Breast Cancer Another Obesity Victim

Obesity raises the risk of various types of cancer. And only 3% people know that obesity increases cancer risks. According to a recent research based on one million Americans conducted by the American cancer society, 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% of cancer deaths in women occur due to Obesity. Scientists say that 90,000 deaths can be avoided in America if they take good care to maintain their body weight. Women are more likely to get cancer in their breasts, gallbladder, ovaries, colon and cervix while men get cancer in colon and rectum.

Breast cancer in women:
There are more than 200 different types of cancer, but together breast, lung, bowel and prostate cancer cover half of the cancer cases. Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in females. Overweight and obesity are the major causes of breast cancer.

Obesity and Breast cancer risk in females:
Obese women have higher amounts of estrogen in their body. Estrogen is mainly produced from the fatty tissues and more amount of fat in your body means you have higher chances of getting affected by breast cancer. Good nutrition, healthy living conditions and a fine environment may help girls to start puberty earlier in life and attain menopause later. Estrogen develops though out the fertility period. And better levels of estrogen in the body increases the risk of breast cancer in women.

Breast cancer in men:
Breast cancer is generally found in females but it is also seen in males. Recent research shows that breast cancer among males is also on the increase. And obesity is one of its main causes. In males too estrogen is responsible for breast cancer.

Obesity and breast cancer :
?Obesity affects both the development and progression of breast cancer.
?Post menopausal cancer risk is higher among obese women.
?Breast cancer mortality is higher in obese women.
?Body weight measured at different times during life also causes breast cancer.

Author is the webmaster of which gives valuable information on weight loss diet pills.

Alternative Health Treatments

Do you suffer with one of the many health problems out there? Are you getting fed up with the traditional forms of health treatment? Are you looking into the different forms of alternative health therapy that are available? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, this article may be of interest to you. In the article, I am going to write about some of these alternative therapy treatments which I, my family and friends have tried in the past. I hope you enjoy the read.

My wife has had many problems with her own health and also suffers from regular bouts of depression. She is quite a stressful person and at times finds life to be fairly tough. A couple of years ago she decided to find a different approach to ones she had previously tried. The first option she tried was reflexology. She was not entirely sure if she really wanted a stranger messing about with her feet but was more than pleased with the experience on her return. She could not believe how relaxed and chilled out it made her feel.

I have also found myself struggling to cope with the pressures of every day life. I now have turned my hand to meditation. This is not I am sure for everyone but it has certainly helped me to think in a more positive and clearer way. It took me quite a long to meditate in what would be known as the correct way as I originally could not seem to concentrate or relax enough.

My mother prefers to go to a womens wellness centre rather than to the doctors. She has not spoken too much about this to me but it obviously helps her as she has now been going there for years.

Tai chi is a very popular form of alternative therapy for many people. Tai chi is also very good at reducing peoples stress levels and is something I also considered before I took up meditation.

A friend of mine always raves on about yoga and the many health benefits that this has bought her. To me it all seems like a lot of hard work, however she insists that it isn't. In a way these things are like horses for courses. Some people prefer to do one thing and others prefer to do something entirely different.

My brother who also finds it hard to relax, it must run in my family I suppose, has found hypnotherapy to be very useful. He has been a smoker for many years and two years ago decided it was time to quit. He was very determined, which helps of course but by attending hypnotherapy sessions, also gave him that extra edge. He, from what he tells me has not smoked even one cigarette for the past eighteen months.

These are just a small number of the many alternative health treatments out there. It is worth pointing out that even though they have been successful in helping the above people, they may not work for everyone. In my opinion it is worth giving different things a try as it may just change your life.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

herbal health therapy

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Healing Power of Touch

Keep your hands to yourself!

We tell children this all the time. We even hear it as adults. Or maybe say it as dating advice to teenagers. But, keeping your hands to yourself is the surest way to poor health.

Research has shown time and again that babies will not develop properly unless they are held, stoked and cuddled. Touch is a vital element for health.

More recent research has found that touching someone is as necessary to good health as being touched. In other words, we receive what we give. I think we talked about that in the lesson on gifts.

The healing power of touch has been shown in many forms. You already know that your first reaction to mashing your finger is to rub it.

Massage is also well known for it healing benefits. But it not only benefits the one being massaged but also to one who gives it.

I discovered acupressure long before I knew it had a name. I just knew as a child that if I rubbed certain spots on my body, I could make pain go away. Now that I have studied the power of acupressure I am constantly amazed at its healing power.

One of the more controversial types of touch we used with our son Will when he was suffering from severe asthma as a baby is called Reiki. It involves consciencely controlling the energy flow in a body through touch and moving your hands just a slightly away from the skin but still within the energy field. I can still remember hearing Will say, ?Mommy will you rub the yuckies away?? And of course she did.

Also, you need to determine your minimum daily requirement of hugs. Most people can?t feel healthy unless they have at least three hugs a day. For healing purposes you may need twelve or more. Try keeping a hug chart and compare how you feel to the number and types or physical contact you have during the day.

Discover the healing power of touch for yourself. Touch someone. You will feel better for it.

Mike Strawbridge is the owner of Straw Solutions performance consulting.

He is a contributing writer to

He is also available for teaching classes on heath and nutrition from a spiritual viewpoint.

Alternative Medicine and Therapies in Your Everyday Life

Those of us who claim that we do not practice any form of alternative medicine or therapies have missed out considering all the simple remedies that we apply at home.

Consider the following examples:-

- Do you massage your neck at the back when you have a splitting headache?

- Do you put an ice pack on a sprained ankle?

- Have you not ever used some aromatherapy for your room?

- Have you not ever take some honey when you are having a bad throat?

- Have you not ever taken chamomile tea for cooling and for de-stress?

- Do you drink your mum?s traditional herbal chicken soup home brewed for 10 hours meant for strengthening and warming your internal body?

In fact, these represent just a few out of the many simple remedies that we use in our everyday life. When we think of alternative medicine or therapies, we conjure images of some out-of-the-ordinary practices. Of course, alternative medicine and therapies can range to the more ?unconventional? ones like hypnotherapy, past life regression, energy healing, etc. But mostly, they are not.

Here comes some surprising statistics. The World Health Organization estimates that between 65 and 80 percent of the world's population (about 3 billion people) rely on traditional (read: alternative) medicine as their primary form of health care. It further states that when these traditional medical treatments are introduced into Western culture, they are seen as complementary or alternative.

