great for cleaning out the liver. Some suggestions for sulfur containing foods are: cilantro, garlic, eggs, and dill. If you do feel you may be at risk for heavy metals, chlorella which is a form of blue algae is a heavy metal binder. It will bind with the heavy metals and flush them out of the body.

Soaking your hands and feet in water often brings immediate relief. Icing your head will also bring relief. Place the ice pack on your forehead or on the back of your neck. What is happening in the body during a headache is that there is essentially too much blood flowing in to the head and it can?t flow out. The arteries are more open than the veins at this point. Soaking your hands and feet or icing your head supports blood to flow more into the extremities.

You may want to consider some supplements to support your body. Some supplements and herbs to consider:

?Drink water! If we are thirsty that means that our body is already dehydrated! Simply being dehydrated can cause headaches.

?Central fats-omega 3. (Fish oil and cod liver oil.) This is vitamin D that we get from the sun

?B vitamins

?All calming herbs: chamomile, lavender, valerian, passion flower, hops

Marnina Reid is a nationally certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She is the author of Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches, a newly released e-book. Marnina has a private practice in San Diego, and faciliates trainings in emotional healing. She mainly works with women who have suffered from emotional trauma helping them to remove the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward. Several of Marnina's clients have suffered from chronic headaches and have been successful at eliminating them. This inspired her to create an e-book specifically addressing headaches.

For free cutting edge health tips that can enhance your life and prevent disease visit:

For more information on Marnina Reid, or Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches Please visit:

Relaxing Into Reiki Part 1


Reiki is an ancient healing art that has recently been re-discovered in Japan. With the resurrection of Reiki in this age of mass and almost instantaneous communication, word of its power is quickly gaining the attention of the mainstream world. The mode of transmission of Reiki energy from a Reiki practitioner to a recipient was originally believed, by those interested in this art, to be limited by physical proximity. The Reiki practitioner would place their hands gently on, or a few inches above the Reiki recipient?s body.

Upon further exploration of the potential of Reiki, ?sending? the energy to the recipient or situation has proven to be just as beneficial as Reiki ?hands-on? sessions. In fact, those who are too busy to carve out the time for a Reiki session can now go about their business while receiving the energy. Reiki Masters, such as myself, have directed Reiki energy to boardrooms, pets, surgical procedures, courtrooms, business offices, plants and even sporting events.

Reiki distance energy healing has become a viable option for those who would rather not have a ?hands-on? session, are home bound, or simply don?t have the time for a session. After experimenting with this mode of transmission, I was utterly amazed at the results. One year of daily remote sessions to a seriously disabled arthritic friend ended up almost eliminating the crippling condition. Today this friend is not only employed, but is doing work that requires physical movement and stamina. As the power of Reiki spreads, individuals seeking sessions now have more options in incorporating it into their schedules and lifestyles.


The origin of this powerful healing energy is believed to be divine. It is the same energy that has been channeled by all the historically famous healing giants. Regardless of its source, or why it works, the results are always positive and directed toward the best outcomes. There is no danger of misuse or abuse. Reiki energy cannot be forced. An individual simply will not take in what it does not want. When Reiki energy is accepted, the highest good of all prevails. The recipient of Reiki need not study, understand or believe in its power and beauty. In fact, the recipient need not be awake while receiving the energy. Reiki energy always delivers the highest good. Considering the source, how could it do anything else? The only prerequisite is that the recipient, on a soul level, really wants to heal. The positive effects of Reiki energy could be quick and dramatic, or, take time to be noticed. The results are unpredictable and pleasantly surprising. One simply needs to trust in the intelligent nature of the source. An acute power of observation would be handy, only to affirm it's often subtle life changes and effects.


One need not be mislead or intimidated by Reiki's foreign name. Reiki is called such because, as it happened, this old system of prayer and healing was again returned to mankind via a Japanese man called Dr. Usui. The name Reiki is Japanese because that was Dr. Usui's native language. This healing art was known and utilized long before it's resurgence under a Japanese name. The divine is not concerned with nationality. When utilizing Reiki energy, one is merely tapping into the magnanimous love of the divine (God, life force, universe, Christ force, etc). Famous ancient healers such as Jesus used the exact same source of energy as is used by Reiki. Jesus once said that all he can do can be done by us and even more. The key ingredient is trust. As a Reiki Master, I have learned to trust in the goodness and intelligence of this energy.


The beauty of this divine love is that it does not discriminate between believers and skeptics. Its power has been utilized to positively impact a multitude of people and situations from NBA basketball games (calming potentially volatile players) to conservative institutions such as Wall Street. The healing power of Reiki can be directed toward individuals, pets, plants, living/working spaces, businesses, situations and even future events. This loving energy now called Reiki? is incapable of hurting other individuals for personal gain. Extremely specific requests can be very limiting. One needs to reflect on the general desired outcome behind the request. An example would be to ask for the growth of one's business. It would be more productive to ask what you would want from its growth. It may be better to ask for financial freedom. This broader approach frees up the hands of the divine to send you your best outcome(s). Reiki always works toward the best outcomes. When my clients present me with a request, I will ask that the energy be utilized for the ?highest and best? of the individual or situation. It is good to remember that one is only limited by their imagination and purity of your intent.


