Intestinal Cleansing

Given the perfect design of the human body, you would think that natural elimination should always work without any problem. This is something that we take for granted when everything works well. The truth is there are many individuals, who though they may seem to look otherwise healthy, are actually suffering from ineffective bowel movements.

Many of us do not know what happens after we've enjoyed the food we eat. What matters to most of us is that we enjoy the good taste in the mouth and we're satiated. The types of food we eat and conditions in the body determines how well the food is digested and assimilated and eventually how effectively the unwanted or indigestible material is removed from the body.

Like everybody else I wasn't fully aware of what's happening inside my body. Several years back, all I was sure of was that I was not clearing out as much as I should. I felt that the amount that left did not do justice to the amount of food I consumed. Something was not quite right.

Fortunately, while searching for a water purification product, I came across a Natural Health shop that is dedicated to this aspect of health. The shop had some highly disturbing pictures of what a diseased colon looked like, enough to make anyone concerned about his health, decide that he really wants to take action.

It was easy for the shop-owner to convince me and soon enough I was on a program to clean out my intestines. I was concerned about bowel cancer, and as the cleansing progressed, the nagging worry about such possibilities also left me. That is one cleansing program that I am truly glad that I attempted. We just do not now how much rubbish we keep inside us until we do such a program! I felt really cleaned and relieved by the time I completed the program, which normally lasts 3 months.

Certain kinds of food, especially animal protein like meat and milk products causes excessive mucus to be produced by the small intestine. This mucus gets mixed with the 'slush' that enters the intestine and it thickens the consistency - this slows the movement along the intestine and as the nutrition is absorbed, the mucus becomes even thicker. Along the way, some of this mucus-intestinal contents mix sticks to the wall of the small intestine. In the large intestine, as water is re-absorbed and the consistency thickens even further to eventually make the stools become more solid, the mucus causes some of the bowel contents to remain stuck in the large intestine. When the person eliminates not everything is discharged. Over time this accumulation increases even affecting the size of the colon.

As these compressed stool contains toxins, they get re-absorbed into the liver. The liver gets rid of toxins via the bile juices and the process repeats for as long as the accumulated waste remain stuck in the intestines. The cleansing program that I used comprised of a bulking powder to soften the dried and stuck, old waste material, and a herbal tablet that weakens the stickiness of the mucus so that they can be detached from the walls of the intestines.

I have witnessed a few colon irrigation process and I find that colon irrigation doesn't clear much of the old sticky waste material the way this intestinal cleansing program does. The warm water of the colonic is not enough to detach the old material that adheres to the colon walls.

The presence of all these accumulated waste increases the probability of developing diseases in other parts of the body in addition to bowel diseases itself. All the more that anyone who wants to keep himself healthy should do a thorough bowel cleanse regularly.

Cleaning out the intestines also ensures that the lymphatic system is able to clean itself out too. The particular program that I participated in also encourages a body brushing routine to stimulate a healthy lymphatic circulation. These were new concepts to me that I wasn't aware before, but I'm truly grateful that I had the opportunity to learn about them.

Azizah A R has a great thirst for knowledge particularly in Alternative Therapies and loves to share her findings and tips in this fascinating world of Natural Medicine. If you would like to benefit from this generous sharing of information, visit and sign up for her newsletter.