Most of us tend to fail to factor in these alternative everyday remedies, but choose to think that we are believers of conventional medicine versus alternative medicine. After all, conventional medicine is very much backed by well documented research, statistics and proven theories; whereas alternative medicine is not. Still, having the benefit of practicing some of these home remedies, there is no denying that they do help in providing some form of relief and treatment. In addition, they don?t cost much in terms of money and time, and most importantly, have few or little side effects.

It is therefore, a good idea to spend some time to get to know more about these alternative therapies and remedies and apply them more diligently to our everyday life. We may choose to include massage therapy, aromatherapy, eating a healthy diet, practicing yoga and relaxing breathing techniques. In the end, our spending on drugs and doctor?s bills is likely to be less and at the same time, we will be adopting natural methods to heal ourselves.

Evelyn Lim owns an article directory site on health and wellness. Her site is a growing archive of information spanning more than 100 topic categories on all aspects of health; including alternative medicine, health and medical conditions, wellness, natural remedy, cancer, health insurance, fitness, weight loss, diet fads, etc. To submit an article, please visit today!

Treating UTI's Naturally

UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are infections that occur in the bladder, urethra or kidneys. While women suffer from UTIs most often, men are not immune. Generally, if a man has a UTI, he should address his concerns with a medical doctor because it may indicate a more serious condition affecting the prostate.

The most common symptoms of a UTI are frequent and urgent needs to urinate even if the bladder is empty, burning upon urination and sometimes abdominal cramping. It is now possible to determine if you have a UTI at home. Most pharmacies sell reagent strips that can be used to detect the presence of bacteria in the urine much the same way a doctor?s office will.

Many UTIs can be treated naturally at home. The most well known folk remedy for UTIs is to drink cranberry juice. There is actually a great deal of scientific evidence that suggests cranberries can inhibit bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract which will prevent and even treat UTIs. What has always seemed to get lost in the translation is that the cranberry juice must be as natural as possible (no added sweeteners) and should be a high concentrate of cranberries rather than some cranberry and a lot of grape or other juice type. This type of juice is usually not available in a regular grocery store. It can, however, often be purchased from a health food or natural foods store. To effectively treat a UTI, it is necessary to drink a large amount (approximately a gallon per day) until symptoms clear up and then to drink about half as much for a minimum of 10 additional days.

Natural, pure cranberry juice can be very tart. If you prefer, you can take a cranberry juice supplement instead. Some high quality supplements will combine cranberry with Buchu, a diuretic which will help ease the feeling of needing to urinate when the bladder is empty. Remember to take these frequently throughout the day (every 3 to 4 hours is best) and with plenty of fresh, clean water.

Colloidal Silver and Garlic may be used as a natural antibiotic which will destroy the bacteria in the urinary tract. When using garlic supplements, it is important to use garlic that does not have the odor component removed as this is the part of the garlic that is antibacterial. If you are concerned about odor, use a garlic supplement that is combined with chlorophyll and is enteric coated.

Things to avoid during a UTI
* Citrus fruits: May cause an alkaline environment which will encourage bacterial growth.
* Sugars, processed foods, caffeine, carbonated beverages and alcohol.
* Feminine hygiene sprays, packaged douches, bubble baths, and tampons.

With diligence, most UTI?s can be remedied at home. However, if there is blood present in the urine or symptoms persist for longer than 1 week, a doctor should be consulted as it may indicate a more serious UTI that must be treated with antibiotics.

Nicole Bandes is a Certified Herb Specialist that has been helping others to regain their health and vitality since 1999. Nicole uses and recommends

Acne Scar Removal Surgery

Acne scar removal surgery is one way of treating the scars left behind from acne. Acne scar removal surgery can be done by your dermatologist.

If you are considering acne scar removal surgery be sure to do some research. Before you have acne scar removal surgery check out the doctor and the treatments available.

Some things your doctor will consider before acne scar removal surgery are your age and health as well as the type and severity of the scars. Before acne scar removal surgery your doctor may also need to know how you tolerate certain meds and procedures.

One type of acne scar removal surgery is called dermabrasion. When dermabrasion is used the top layers of skin are removed with a machine. This type of acne scar removal surgery should produce skin that appears smoother.

Another kind of acne scar removal surgery is the chemical peel. A chemical peel is an acne scar removal surgery procedure where the top layer of skin is removed chemically as the name implies. The skin regenerates after a chemical peel and often the appearance of the skin is improved.

Laser resurfacing is a type of acne scar removal surgery that uses a high-energy light to burn away acne-damaged skin. This acne scar removal surgery is used to minimize fine scars.

Punch grafts are an acne scar removal surgery that is used for deep acne scars. When this acne scar removal surgery is used, unscarred skin is used to replace skin that is scarred with acne.

The best acne scar removal surgery for you will be the one that you and your doctor decide on together.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Acne Cleanser Acne Lotion and More ? a Quick Look at Common Acne Products

Acne is a common skin disease affecting almost everyone. Acne is caused due to the blockage of skin follicle duct of sebum glands. This blockage traps sebum and causes inflammation of the skin. A bacterium P.Acnes readily infects this inflammation causing acne. There are many common acne products available in the market for acne treatment.

Acne cleansers are facial care products designed to remove dead cells, open up pores, remove oil, dust, dirt and other harmful pollutants. Generally acne cleansers are used twice or thrice daily and in conjunction with skin toners and moisturizers. Acne cleansers work better than ordinary soap because soap has a very high pH value which can change the pH balance of the skin. The method to use acne cleansers is to use luke warm water to clean the face then apply acne cleanser all over the face and throat. Next it is to be washed with luke warm water and then patted dry.

Acne lotions are oil and water emulsions designed to be applied on unbroken skin. Acne lotions are usually medicated with acne medicines like, antibacterials, skin exfoliants, retinoids or antibiotics. Acne lotions may contain soothing or protective ingredients also. Acne lotions have the advantage over creams or ointments as they can be applied thinly over a large area and hence can be economical.

Acne creams are semi solid emulsions. Creams can be used as a barrier for protection, as a delivery vehicle for anti acne agents and to retain moisture in the skin. Acne cream ingredients may include anti acne agents, moisturizers, skin exfoliants etc

Acne soaps are mild soaps used to open up the pores and remove oil in excessively oily skins.

All the above products if used in conjunction with acne dietary supplements like acuzine produce good results. Acuzine consists anti-oxidants, vitamins E & C, hydrolyzed collagen, ALA, DMAE, Aloe vera, Bioperine etc. The presence of these ingredients helps in early recovery of the skin and provides vital vitamins and enzymes for rebuilding the skin. Acuzine is available in the form of capsules.