An individual can receive Reiki from what is known as a Reiki practitioner. The practitioner can lightly place their hands on various parts of the recipient?s clothed body or, the practitioner can remotely send the Reiki energy. In both distance and hands-on healing, the recipient's own body's innate wisdom actually draws the energy through the practitioner and directs it to it's highest good. The healing occurs on a soul determined priority basis. Healing can be physical, emotional or spiritual. I always find it interesting and amazing to witness how the healing unfolds. The practitioner is not responsible for making healing decisions for the recipient. The recipient is the actual healer. The Reiki practitioner merely acts as a conduit of the energy thus serving as a healing facilitator.

Those who believe in a supreme intelligence can elect to believe the source to be divine, thus creating a cooperative union between one's inner knowing (the soul), and the source (God). My personal evaluation of its magnificent power places God/Universe/Source as the ultimate source of this energy, however, one's personal beliefs or lack thereof do not hinder nor enhance the results of a Reiki treatment.

Going through a special intensive training certifies a Reiki practitioner. The training is conducted by a Reiki Master/Teacher and includes a sacred ceremony called an attunement. Only after being attuned, can one channel the Reiki energy.

Other healing modalities manipulate Ki or life energy. Examples include the martial arts, acupuncture, therapeutic touch, and other forms of energy work. Reiki is different in that it is extremely focused and need not be guided by a special effort or entering an altered state. The energy destination is divinely directed.

There are different levels and abilities of a Reiki practitioner. To advance from one level to another, a perspective Reiki practitioner must receive an ?attunement?. Generally, a person cannot channel Reiki energy without this ceremony. The first level is Reiki I. A Reiki I practitioner is empowered to channel Reiki energy by physically touching an individual with their hands. There must be physical proximity. A Reiki II practitioner is able to send the Reiki energy as well as giving hands-on treatments. Again, a special attunement is required to move to this advanced level. The Reiki II practitioner can direct Reiki energy to an individual, plant or animal or situation. When feasible, permission is required. In cases when granting permission is not possible, the Reiki practitioner can seek soul-approval. The next level is Reiki III. A Reiki III practitioner is known as a Reiki Master.

In addition to the abilities of Reiki I and II, Reiki III practitioners are empowered with the ability to give attunements. A great deal of training by the master occurs prior to, and then after, the attunement.

Anna Pizzoferrato is a multi-certified Reiki Master/Teacher.
Her passion and specialty is Reiki Distance Energy Healing.
Visit her site to take advantage of her powerful healing service.

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Survival Rate

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of malignant mesothelioma. Many factors may be involved in determining the survival rate for this aggressive cancer; some are better understood than others. Estimates of median survival time range from one to two years; survival depends on underlying factors such as the type and extent of spread of the mesothelioma. Only seven percent of people with this cancer survive to five years after diagnosis, but this outlook is gradually improving with some promising experimental treatments. Some people live well beyond five years from the time of diagnosis.

In general, younger age at diagnosis, absence of weight loss and limited loss of lung function are associated with chances for increased survival. Stage I mesotheliomas, which have not spread to the lymph nodes or adjacent tissues and organs, also carry the best prognosis. The type of cell the cancer is comprised of can also affect survival. The epithelioid cell type has the best prognosis, the mixed or biphasic cell type the next best prognosis, and the sarcomatoid cell type the worst prognosis. The majority of malignant pleural mesotheliomas are of the epithelioid cell type.

Because this cancer takes so long to manifest, people are usually diagnosed at an older age and with more advanced disease, potentially worsening the prognosis and the treatment options available. The more aggressive the treatment, the better the outcome may be, but in cases with cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, chemotherapy may be the only alternative. New drugs, such as the combination of Alimta with Platinol, have been shown to improve survival in malignant mesothelioma patients whose only option is chemotherapy. A number of experimental treatments, such as immunotherapy and biotherapy, are currently being evaluated in clinical trials.

Malignant Mesothelioma provides detailed information about malignant mesothelioma, diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma, malignant mesothelioma diagnosis, malignant mesothelioma lawyer and more. Malignant Mesothelioma is the sister site of Peritoneal Mesothelioma Lawyers.

Fast Facts About Acne Myths to Uncover!

Let's take a look at some other popular beliefs about acne to dispel any other rumors; for example, stress. Is it true that increased stress spreads acne? Not exactly. What is true is that ultimately stress can have a very minimal or minor influence all by itself. It cannot actually cause acne, but it can influence reoccurrences of acne as stress increases the body's creation of a substance called cortisol that in turn causes your sebaceous glands to produce increased amounts of sebum oil that can be blocked in pores. Note, however, that some medications people take when trying to deal with or treat stress can have a large influence on acne as the result of medication side effects.

Acne is contagious, true or false? Not! No one can catch acne; it is non-communicable.

You'll outgrow acne, so just leave it along; myth or truth? This is false. Acne strikes all ages and is treatable, but shouldn't be left alone to possibly worsen.

Being out in the sun helps acne, right? In the long run, no. The sun may appear to help clear up your blemishes and redden your skin, thus lessening the overall reddish effect of the targeted acne area when it was outstanding. However, rays from the sun can cause skin damage and actually irritate skin more, worsening any existing acne problems in the process and clogging more pores as skin cells dry up and slough off quicker than normal. So use caution (and sunscreen) here!