We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find the results only on the Acne treatments guide More valuable acne info on

Simple and Easy Herbal Remedies and Natural Treatments To Get Rid of Your Acne

When they are diagnosed as having acne, most people will just ask their doctor for the treatment that is recommended by the medical profession. This is usually in the form of a cream or possibly some other type of medication, but some people prefer to try to take a more natural approach. There are many different treatments for acne ranging from herbal remedies to acupuncture and some of them can be very effective. But if you do not understand the type of treatment that you are considering and all of its effects, then it is still a good idea to consult your doctor to make sure that the treatment will be the right thing for you to try.

One of the most basic and easy to understand natural treatments for acne is simply to eat better. Most people these days do not have a very good diet and more often than not they eat too much sugar, salt and saturated fats. These can be very bad for acne but it is a very easy thing to improve. It is still best to ask your doctor how to improve your diet, but you can make improvements by not eating too much junk food or food that contains a lot of oil and sugar as this is not usually good for the skin. It is important too, to make sure that you are eating a reasonable amount of fresh fruit and vegetables and drinking enough water.

Many use tea tree oil for their acne. It is in a number of different products such as soap and many think that this can have a beneficial effect on their acne. There are also a lot of herbal treatments available that contain things such as garlic, lavender and cabbage. If you are thinking of trying one of these treatments then it is best to see a qualified herbalist so that you can be sure that you are getting the right product for your acne. There are great many acne treatments and products making it harder to choose one to clear up your acne and skin blemishes.

There are a lot of very good natural treatments for acne, but it is also very confusing if you do not know what you are looking for in a good herbal acne treatment. It is always a good idea to see your dermatologist and ask them to recommend someone that is qualified to treat you. If you are not able to get a recommendation for someone that can do herbal remedies and treatments for acne, then there are various recognized organizations that will be able to recommend someone to make sure that you get the best treatment available.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions and herbal remedies and natural treatments for acne that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Hurricanes Considerations for Cardio Vascular and Isometric Exercising

During the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season you can expect large catastrophic and large category storms and hurricanes. If a large hurricane comes your way and you realize that evacuation is not such a good idea because all the gasoline is gone and all the hotels are filled up for a 1,000 mile radius and if you're out of the storm surge zone, perhaps you can stay at home and workout and do in cardiovascular and isometric exercises.

Perhaps you can purchase some gym equipment for your home and even if the lights are out and the power is off you can still work out. You will be forced to ration your food and you will not be able to eat very much, but be sure to drink a lot of water and have it available because the water lines may be broken and out for a few weeks as well.

During times of such adversity when you're stuck at home will be perfect times for you to concentrate on something that is very important to you; your health. If you are causally working out doing push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and other types of exercises you will lose weight.

According to law there are mandatory evacuations that are necessary and you must comply, but there are also clauses that if you cannot comply they will not come and arrest you. So if you decide to stay home you may as well do something useful that will help your health and long-term goal in losing weight. Considers the 2006.

Lance Winslow

Kidney Stone Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

Kidney-stone sufferers say that no pain, no torture, no desperation quite matches the jagged agony caused by the presence of a small chip of stone inside a human kidney.

Those whose composure has been. rocked by one of those attacks have left few stones unturned in their search for the right diet or drug or medical device that will prevent them from ever going through that kind of misery again.
Prevention of these stones is a must because there is no easy way to remove a stone once it forms and lodges itself in the kidney. Open-kidney surgery is still the treatment of choice in the United States, but people sometimes lose kidneys, or parts of kidneys, as a result.

Difficult as they are to get out, most kidney stones get in by a simple biochemical process that anyone can understand. First, imagine a glass of water and a carton of table salt. Start pouring salt into the water and it will dissolve and disappear. Pour in enough salt, however, and the water becomes saturated - it can't hold any more salt - and you'll start to see crystals of salt falling like snowflakes to the bottom of the glass.
Most kidneys stones start the same way. The fluids that pass through your kidneys contain different kinds of minerals and molecules. One of those minerals is calcium, and one of those molecules is oxalic acid, which combine to form calcium oxalate. Normally, it floats invisibly in the fluid, but when there's too much of it, or too little fluid, it starts to fall out of solution. Here or there a calcium oxalate crystal forms and attracts another and another until there are enough to make a nice little stone snowball, with sharp edges to torment its owner while defying almost every effort to get rid of it. This problem has stumped many people, including the inventive Benjamin Franklin, who tried and failed to shake loose his stone by eating blackberry jam and standing on his head.
Home Remedy for Kidney Stones

  • Apples are useful in kidney stones. In countries where the natural unsweetened cider is a common beverage, cases of stones or calculus are practically absent. The ripe fresh fruit is, however, more valuable.
  • Watermelon, either eaten as a fruit or had a juice is very good.
  • Drink more and more water.
  • Kava kava (Piper methysticum) ?Has antianxiety and sedative qualities.
  • Celery is a valuable food for those who are prone to getting stones in the kidneys or gall-bladder. Its regular intake prevents future stone formation.
  • First thing in the morning, drink 1 glass of fresh Tomato juice. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to this.

Subodh Jain is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. He is a contributing editor to Natural remedies, a site dedicated to the home remedies for common ailments.

God's Healing Power Is Available To You By Faith

Good health and healing is available to us by faith in Jesus. It is God?s promise to us when we become Christians. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by Him and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him and by his wounds we are healed.Isaiah 53:4-5 NIV

God created us to have eternal life, which includes health, in the beginning but because of what happened when Adam and Eve sinned against God, our bodies and soul were given over to death and decay. ?The man now has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever.? Genesis 3:22

God has to follow the natural law that He has placed on this earth. Just as trees and flowers and even rocks are subject to decay, our bodies are naturally given over to decay until we die and we become ashes. But when we receive new life in Jesus, we are renewed inside and out. ?Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!? 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

However, we still live on the earth and our bodies are still subject to the world?s decay. Just as we need to guard our hearts against sin, we need to guard our bodies against that physical decay.

That?s why it is so important to eat right and take care of our bodies. It?s not wisdom to allow things in our body that are not healthy, just as we wouldn?t allow things in our minds that are not healthy. Moderation is the key.

Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. That?s the same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. If it is powerful enough to raise the dead; it is certainly powerful enough to heal you and keep you healthy.

If you haven?t received Jesus in your heart as your Savior, please consider it. Maybe you have been considering it but you are putting it off. It doesn't matter what you've done or who you are, God forgives a repentant heart. Don?t put it off any longer;the blessing and healing of God awaits you once you receive His love into your heart.

If you need healing, receive it the same way you received your salvation-by faith! Look up scriptures on healing and declare them over yourself. In most situations, you will not see a ?miraculous? healing that occurs instantaneously. It happens, but rarely. God works according to the natural laws that He set in place. He also created our bodies to heal naturally. Our faith and our actions work together to bring healing to our bodies. Even the medical community has given credit to the power of prayer to heal. Think positively about your health situation in your mind and express it through your words by declaring God?s word of healing over yourself.

As you declare God's word of healing over your life, don't turn around and say that you are sick. You are are just stomping all over the seed of your faith and you will not receive your harvest of healing. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a doubleminded man, unstable in all he does.James 3:6-8 NIV

If you struggle with this idea of healing, seek God about it for yourself. We all have the ability to hear from God for ourselves. Just make sure that what you hear in your heart lines up with the word of God. ?But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.? James 3:17 NIV God is always positive, never condemns or discourages. God always rewards those who seek Him and He gives wisdom to those who ask for it, ?If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.? James 1:5-6 NIV.

Eunice Coughlin is the founder of,for moms of all ages and stages who seek spiritual and physical health and wellness. Read more about how God heals at

Reflexology and Chemotherapy

Reflexology is a gentle non intrusive treatment carried out upon the feet alone, using reflex points that correspond to the body systems.

Reflexology is highly beneficial in alleviating adverse side effects of chemotherapy, by helping the patient to deeply relax, it also helps to reduce the level of anxiety, helping patients cope with the distressing symptoms of pain and nausea, the results reveal that treatments produce a significant and immediate effect on the patients' perceptions of pain, nausea and relaxation.

There is a myth that because reflexology rids the body of toxins, that the chemotherapy won?t work properly. There is no evidence to support this and there is a wealth of evidence about the positive results patients have felt.

Many people who have cancer and who have used Reflexology say that they find it helps ease some of their symptoms or helps them cope with the side-effects of treatment. Other people say that they just find it a very pleasant way of relaxing.

Reflexology is used by many people under going treatment for cancer, and Reflexology is included at complementary therapy centres within cancer units at Charing Cross Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital, Harley Street Clinic, and Lister Hospital as well as being offered at many Macmillan cancer relief hospices and day care centres, with very good results.

Many patients say that as well as enjoying the relaxation and stress relief they also feel able to cope with the physical side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Its also an important factor in having time for themselves and a person to talk to that is not a part of their family and in many cases, being able to voice their problems and fears without worrying about the effect on close relatives or friends.

Reflexology is a good treatment for helping those that suffer with lymphoedema (swelling of limbs) after surgery to remove lymph glands, as it helps improve circulation and lymph flow and the Reflexologist can work over the specific reflex points for the effected area. In some cases the limb affected with lymphodeoma can be quite painful, Reflexology is very gentle and effective and in such cases is a good compliment to lymphatic drainage massage.

Overall Reflexology helps to improve the circulation and lymph flow, which benefits all body systems and organs and aids deep relaxation and better respiration and mobility, helping patients to relax and cope with the physical side effects of their treatment.

Amy Brennan is the Director of Find a Reflexologist Ltd, UK register of fully-qualified Reflexologists, and hub of Reflexology on the web:

Acne Treatment: Balancing Effectiveness and Side Effects

As if just having a bad case of acne weren?t trouble enough, a study published in early 2006 discovered that treating acne can lead to twice the risk of developing a sore throat.

The culprit appears to be the ubiquitous antibiotic prescriptions for acne, whether for use on the skin or by mouth. The bacteria P. acnes plays a central role in the development of acne, so it?s no wonder that antibiotics have been one of the most effective tools doctors have in treating acne.

But, according to the study of 118,496 acne patients (LDI Issue Brief 2006 Feb;11(4):1-4), risk of developing an upper respiratory infection doubles if an antibiotic is taken for six weeks or more.

If you have acne, what are the practical implications? Without an antibiotic prescription, your risk of developing a sore throat is about 1 in 10. Not bad. But, with the antibiotics ? whether oral or topical ? your risk shoots to 1 in 5.

Unfortunately, that?s on top of the risks that were already known about. Such as yeast infections, heartburn, sun sensitivity and, perhaps most importantly, the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

This study spotlights a central challenge in treating acne. The patient is frequently forced to choose between two difficult options. On the one hand, without treatment (or with suboptimal treatment), acne continues to diminish the quality of life with its discomfort, decreased self-confidence and potential long-term scarring.

On the other hand, most acne treatments are associated with troublesome side effects. This study underscores some of the problems with antibiotics. Other acne prescriptions have their own frustrating side effects, like Accutane, Retin-A and others. So do over-the-counter acne medications like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur.

As a consequence, an integral part of all acne care is finding the balance between those extremes. Prior to this study, dermatologists were already implementing strategies to limit the use of antibiotics as much as possible ? while still keeping it in balance with satisfactory control of the acne. Since the study?s appearance, many dermatologists are increasing those efforts, for example by decreasing the frequency of dosing.

Those relying on over-the-counter acne medications are also discovering advances that help them find the happy medium. Benzoyl peroxide is a very effective acne medication, but can cause redness, irritation and flakiness. The recent development of time-release benzoyl peroxide allows the effect to be more gradual, lessening the irritation.

Another innovative technology, Acne Recovery, allows the acne user to adjust the strength of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid medications. With that adjustment, users are able to find the ideal balance for their skin?s unique needs.

Acne takes a significant toll on its victims, both physical and psychological. And, while the search for balance can be frustrating, excellent treatment options exist for all acne sufferers.

Randall Wilkinson, MD is CEO of Trienelle Skincare, Inc. He and his team led the development of the new, adjustable Acne Recovery System for the treatment of adult acne and teen acne.

Win the Winter

Long nights, short days, sparkling snow flakes and people dressed in warm clothes are the images evoked for the word winter. The winter season is marked as Hemanta ritu and Sisira ritu in ayurveda. Hemanta ritu starts from mid November and ends in mid January. This falls in southern solstice which is called as visarga kala or dakshinayana in ayurveda. Sisira ritu starts from mid January and lasts till middle of march. Sisira ritu falls in Northern solstice which is called as Aadana kaala or uttaraayana.

Winter causes health problems when adequate precautions and safety measures are not taken. But winters can be enjoyed to full extent when we alter our diet and lifestyles a little as nature desires. As we are part of nature these changes help us to face the seasonal changes without much serious health problems.