Sweating helps clean out your hair follicle areas, myth or reality? Another myth. In reality, strenuous activity can temporarily increase your body's oil production that can actually worsen acne problem areas, causing recurrence or intensification.

Acne problems are directly proportionate to sexual activity, or lack thereof; true or false? False, another myth. Just because teenagers are going through hormonal changes, does not mean that this has anything to do with acne. Both are separate issues. Same with adult acne and sex; two entirely different issues.

People with acne are dirty and don't wash enough. Not! This is another myth. Acne is the result of a build up of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria in a closed pore. Period. Dirt is not even a factor in the equation.

Acne is only on external issue or surface deep; i.e. people shouldn't make such a big thing out of it, myth or reality? Myth. In reality, yes, it basically is only on your skin (and underneath the surface a little bit). However, the effects run much more deeper than that in many instances. More than 50 percent of those suffering acne problems reported negative comments and other feedback from members of society, regardless of whether or not there was any scarring left for others to see afterwards. And resulting internal depression and low self-esteem can be harmful emotionally not only short-term but over a person's lifetime. So acne can indeed be a very big issue requiring healthcare treatment and support.

OK, myth or reality: there is a cure for acne? Myth. Although there is no cure at this time, there are many treatments available that do a great job. As the saying goes, Prevention is the best medicine; however, there is no need to suffer in silence with all the options available on the market today for all price ranges.

Certain cosmetics or spot treatments will help acne, myth or reality? Myth again. By the time a blemish appears, it has been in the works for a good couple of weeks.

Myth or not: people with acne should not use moisturizers or other make-up products on their faces? Myth! Today there are many noncomedogenic cosmetics out there specially formulated to NOT clog pores.

Visit Shelley's site for more information on acne.

Body Massage for Relaxation Health Improvement and Sensual Pleasure

By massaging your friend or living partner and let him or her do the same to you, you will both get emotionally closer to each other, and both get several health benefits. Massaging will benefit the mental state of the person you work on, the muscular condition, the blood circulation and the lymph drainage. However, what you want to achieve, will determine the exact technique you use.

Massaging across the muscle fibres

This type of massage is very good for relaxing tense muscles and a stressed mind.

You perform this massage by rubbing or gripping across the direction of the muscle fibres or across tendons. You take one area after the other. You begin by massaging each area lightly, superficially and slowly to warm up, and then proceed by massaging deeper, firmer and more swiftly.

According to the size and conditions of the area you treat, you can use different types of manipulation. You can use a couple of fingers at a small area, or to reach deep into a tense point You can rub with all your finger tips or with the palm of your hand at greater areas. To get a harder effect, you can use your finger knuckles.

Massage along the muscles fibres

This type of massage will give the following effects: Stiffness will be reduced or cured, and the muscles will gain in mobility. The muscles will get better blood supply and drainage. The muscles will get a better drainage of tissue fluids into the lymph system, and thereby swollen muscles will normalize. These effects will in turn make tired muscles faster regain good condition.

By this massage you stroke along the direction of the muscle fibres, and always in the direction of the blood stream towards the heart.

Also now you take one area after the other, but try to reach the whole length of a muscle or muscle group at each stroke. Also by this massage, you begin massaging at each area lightly, superficially and slowly to warm up, and then proceed by massaging deeper, firmer and somewhat faster.

Also by this longitudinal massage, you can press down and stroke with your finger tips, with all your fingers, or grip around a muscle or muscle group with your fingers.

Massage with an electric massager

Most electric massage devices are vibrating up and down. This vibration mostly gives the same effect as the massage across the muscle fibres. If you also stroke with the device head along the muscle in the direction of the blood stream towards the heart, you will simultaneously also achieve the effects of longitudinal massage.

Combining the massage with stretching

The effects of the massage can be increased by also stretching the limbs and body parts of the person you work on. Stretch in the natural movement directions of the limb or body parts until you reach some resistance. Do not stretch hard to go beyond the resistance point. However, by holding the limb some time at the resistance point will often cause the limb to relax, and then you can go some way further.

How hard should you perform the massage?

Tired and stiff muscles are often tender and aching. Working at a tender point will always cause some temporal pain. However, if you use the right degree of firmness, the effect of the massage should cause an immediate release of pain and tenderness when you have finished working at a point. You should never work so hard that the pain is felt nearly unbearable, or so hard that pain remains after the massage is finished. If you do so, you can hurt or aggravate already existing tissue damage.

To achieve the right firmness you should monitor the reactions of the person you work at and listen to his comments. You should also never perform a massage on an area with a distinct inflammation or a distinct injury.

Use of massage oils

By applying a massage oil or ointment at the area you work at, you ease the massage work and increase the effects of the massage. Your fingers glide more easily upon the skin covering the area. The blood supply of the skin and muscles will be stimulated. You get a sensual and exciting scent on the area and in the air. Ingredients in the oil will ameliorate muscular ache and pain. According to the composition of the massage oil, there will be different stimulating effects upon the muscles, for example faster regeneration of tired or hurt muscle tissue.

Massaging for mutual joy and pleasure

You can use each of the two main techniques, but you let the pleasure of the person you massage decide the technique, the area you massage and the firmness of the massage. Usually gently touching and caressing will be the right manner.