Beat the winter time Blues

Few experience a condition called Winter Time Blues. This condition precipitates symptoms like increase in appetite, craving for sweets, chocolates or starchy foods, weight gain, mild depression, irritability and short temper. This condition is well marked in persons who live in places which experience long severe winter.

In winter the agni or body fire increases with the support of vata . Hence there will be a marked increase in appetite. The frequency of food consumption increases. We should keep a watch on the type of food we consume to satisfy our appetite during winter. Avoid consumption of junk foods, too much of sweets and oil food as these lead to weight gain.

Simple remedies for this condition are exposing our body to sunlight, exercising for 30 minutes and using bright light when you are indoors

Pamper your skin during winter

During winter skin can not replenish its moisture naturally due to less humidity in air. Low humidity due to indoor heating, hot showers and bath exaggerates this condition and skin is bound to become dry and irritated. Dry skin tends to crack and bleed. Cracked skin looses its ability to protect the body and increases the risk of infection. The best ways to keep the skin soft, healthy and moisturized are

?Avoid long hot showers and bath.

?Quick three minutes bath is advisable.

?Use moisturizing body wash.

?Apply petroleum jelly on tough areas like knees, elbows and heels .

?Apply lip balm to prevent cracking.

?Twenty to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week can give your skin a healthy glow

?Ayurveda stresses on massaging body with oil during winter

Special care for your face

Avoid washing your face repeatedly. This washes off natural oils from our skin and makes the skin dry, scaly and wrinkled. Use luke warm water instead of hot water to wash face. Apply moisturizer lotion if you feel dryness on skin. Apply sun screen lotion to exposed parts of body and face when you go out in sun.

Preventing cold and cough in winter.

Consume well balanced good nutritious food, exercise thrice in a week and sleep well to keep up natural resistance. Avoid direct contact with those who have colds and wash your hands frequently.


Hypothermia is a drop in body temperature to 95 degrees Fahrenheit or less than this. This can be fatal if not detected promptly and treated properly. Any body can be the victim of hypothermia. The elderly are at the highest risk as their bodies do not adjust to the changes in temperature quickly. This condition takes few days to few weeks to develop. A temperature of 60F to 65 F can trigger this condition. A drop in body temperature triggers fatal responses from body. The blood vessels near the body surface narrow to prevent heat loss. Muscles tighten to generate heat. Person affected by hypothermia will be having symptoms like shivering, drowsiness, slurred speech, week pulse, slow heart beat, slow and shallow breathing. If the body temperature falls down below 86 F he may slip into coma.

Do not try to treat a person with hypothermia at home. Immediately shift him to hospital as soon as you notice the symptoms. Do not give alcoholic beverages and do not give him hot water bath.

In ayurveda it is advised to drink hot water, wear warm clothes and to stay near fire place at indoors in winter to prevent this condition


The exposed areas of body like face, feet, wrists and hands are affected by frost bite. The skin on the affected part becomes white, stiff and feels numb. Warm the affected parts gradually. Wrap the area with warm clothes or keep the affected hands under arm pits and seek the medical attention immediately. Do not rub the affected areas as it may damage the underlying tissues.

Protect your tiny tots from cold.

Children are usually thrilled to go outside irrespective of weather conditions. To ensure that these tiny tots have a safe and fun winter, take some simple measures to keep them warm and unharmed both inside and outside. Ensure that they stay warm while waiting for school bus in low temperature conditions. Keep them as dry as possible in cold weather and make them to wear properly fitting warm clothes. Cover their head, face and neck as much as possible. Inadequate head protection lead to loss of almost half of body heat . Don?t allow them to overexert and sweat. Sweating cools the body which is hazardous in winter and it becomes difficult to warm up again. Keep them well hydrated as they may not drink sufficient water in winter due to less thirst.

Other general precautions by Red Cross for winter.

Dress in layers so you can adjust to changing conditions. Avoid overdressing or overexertion that can lead to heat illness.

Most of your body heat is lost through your head so wear a hat, preferably one that covers your ears.

Mittens provide more warmth to your hands than gloves.

Wear waterproof, insulated boots to help avoid hypothermia or frostbite by keeping your feet warm and dry and to maintain your footing in ice and snow.

Get out of wet clothes immediately and warm the core body temperature with a blanket or warm fluids like hot cider or soup. Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol if you expect you or someone you are trying to help has hypothermia or frostbite.

Recognize the symptoms of hypothermia that can be a serious medical condition: confusion, dizziness, exhaustion and severe shivering. Seek medical attention immediately if you have these symptoms.

Recognize frostbite warning signs: gray, white or yellow skin discoloration, numbness, waxy feeling skin. Seek medical attention immediately if you have these symptoms.

Daily routine for winter

1.Tickle your taste buds with sweet, sour and salt tastes.

2.Satisfy your appetite with hot soups, milk and balanced food.

3.Pamper your body with mild oil massage.

4.Always wear warm clothes.

Home made natural scrub for winter.

* Mix yellow gram (channa), green gram (moong), fenu greek seeds (methi) in equal proportion. Get this mixture floured. Use this flour as scrub while taking bath instead of soap and body washes.

* Mix few drops of coconut oil in little water. Rub this all over body at the end of bath or shower. Dab the body with towel. This helps to increase the moisture of skin naturally.

We wish you a healthy winter. Have a great winter!

Dr. Savitha Suri has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 1989. After getting a graduation degree in ayurveda (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1988 from University of Mysore, India, she started practising ayurveda. Her articles about ayurveda have been published in news papers and websites. She is a regular health columnist to a regional news paper.

Dr. Savitha Suri lives in Mysore, Karnataka, India. She gives consultations in Mysore and also in Bangalore, the silicon valley of India. email

An Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine was known and practiced by almost all the ancient great civilizations and is now being newly rediscovered by the West. Biomedical research is now moving in the direction of a new model for the human body, the Energy field model. This is the same model that the ancient civilizations of China and India based their philosophy and their medical systems upon. (The Ayurvedic and Yogic systems, the Acupuncture meridians etc.) This new model moves away from the premise that life came from chemical soup towards the concept that life came from electrical charges of energy i.e. physics rather than chemistry. At the basis of chemistry we find energy, electromagnetic or other forms of energy.

One of the basic premises of these energy based medical systems is that there is a circulation of energy in the body that follows an orderly path along the meridians. This energy is known as chi or prana. We already have proof of the existence of electrical fields? e.g. EKG, EEG etc.

In addition to the circulation of energy, there is a force field of energy in and around a human body similar to the field around a magnet. This field can be impacted positively or negatively and it can be seen by certain sensitive individuals. It is also known as the aura. It generally extends a little beyond the body hence the term ?Don?t invade my space?, if someone stands a little too close for comfort.

Then, there are the chakras. These are whirling vortexes of energy, situated along the spinal column. These are not physical but energetic in nature and they act as step down transformers. They step down the higher finer vibrations down to the physical level and these are believed to produce their effects at the level of the meridians, the mind and also at the hormonal level.

Another basic premise or concept of Energy Medical systems is that ? this energy is not a mindless or as we say in medicine, subtentorial, kind of energy. Rather it has ?intelligence?. It knows what is wrong and will attempt to correct it. Also, it is possible to communicate with this inner intelligence to find out what is wrong and what can be done to correct it.

In physics, it is very well known that as you attempt to cut matter into smaller and smaller building blocks, you reach a stage at which you can go no further because matter dissolves into energy. Medicine, as it stands today is light years behind physics. In Ayurvedic Medicine, there is the concept of the three doshas ? pitta, vata and kapha. These are thought to lie at the energy-matter interface or the mind-body junction. Mind is considered to be in the realm of energy. That is why the mind can effect a powerful impact on the individual person?s health.

This flow of energy can be impacted negatively or even blocked, in many ways. Toxins like pesticides, plastics, chemicals can block its flow. So can negative emotions as well as negative thought patterns. A cut made across acupuncture meridian can impede the flow of energy through the meridian. There are several other ways, too numerous to mention in this article that the flow of energy can be blocked.

The methods of treatment at the vibrational level are also too numerous to mention them all. Homeopathy, Ayurvedic and Chinese herbs, Sound, Light and Color therapy, Meditation and Yoga are just a few. In fact, electrical healing is now going mainstream. Several articles have been published on the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields in accelerating bone healing in fractures.

The basic principle on which most of the energy healing systems work is the principle of harmonics. We all know, from our school level physics that if you line up a set of tuning forks and then strike one, soon all of them will be vibrating at the same frequency. To further understand this we need to look at another concept of energy medicine that is ?disease first occurs at the vibrational level?. Not at the cellular or even DNA but beyond that at the level of this energy flow or force field that I mentioned earlier and so the cell or tissue or organ will first begin to vibrate at a ?sick frequency? before any disease has appeared or can be detected by chemical or radiological means. Conversely, a diseased organ or tissue etc can be treated (provided the illness is not far advanced) by introducing the ?well? vibration and soon per the principle of harmonics, the organ will take up the healing vibration and return to health. So homeopathy for example will work as an all or none phenomenon. Either the ?remedy? as it is called will work, if it is the right vibration or it will do nothing at all.

Energy Medicine has its limitations. There are certain things it can or cannot do. It cannot treat disease in the Western medical sense. It rebalances energies or a blocked or stressed flow of energy along a meridian pathway can be corrected. There is no cook book to follow for each disease or illness because each individual is different. That is why it is complementary medicine. Western medicine and Energy medicine can be likened to the Electromagnetic spectrum. Western Medicine is like the visible light, and then you have what lies outside, the invisible portion which may be likened to Energy Medicine.

Dr. Aruna Bakhru is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. Additionally, she was awarded a Fellowship from the American College of Physicians. She has been listed in the millennium edition of Marquis Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare and Who's Who in the World.

Visit her website at

Lasting Solution Acne 3 Main Factors Stopping You From Your Acne Free Life

The Problem: Symptoms are treated but not the cause of the symptom. An example of this is found in the common use of cream and drugs (Accutane) to treat acne. Furthermore, some acne medication has undesirable side effects and it can be different for each person. For example: A person who suffers from acne, who has never had dandruff problems before but after using Accutane for a few months begin to experience constant dandruff. This happened to me. However, it is quite common to see dandruff accompanied by acne.

Don?t get me wrong, these acne medications do work, but only as long as it can treat the acne faster than your body is producing the acne. If you stopped using these product to treat acne or your acne becomes worse, your acne will re-appear again, sometimes at a worsen state.

So what and where is the cause of your acne? The cause of your acne lies within your body system. It is highly influenced by these three factors; your hormone imbalance, high toxic build up and your genetic tendencies. These undesirable factors have come about from the choices you have made in life. These choices include your diet, daily activities, thoughts, emotions and sleeping pattern.

Although you can?t do much about your genetic tendencies, you have the power to balance your hormone and flush out the toxic that has built up in your system. A quick way to begin is to incorporate daily exercise, and eat food that nourishes your vital organs and less food that assist in building up toxic waste. Also make sure that you sleep at the right time, preferably at least before midnight, to allow your vital organs to rest and do their job.

Research has shown that your liver and gall?s detoxification process works best during deep sleep state, between 11pm to 3am. In addition, lack of sleep and waking up too early damages your liver. Damaged liver will hamper your body?s ability to flush out the toxic waste in your system. If you keep this up, acne will be the least of your only problems. Notice that when you begin to initially increase your body?s detoxification capability, you may experience worse acne that is temporary.

By the way, be certain about the pain acne have caused you and the pleasure it has robbed you off in your life. Then go out and seek the right information and a winning game plan to fight acne then take action towards your acne free life. One more thing, watch your thoughts as they produce emotions. Negative emotions and thoughts will lower your immune system thus affecting your health and acne. Cheer up! You are on the right track, after all you have been through, what don?t kill you will only make you stronger.

William Chai, an acne sufferer sharing his experience and research on acne, with you. He has tried many means of acne medication and treatments but without lasting result. Until now, his sheer determination and persistence has finally paid off after 8 long years of searching for a lasting solution to acne. He believes what he has found is the answer to all acne problems. Although it does the trick, it is not a quick fix cure. You are most welcome to visit his website:

Natural Relief From Arthritis Pain Using Alternatives To Medications

For individuals suffering from arthritis, the simplest tasks can be both difficult and painful.

This condition inflames the tissues around the joint, creating pain and stiffness that can limit both your mobility and your daily life.

Instead of allowing the pain to rule your life and abandon your favorite activities and hobbies, look to natural relief from arthritis pain by using alternatives, including exercise and Eastern practices such as acupuncture.

This alternative of finding natural relief from arthritis pain is excellent for individuals who are interested in using methods instead of medications or who are unable to take medications due to drug interactions.

If you are interested in seeking natural relief from arthritis pain and stiffness, speak with your primary healthcare provider.

He or she will be able to offer you a variety of options that may be able to regain your mobility and lessen your pain.