Also your own pleasure shall decide. Do not work so hard that you get tired out yourself, and the person that you give the massage should be willing to repay you by doing the same favour to you.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND anti-aging supplements, medicines against acne, eczema, rosacea scars, wrinkles, other skin problems and natural medicines against heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT ==>

This article is free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Know Your Enemy: Acne Basic Training

You have company -- acne affects almost everyone. It strikes nearly 85% of the population between the ages of 12 and 24. 40% of acne sufferers have breakouts severe enough to require medical treatment.

Acne doesn't show favorites. Men and women of all races during adolescence and adulthood are nearly equally prone to acne.


It's a widespread skin condition characterized by lesions that break out on the skin. The lesions form as whiteheads, blackheads, or cysts because pores get clogged.

The so-called 'T zone' of the face -- the nose, the chin and forehead -- are the most common areas for pimples to appear. The back is the second most common area for acne, followed by the neck, chest, and shoulders.


Usually acne first attacks during adolescence, most often at puberty because that's when the body starts producing an abundance of an oily substance called sebum. Normally a good thing, sebum keeps the hair and skin soft and lubricated. But during puberty, the body produces too much. The excess oil clogs the pores and leaves the skin feeling oily.

Puberty also triggers an excess production of follicle cells. Dying cells quickly build up and combine with sebum to form whiteheads. The oil and dead cell creates a breeding ground for bacteria that creates redness and swelling in the area resulting in pimples.

A Bad Image

Acne becomes a self-image difficulty for many people because it affects their appearance. Teenagers are particularly at risk as acne can cause feelings of reduced self-confidence and even depression. It causes some to withdraw from social interactions and others become angry and troubled.

Most people find their acne has cleared up by the time they reach their 20s. Although for some it can last throughout their adult years.


The good news is there are many modern medical treatments for acne. The first line of defense is to keep the skin clean and oil-free. Do this by gently washing with soap and water twice a day, especially following activities or conditions that cause perspiration. There is a wide variety of medical treatments available, both prescribed and over-the-counter.

For serious cases, a dermatologist is needed for advice about nutrition, lifestyle changes, topical medications, and antibiotics that fight the bacteria causing pimples.

Don't just look in the mirror and cringe. Fight back!

Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Visit latest-acne-solutions for recent acne research info.

Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

How Herbs are Used

Herbs can be a gentle, natural approach to wellness. But how does a person use them? This article explains the various ways that herbs are prepared and used.

TEA: 1 tsp. of herb is used for 1 cup of water. Used internally or externally. Infusion: (For herb leaves or flowers). Water is heated to boiling, removed from heat, & poured over herb. Is set until cool enough to drink. Cold Water Infusion: Herbs are covered with cold water and steeped overnight. Slightly heated before using. Decoction: (For herb root, bark, or seed). Water is heated to boiling, herbs added, boiled for 3 minutes-1hour (the longer it?s boiled, the stronger it will be), or until half the liquid has evaporated. Removed from heat and let set until cool enough to drink.

MEDICINAL TEA: ? oz. herb used per cup of water. Taken 3 times daily.

VINEGAR: Herbs placed in a jar and covered with apple cider vinegar. Shaken once a day for three weeks. Used herbs removed and liquid saved. Vinegars are stronger than teas. 1 tbs. taken daily or as needed. Used internally or externally.

EXTRACT or TINCTURE: Similar to a vinegar, except that alcohol (brandy, vodka, wine, etc.) is used in place of vinegar. 1 tbs. taken once or twice daily.

COMPRESS or FOMENTATION: A compress is a cloth soaked in a warm herbal tea or extract, and applied externally. When cloth cools, area cooled with cold water and fresh compress applied.

POULTICE: A poultice is simply taking the used herb from a tea, and applying it directly to skin. Reapplied when dry.

PLASTER: Herbs moistened, wrapped in a clean cloth, and applied externally.

OINTMENT: An herbal tea, extract, or vinegar mixed with a salve and applied externally.

OIL: Herbs are placed in a jar, covered with olive oil, and placed in a warm spot for 2-3 weeks. Oils are for external use only, and should never be taken internally.

BATH: Medicinal tea added to bathwater (anything can be absorbed through the skin).

SYRUP: Herbs boiled in water (? oz. for each cup water) for ?-1 hour, cooled, equal amount of honey added, & refrigerated.

WARNING: A person can be allergic to just about anything, so it is generally recommended to begin with a small dose and to watch for reactions. Prolonged or excessive use of any herb raises the risk of being harmful to your health. What works for one person may not help, and may even be harmful to, another person. Never give herbs to a child unless you, and your child's doctor, first become knowledgeable & certain of its safety.

John Ritter is a writer for, a free online encyclopedia concerning herbs and other healing foods used in nutritional healing and disease prevention.

Acne Scars Can be Dealt with

Acne is a source of stress and embarrassment for many people. The anxiety a breakout can cause is often magnified by the threat of acne scars left behind after the skin clears. The breakout is bad enough without the idea of having a permanent mark left behind. In the effort to treat blemishes and clear skin, professionals have developed techniques for treating acne scars. This article briefly outlines six of them.

Dermabrasion is a treatment that has been around for a long time. This approach to treat acne scars involves using a brush that rotates at a high speed, removing the scarred area. Originally, people used sandpaper to slather off dead and damaged skin. Dermabrasion is most effective on shallow acne scars. The procedure takes less than an hour and each treatment costs around fifteen-hundred dollars.

Laser resurfacing is another approach used to treat shallow acne scars. This procedure costs twice as much as dermabrasion, but some argue that the results are superior. Laser resurfacing uses lasers to remove the damaged skin. This technique is very focused on the specific area and the treatment can take anywhere from a few minutes to a whole hour depending on the size of the area covered with acne scars.

Chemical peels are quite popular right now. This procedure is relatively inexpensive, costing about seven-hundred and fifty dollars per treatment. This resurfacing approach uses acids to remove the damaged skin. Chemical peels are only recommended for very mild acne scars and will not be effective on significant scarring.

Punch techniques remove severe acne scars. There are three basic punch techniques. The first involves removing the scar with a surgical hole-punch and replacing it with a skin graft. The second removes the scar and allows it to heal naturally and the third elevates the scar instead of removing it all together. Each punch costs about fifty dollars.

Like the third punch technique, subcision elevates the acne scars instead of removing them completely. The scarred skin is detached from the surrounding skin allowing adequate blood flow beneath it. This eventually makes the scarred area level with the rest of the skin surface. Prices vary for this procedure according to how much area needs to be addressed and how many treatments are necessary.

Deep acne scars can also be treated with augmentation, which fills the scarred area with collagen or fat. The major benefit of augmentation is there is no recovery time necessary. A major drawback is the results last for only a few months. The augmentation procedures cost between three-hundred and seven-hundred dollars, more if there are a lot of acne scars to address.

As more research is done, these six techniques will be improved. Recovery time will be lessened and the cost of the treatments will decline as they are mainstreamed. Perhaps one day, acne scars will be a thing of the past.

Keith Londrie II has put up three informative web sites so that you can learn more about acne and it's control. For more information please visit as well as and for more detailed information.

Peppers Naturally Healthy and Delicious

Your Grandma always told you that ?an apple a day keeps the doctor away? There is much to be said about this. There are natural ways to keep us in good shape and it all depends greatly upon our eating habits.

You have tried an apple a day, but did you ever try peppers a.k.a. capsicums?

Peppers are rich in Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and Zinc, two nutrients which are vital for a strong and healthy immune system. They is also high in vitamins A, C, rutin (a bioflavonoid), beta carotene, iron, calcium and potassium.

Peppers contain magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, B-complex vitamins, sodium and selenium. These combinations of minerals and vitamins make peppers a powerful food for natural remedies.

The Cayenne Pepper was introduced to Europe by Christopher Columbus which was also known as ?Guinea Pepper. ? In 1597, Gerard referred to Capsicum as extremely hot and dry and prescribed it for throat and skin infections.

Health practitioners of the nineteenth century called phsysiomedicalists, used peppers to counteract rheumatism, arthritis, depression and chills.

It is an excellant anti-coagulant and lowers the blood pressure as well as cholestrol, thus it is recommended for heart patients.

It has even been perscribed for some for balding. One cure says to soak the red pepper in Vodka for 2 weeks, strain and apply the liquid on the balding patch, daily for six weeks.

Peppers are said to be a great help for Bronchitis patients as they mucus secretions and clear congestion. Peppers are also said to help in strengthening bones and keeping rheumatism under control.

Homoeopaths use capsicum in their mother tincture to cure many patients of such maladies as letharargy, joint pains, home sickness, obesity and hysteria.

Imp: According to doctors. the use of peppers should be avoided for those who suffer from piles and gastric ulcers.

Steve Arun is an Internet Marketing Consultant for Modernsage Inc the nationally-acclaimed women?s healthy living print magazine based in Long Island, New York, is now a women?s online community.

Stop by ModernSage Online Blog today for insightful articles, expert advice and an active community that cares about natural health, alternative medicine, home remedies, living well, quick healthy meals, inspiration, work and family, working from home and the essential daily dose of humor.

Alternative Allergy and Hay Fever Treatments: Allergy Nosodes

?Can I get another bottle of this? I?m out, it works great, and allergy season is here.? My clients ask, as they hold up the tell-tale little brown bottle with its yellow label.

I use these products. I thought at first that I was manifesting a placebo affect because these products worked so well, but over the years, clients have come in every other year or so just to pick up a bottle of Tree Mix I or Tree Mix II when they run out. I never see them any other time.

A bottle lasts anywhere from one month to two years depending on what you are trying to manage, how much you need and how short the exposure is. They work for both humans and their pets. My favorite homeopathic allergy remedies come from Professional Complementary Health Formulas. The remedies are called allersodes.

Allersodes are homeopathic drops that minutely stimulate the immune system to recognize, glom onto, and expel the allergy-causing organism from the body, usually through the kidneys, skin or bowels. These particular allersodes contain homeopathics to support the adrenal gland and liver as well. I think that is one reason why they work so well.

The dosage is normally 17 drops three times daily for acute situations and 15 drops daily for chronic allergies. Here are a few of the remedies my clients and I have utilized over the years for various allergies causing skin problems, rhinitis, itchy eyes, irritability, asthma, depression, feelings of spaciness, and a bundle of other symptoms:

Flower Mix?for allergies to Aster, Camellia, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Daffodil, Daisy, Daphne, Gardenia, Gentian, Gladiola, Honeysuckle, Iris, Lilac, Lily, Larkspur, Lupine, Marigold, Oleander, Pansy, Petunia, Peony, Poppy, Rose, Snapdragon, and Tulips.