A Chiropractor

Consider seeking the help of a licensed chiropractor who may be able to help your condition along with special techniques, including a spine alignment for individuals who suffer from chronic back or neck pain due to arthritis.

Additionally, look to other cultures for different techniques in controlling your condition, including popular activities like Tai Chi, Pilates, and even acupuncture.

Another source of finding great activities that will enable you to control and monitor your pain and stiffness is your local library.

Explore different treatment options by checking out the latest information in medical journals.

Also check out chiropractor publications in order to determine what new or renewed treatment options are available to you.

Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis Including Excercise

Try an Ionic Foot Bath to Detox and Cleanse the Body

In today?s times we live in a very toxic environment. The pollution in the air, the chemicals in our food, the water we drink and even the clothes we wear. At any given moment you may be exposed to toxins and heavy metals. These toxins accumulate in the body and can be stored in your fat cells, which tend to want to hang on to them.

A good way to release toxic build up in your body is to sweat such as in a sauna or hot bath. But for most busy people, they do not have the time to spend hours in the sauna for the best results. Plus that may be a bit too uncomfortable and when used for detoxification should be supervised by a licensed practitioner.

There is an easy alternative more and more people are finding great success with to rid your body of these unwanted toxins. That is the use of ionic detox footbaths. This is not your ordinary footbath.

Ionic Detox footbaths work by sending a small current that goes in a circuit through the body and generates positively charged ions. The high concentration of the ion field attaches to the negatively charged toxins neutralizing them and the body is then able to discard them through the approximate 2000 pores that are on the bottom of your feet. You can then experience the correct acid-alkaline ph balance as nature intended. It?s painless and takes about 30 minutes. Even children ages 4 and up can safely use it. (supervised of course)

People who should not use this footbath are people with pace makers or who have organ transplants or expectant or nursing mothers.

Most Americans are in somewhat of an acid state. Our bodies are not in the natural ph balance that it should be. The result is that you are now left open to various diseases. A body that is in its natural alkaline-acid ph balance will be able to fight off the daily onslaught the body receives. This is a very important activity, especially if you are recovering from illness or post surgery!

The body has its own electrical field and if is too positively charged you are in an acid state. You can find out your own ph balance by going to your local health food store or drug store and purchase test strips. They are easy to use and show you in seconds if you are acid or alkaline.

Detox footbaths can assist in the following areas:

1)Enhancing the immune system
2)Assist in recovery time from injuries and surgery
3)Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis
4)Improves sleep pattern
5)Remove heavy metals
6)Removes blood clot material
7)Improve liver and kidney function

During the use of an ionic foot bath the color of the water changes. The various colors can tell you what area the body may be detoxing.

Black or brown water is the liver.
Orange; the joints.
Dark green; the gallbladder
Yellowy green; kidneys, urinary tract,
White foam; Lymph nodes draining
Red flecks; blood clot material
Black flecks; heavy metals

The color of the water may be different for each individual due to water you use such as city water, well water, mineral water and the state of your health. When you put the copper array into water by itself you may see color changes in the water such as a brownish color. But it is the oily residue floating on the top that determines if you are getting rid of unwanted toxins in the body. The more you use the machine the less you will have yucky build up in the water.

An important part of using this system is to make sure you are properly hydrated. Drink plenty of good water (not distilled) before and during the session is very important as well as the use of colloidal minerals and electrolytes. This ensures better conductivity.

After only one use you may experience renewed energy and vitality. You owe it to yourself and family to regain better health and try using a detox footbath!

Nothing in this article makes any claim to offer cures or treatment of any disease or illness. If you are sick please consult with your doctor.

Willie Jones is a freelance writer, researcher, and artist.

Essential Oil Can Be Used in Many Different Ways

Since before recorded history, botanicals - in the form of essential oil - have been used for medicinal healing and spiritual and religious ceremonies. Ancient civilizations used herbal fragrances in everything from embalming to architecture, as well as for baths and perfumes. Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, a French cosmetic chemist, coined the term aromatherapy in the early 1900s, when he discovered the healing properties of lavender.

Today, essential oils from plants are used both in their pure forms and as ingredients in many cosmetic, body, and bath products. There are different theories about the psychological and physical benefits imparted by specific herbs and other botanicals, yet there's no question that scents have an impact on our moods and sense of well being-one whiff of chocolate chip cookies baking can immediately transport us to the cozy comfort of our mom's kitchen. So consider adding a little scent to your life, and relax and enjoy the benefits you receive.

Essential oils can be used in many ways (but never take them internally!). Here are a few suggestions:

Bath: In warm water, essential oils are absorbed through your skin, and the aromatherapeutic vapors are effortlessly inhaled.

Massage: Essential oils penetrate into skin tissues and are circulated throughout the body.

Skin Care: When diluted with other products, essential oils can rejuvenate and moisturize your skin.

Hair Care: Essential oils can strengthen and stimulate your hair follicles, and can add shine to your hair.

Inhalation: Whether a spritz on your pillow, a few drops on a tissue, or in a vaporizer, inhaling essential oils is the easiest method to enjoy their benefits.

Diffusion: Essential oils can enhance your environment via sprays, air fresheners, and diffusers.

The essential oil of each plant has a distinct property and use. Here are metaphysical and medicinal uses for some essential oils.

Fennel - Metaphysical: Wards off negativity and evil. Medicinal: Improves digestion and lactation.

Mint - Metaphysical: Stimulating and energizing; inspiring. Medicinal: Cleansing and strengthening of the body.

Rosemary - Metaphysical: Energizing, stimulating, aids concentration. Medicinal: Stimulates circulation; respiratory problems; migraines.

Cedarwood - Metaphysical: Balancing, grounding, inspiring faith and optimism. Medicinal: Stimulates hair growth; respiratory ailments

Orange Peel - Metaphysical: Promotes mental clarity and emotional balance; stimulates creativity and confidence. Medicinal: Antidepressant, lymphatic drainage.

Chamomile - Metaphysical: Attracts prosperity; relaxation. Medicinal: insomnia, menstrual cramps; boosts immune system.

Juniper Berry - Metaphysical: Clears negative energy and promotes a sense of well-being. Medicinal: Urinary infections and water retention.

Angelica Root - Metaphysical: Integrating the physical, emotional and spiritual. Medicinal: Digestive problems; aids detoxification of body

Cinnamon - Metaphysical: Encouraging, uplifting. Medicinal: Cold remedies.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Health and Beauty Website and Majon's Health and Beauty directory.