Household Dust & Molds?for allergies to Black Mold, Grain Dust, House Mold, House Dust, Lint, Mattress Dust, Mildew Dust, Paper Dust, Rug Dust, Upholstery Dust, Yeast (Baker?s/Brewer?s) and Dust Mites.

Grain & Seed Mix?for allergies to Barley, Corn, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed, Gliadin (whatever that is), Gluten, Millet, Milo, Oat, Poppy Seed, Rice (Brown/White), Rye, Safflower, Sesame, Sorghum, Soybean, Sunflower and Wheat.

Grass & Weed Mix?for allergies to Alfalfa, Amaranth, Bamboo, Chenopodium, Cocklebur, Dandelion, Fox Tail, Grease Wood, June Grass, Johnson Grass, Kapok, Lambs Quarters, Marsh Elder, Mugwort, Pampas Grass, Pigweed, Ragweed-Tansy, Sage, Scale (All Scale/ Wingscale/ Lenscale), Scotch Broom, Sheep Sorrel, Yellow Dock, Red Top, Meadow Fescue, Sweet Vernal, Kentucky Blue, Orchard, Perineal Rye, Timothy, Red Clover, White Clover, Goldenrod, Velvet Grass, and Thistle.

Tree Mix I?for allergies to Alder, Ash, Birches, Cedars, Cottonwoods, Cypresses, Elms, Firs, Hemlock, Hickories, Junipers, Maples, Mulberries, Western Oaks, Eastern Oaks, Pines, Redwood, and Spruces.

Tree Mix II?for allergies to Acacia, Aspen, Bay, Elder, Eucalyptus, Fig, Flowering Apple, Flowering Cherry, Lilac, Magnolia, Mesquite, Oleander, Olive, Pepper, Privet, Sycamore, Tulip, and Willow.

I wouldn?t be without them. I think you?ll like them, too.

Dr. Denice Moffat is a practicing naturopath, medical intuitive, and veterinarian working on the family unit (which includes humans and animals) through her phone consultation practice established in 1995. She has a content-rich website at and free monthly newsletter. To read more about homeopathics, what they are, and how they work, go to:

Cystic Pimples

Cystic pimples differ from the usual type of pimple in that that they are much larger and more painful than usual. A cystic pimple can be of a diameter as large as 5 mm or more. An even more troublesome variety appears as bumps under the skin. Though these are produced by the same processes that cause superficial pimples (excessive oil production), they cannot be seen and reached as easily.

Basically, a cyst is a pocket of accumulated fluid. Though all pimples fall in this category, cystic pimples are usually caused by infection, and squeezing them can cause the problem to spread to surrounding tissue. Once confirmed to be of cystic origin, their treatment must necessarily be left to a good dermatologist.

Tacking cystic pimples are often linked to unhealthy lifestyles, most especially an unbalanced, fat-rich diet combined with insufficient water intake. Most doctors will recommend that starchy, sugar-rich and cholesterol-laden foods as well as most dairy products be strictly curtailed if the problem persists. These should be replaced with plenty of fruit and green vegetables. Such dietary modifications have been noted to bring about a reduction in cystic pimples in the long run.

Proper water intake is very important, since water flushes out toxins from the body. Cystic pimples are not naturally occurring, and it must therefore be assumed that certain toxins are involved. Besides that, an adequate water intake will maintain the skin?s natural moisture balance and prevent grossly abnormal oil production.

Other lifestyle modifications may be called for if the sufferer lives a stressful life. Again, there is no scientifically documented evidence linking cystic pimples (or any kind) with stress, but that does not negate that fact that they occur far more frequently in people who get little or no exercise, recreation or other known de-stressing activities. And, as with all other types of pimples, skin hygiene cannot be overemphasized.

Pimples provides detailed information on Pimples, How To Get Rid Of Pimples, Home Remedy For Pimples, Scalp Pimples and more. Pimples is affiliated with Adult Acne Causes.

Mesotherapy Before And After

Most Mesotherapy practitioners claim remarkable results in treating cellulite, localized fat deposits, and wrinkles. There are numerous patient testimonials of successful treatment, and ?Before and After? photographs on Mesotherapy clinic websites. For cellulite, results may be seen in as little as four weeks, and by the time treatment is completed, patients may have lost between two to four inches from the body area being treated. Similarly, for localized fat loss such as in love handles and other problem areas, approximately ten treatments can result in the loss of two to six inches. However, there is wide variation in how soon results may be seen, depending on which body area is being treated. There may also be considerable variation between people who are having the same body area treated. For cellulite and mesolifts, or facelifts with mesotherapy, patients are typically advised to return for maintenance treatment every six months to a year after the initial treatment is completed.

The majority of mesotherapists point out that fat reduction results can only be maintained through exercise and a healthy diet. This is one reason Mesotherapy is considered controversial. Mesotherapy treatments typically extend over two to six months, a length of time that is adequate for results from healthy lifestyle changes to become visible. It has not been scientifically proven whether weight loss is attributable to these healthy lifestyle changes, such as increased exercise and a balanced diet, or to Mesotherapy itself.

Results with Mesotherapy are gradual, as small areas are targeted over a period of time to eventually have a cumulative effect. On the other hand, results with plastic surgery such as liposuction are immediately visible, and may be quite dramatic. For this reason, ?Before and After? photos of people who have undergone Mesotherapy may have more subtle differences between them than one would expect to see with plastic surgery.

Mesotherapy provides detailed information about mesotherapy, cost of mesotherapy, mesotherapy before and after, mesotherapy injections and more. Mesotherapy is the sister site of Mesothelioma Doctors Info.

Shaving and the Adolescent Male

The most obvious way around it is to use a good quality electric shaver. Usually this resolves the problem of cutting pimples and causing unnecessary pain and injury. However, you will need to follow a good skin care regime to remove the dead skin cells which build up on you skin, in order to promote healthy growth of new skin cells. We?ll discuss exfoliation later.

Make sure you use skin care products for sensitive skin when acne pimples are many and inflamed. It?s important to get the skin type right too. Dry, normal or oily skin, requires different approaches and in many cases there will be a couple of different skin types in any one individual.

For example, you may have a combination of dry and oily skin, or normal and oily skin. Usually with acne there is a component of oily skin ? the nose, forehead are often oily, while the cheeks and chin areas are either normal or dry. You will need to keep this in mind in order to effectively treat your acne and shave without causing additional problems.

There are some basic principles that all you men should know about their skin and how to best conquer the shaving process.

It sounds easy enough, hey just put some shaving gel on your face and using a razor, take it off again, simple, how hard could it be?

The problem is not that the act of shaving is in itself difficult, it?s not, but unfortunately the skin can very much be a problem. If shaving is not done correctly, you could end up looking a bloody mess and have blotchy irritated skin and that is not a good look with which to impress the girls.

To start with, young men, and for that matter even mature men don?t realise that the beard hairs grow in different directions? The key is not to shave against the direction of the growth. In order to get a close shave, it is very important that the preparation stage for shaving is done correctly if a close shave is desired.

Shaving against the growth of the hair will give you a closer shave, but you increase the risk of nicks and cuts many fold and if you have acne, this can get rather bloody.

So, here?s how to get it right from the start.

Before we start, shave in the shower. The warm water will open the facial pores soften both the stubbles and the skin and this promotes a better, closer shave. Also, there is less risk of nicks and cuts if your skin is warmed by the hot water in the shower.

Ok, let?s get stated:

Step 1 ? Use an exfoliant; this gets rid of dead skin cells, which lifts your stubble and gives a closer shave, leafing your skin smooth and looking well groomed.

Wildcrafted?s Skin Renewal Gel is perfect for this job, because the herbs and essential oils contained in this product help not only to remove dead skin cells, but also nourishes the skin and provides nutrients the skin can utilise.

Step 2 ? Prepare the canvas; use the Vitalising Shaving Gel. This product combines pre-shave oiling of the skin and a shaving cr?me. Not only do you provide lubrication so the razor glides easily over the skin, but the essential oils in this product have antiseptic properties, so you reduce the risk of infections in the event of nicks or cuts from shaving. This helps you to get a smooth shave and the lubricating oils prevent nicks and cuts. Once you have applied the Vitalising Shaving Gel to your face, work it into lather and then start shaving.

Step 3 ? Shaving; the best razor is one that lets you use a light stroke and you don?t need to push down too hard. Gillette?s M3 fits the bill, but there are other?s of similar quality. Using a brush to apply the Vitalising Shaving Gel will help lift the bristles and allow you to shave even closer, but your hands will do the job just fine.

If you use an electric shaver, it is still to your advantage to shave after you?ve had a shower, because the skin is warm, softer and the stubble are easier to shave off. Some of the newer electric shavers you can now use under the shower too ? so take advantage of that and use the benefits of the ?hot water?.

Step 4 ? Nicks and cuts? The Vitalising Shaving Gel, which leaves a residue on your skin even after you have finished shaving, contains essential oils which disinfect and help repair the skin. Just leave it on your face while you finish having a shower and then rinse it off.

Step 5 ? Moisturise. This is a must. After you have finished your shower, apply the Ginseng Hydrator specific for your skin type ? remember you may need to use more than one if you have two different skin types. If you have a shiny skin, use the Ginseng Hydrator for Oily skin, if it looks dry and or dull, use the Ginseng Hydrator for Dry skin, else use the one for Normal skin.

Step 6 ? Restore; once or twice a week, use a natural clay mask to help your skin heal from the taxing process of shaving. The Earth Medicine Facial Clay range contains soothing minerals and oils to calm shaving irritation. It also helps to remove toxins that build up in the skin, especially if you suffer from acne.

If you are using an electric razor, all the steps except for Step 3 still apply. Using an electric razor can cause your skin to be quite itchy and using a moisturiser that sooths the irritated skin is very important.

So there you have it. Shaving can be easy and painless, as long as you follow the steps above, you should not have any trouble getting your stubbles under control. Remember, use the shower to shave, it really does help immensely as well as save you time, and it helps you to do a better job.

About The Author

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Wildcrafted Herbal Products' natural skin care range is suitable for men and women and contains only pure, natural ingredients, formulated according to Naturopathic and Aromatherapy principles.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it?s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.

? Copyright: Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2005

Understanding Acne and Getting Rid of It

Everyone goes through it. Mornings of anguish in the discovery of a red throbbing acne on the face is something every person has experienced in their lives. While this may seem a disaster to some, others can take it just for what it is and calmly treat the acne to get rid of it.

Acne is different from the common pimple because it could leave a permanent scar in your face, neck or back. This is how acne grows: when your skin pore starts to clog due to greasy oil and toxins, it starts to get inflamed. If left untreated, It could develop into an infection which could damage further the affected parts.

It is evident on teenagers and young adults because they are reaching the puberty stage of life, where the levels of hormones causes some changes in the skin gland size, which causes larger amount of oil secretion produced by these glands, resulting to acne.

Now, if your face does have mild acne, a minor treatment is enough to take care of it. Washing your face with mild soap and water is enough to free your skin pores from these oils, but other effective alternatives such as lukewarm water with dissolved salt is also recommended. Whenever you will use acne medications, be sure it is water-based; oil-based products tend to stimulate oil glands to produce more oil rather than controlling it.

If you have a severe condition of acne attacks, get medical assistance from a physician or a skin specialist. They can issue prescriptions of antibiotics to control spreading of acne and prevent the scarring on your face and other affected parts.

Acne is regarded as a teenager?s problem, but adult acne does happen as well. Many individuals above their twenties have had recurring problems with acne. This could be blamed on stress, overactive glands and eating oily foods. A dermatologist would be able to help you out if the acne persists, but keeping a clean, oil-free face, neck and back can certainly help a lot.

Article written by Hector Milla, editor of, a website pointing proactive acne solution, you may find a full list about acne articles at, thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.

Acne Prevention Exercise

Now for the facts. Let's take a look at how to combat acne. The main strategy to use is prevention where possible and better skincare. Here are several top issues of focus for each: exercise, cosmetics, diet, hormones, hygiene, medications, shaving, stress.

1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off acne that can result from your workout routines. First watch which products you use on your body because you'll most likely be sweating. With any sunscreens for outdoor workout activities and any make-up or other cosmetics, check for noncomedogenic and oil-free on the labels to help prevent pore clogging. And when your workout is finished, wash the products off as soon as possible, especially if you'll be going into a steam room or sauna where your pores will be opening up more. You don't want these lotions and other cosmetics getting into your pores and clogging them up, resulting in blemishes.

Watch what you put on your body with regards to clothing, sports gear and equipment, too.

For example, tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits might look great in the movies and on magazine models, but if you are susceptible to acne problems, avoid these synthetic fabrics that tend to trap in body moisture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy. Instead, choose loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends to allow more air to get to your skin. And when you're finished with your workout, get out of clothing wet from perspiration or water sports. Shower and change into dry, clean clothing. And keep your sports gear and equipment clean, too. Dirty headgear, for instance, can irritate forehead areas prone to acne problems. So toss headbands into the washing machine after workout sessions.

Tip: when cleaning your body after a workout, no need to scrub with force and irritate skin.

If possible, wash with medicated soap (check for exfoliant on the label) or medicated wipes from your athletic bag where showers aren't available.

Tip: and when drying with a towel, even if it's during your workout to erase sweat, always blot instead of rub. That way you avoid grinding excess dead skin, dirt, sweat and other chemicals into your pores and risking pore-clogging and skin irritation.

Martin Bevon is the creator of On his site he has available many interesting articles, latest news and a variety of resources. Check them out now!

All About Acne Creams

Any normal teenager (and in some cases adults) all over the world are likely to suffer from a common ailment. Irrespective of their backgrounds, irrespective of their social standing and even irrespective of their race or nationality, they all have one common enemy. And this enemy goes by the much dreaded name of acne. While acne is a normal and natural part of growing up, most youngsters detest the very sight and feel of acne. Especially at an age when external appearance takes precedence over anything else, they feel confused, horrified and in some serious cases, even disturbed by the acne.

Fortunately, the ever greedy pharmaceutical companies have not been laggardly in spotting this malady as an exceptional source of profit. Which explains the numbers and range of the acne creams that flood every supermarket and pharmacy shelf. This is no exaggeration. Get in to the nearest pharmacy and see for yourself. I would not be surprised if you found an entire section dedicated to acne creams. In fact, more than any other course of treatment, acne creams are viewed and accepted as the most popular acne treatment. And the most common over the counter acne treatments continue to be acne creams. But have you ever wondered why acne creams continue to be so popular? Well I have. And in a bid to find an answer, turned to human psychology. According to most people (and you can test this for yourself!) the most commonly attributed cause for acne is poor hygiene. Although this is not true, most people continue to wash their faces day in and day out, oblivious to the damage they are causing themselves. And what aids washing faces best? Acne creams of course. Not only do these creams seem to be doing a good job or removing the acne, they also, psychologically, indicate to the user that they are helping keep the skin hygienic. So, more and more teenagers and even a few older people continue to buy and stock up on acne creams in the mistaken belief that these acne creams are helping them.

In most cases, acne creams don?t do any harm, even though they may not actually be helpful in getting rid of the acne. But care must be taken to ensure that any acne cream used should be free of oil and sunscreens. All acne creams should also be free of comedogenic elements in order to be helpful. And finally, all purported acne creams should at least be manufactured by a credible and dependable manufacturer in order to ensure that even if they provide no benefit, they should at least bring on no further harm!

Keith Londrie II has put up three informative web sites so that you can learn more about acne and it's control. For more information please visit as well as and for more detailed information.