Short Hair Style? Make It Stylish Sexy and Chic

In all of its transformations and variations, the short hair style has always been numbered at the top of the list when it comes to versatility, style and manageability. No other style catches the eye quite like the short hair style and no other style makes the wearer look as professional, chic and sexy as the short hair style

Short hair styles worn by women are a fairly new style trend when compared with women's hair styles in general. In fact, cropped styles only came to the forefront of fashion a little more than 50 years ago. Since that time, the short hair style has given women the freedom to express themselves in numerous ways. From the funky and spiked to the soft and feminine, the short hair style can be worn by any woman of any personality, style and age.

Short hair no matter what the age

It has long been a held belief that an older woman should wear a short hair style to make her appear younger. While there is some truth in the belief that long hair tends to make wrinkles and flaws more noticeable, short hair styles and long hair styles can both be worn by women of all ages if they choose the right style to compliment their particular face shape and bone structure.

A good rule of thumb to follow when it comes to choosing a short hair style to suit your age is to pay more attention to your overall appearance rather than focus too much on how old you are. For example: Trendy, spiked styles can emphasize flaws and sagging skin, but I have seen women in their 70s with exceptional bone structure wear these short hair styles and look amazing. On the other hand, I have also seen younger women try to wear these same short hair styles and not be able to quite carry it off. So, if you want to wear a short hair style, pay close attention to your face shape, build and style of dress before deciding how to cut your hair.

Short hair to flatter your face

I've heard it said many times by many people, I always wanted to wear a short hair style, but I don't look right with short hair Ladies, this is nonsense. Granted, not every woman can wear every short hair style, but every woman can wear a short hair style that is tailor-made to compliment their face shape and beautiful features.

There are five basic face shapes: oval, heart, round, square and triangular. All of these shapes can be beautiful, but one is ideal: oval. No matter what shaped face you have, achieving the perfect look involves picking the right cut or short hair style that will make your face appear more oval.

To do this, you and your stylists can try different variations of popular short hair styles to compliment your individual features. For example: If you have a round face shape, you can still wear your favorite short hair style as long as you bring some hair forward on your cheekbones and wear a little height in the bang to give your face the illusion that it is oval.

The bottom line is that the short hair style is not for just a few who have been blessed with perfectly proportioned features. With the right short hair style, you too can sport trendy sexy cropped locks that will be guaranteed to turn a few heads.

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit

Acne Medication Research of Side Affects

Acne is an extremely common skin affliction affecting around 85% of teenagers and young adults as well as a significant proportion of adults.

With a plethora of acne information available, it may also be difficult to establish what is the right treatment and/or medication. In a previous article I suggested that as all of us are individuals, it is likely so to will the treatment for each person?s acne.

Let?s delve a bit further into treatments and medication. In the case of mild or even slightly worse acne, a good preventative and treatment regime if rigorously followed is often found to control the affliction.

However there are obviously sufferers with severe acne where over the counter or non prescription treatments have not had the desired impact. Whilst I would suggest in this instance finding a reputable dermatologist you will likely find that an acne treatment regime still has a place in assisting the overall treatment.

It would be extremely advisable for those prescribed medications for the more severe acne affliction to carefully research the medication prior to commencing. The clear example of this is the medication for ?recalcitrant modular acne? being Isotretinoin (marketed as Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis & Sotret). The US Food and Drug Administration provides significant information in relation to this particular drug however in short it is known to cause birth defects and is being examined in relation to reports of suicide or suicidal thoughts associated with the use of the drug.

A Risk Management program called iPLEDGE in relation to this drug is in place with information and updates available.

The program is ensuring adequate controls are in place in relation to the use of this drug and the important message is ?Do not purchase this drug over the internet?.

There are a range of prescribed medications available with those applied to the skin for more mild to moderate cases and oral medications for more severe.

Some of these include:

?Oral antibiotics
?Oral contraceptives
?Azelaic Acid
?Benzoyl peroxide
?Sodium sulfacetamide

The message is still however to do the appropriate research as information on some drugs may change significantly over time.

Whilst medications are vital in the treatment of a significant number of conditions aside from acne, it is always wise to research the medication to allow a balanced approach or weighing up the benefits prior to commencing.

This is obviously extremely clear in the case of the drug Isotretinoin for severe acne.

Andrew Johnson has an online acne resource.

Accutane Without The Ouch

Since 1982 Accutane has been a reliable, if not controversial, drug for treating severe acne. Now with FDA representative David J. Graham?s statement that Accutane should be taken off the market, and pharmaceutical manufacturer La Roche?s defense of Accutane?s safety in a Florida courtroom, access to Accutane faces mounting restrictions.

Accutane provokes five acne-fighting actions that anyone can replicate using nutrition and self-care.

Reduce excess oil secretion: Accutane is a derivative of vitamin A and reduces the secretion of oil by the oil glands. Foods that supply the body with Vitamin A and beta-carotene (which is converted to vitamin A by the body) include: Liver, oily fish, whole eggs, carrots, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.

Encourage extreme shedding of the skin: Using a peel is the easiest method to promote shedding of the skin. Exfoliation releases the build-up of dead skin cells, oils and bacteria trapped in the pores, which could lead to the formation of blemishes.

Extreme peels Peels come in varying degrees, from mild to harsh. The trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel is an extreme peel that can cost from $100 to $1000 depending on the degree of the treatment. It is only performed in a doctor?s office. The TCA is not a save all however. The peel can make the skin sensitive to the sun cause hyper-pigmentation.

Home use peels:
Several over-the-counter peels contain papaya enzymes or glycolic acid. These peels lightly exfoliate the skin and are safe for weekly use.

Reduce the spread of bacterial infection: Using an astringent such as witch hazel or apple cider vinegar to disinfect the skin significantly reduces the presence of bacteria on the face. This reduction limits skin inflammation and the likelihood of a pimple developing.

Enhance Fat Metabolism: Free fatty acids can irritate the skin and provoke acne eruptions. Reducing intake of foods containing hydrolyzed fats will improve fat metabolism. However, do consume essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in foods such as salmon and olive oil. These essential fats aid the gastrointestinal tract eliminate pro-inflammatory substances, which reduces the possibility of experiencing acne lesions.

Reduce inflammation: A strong immune system serves as a buffer against inflammation. Stress reducing activities such as exercising, eating a well-balanced diet and sleeping well boosts the immune system. A diet supplemented with B-Complex, zinc and vitamins C and E likewise enhances the effectiveness of the immune system.

Like Accutane, these five steps will not work overnight. Accutane works via creating a bodily environment that is not conducive to acne. By adhering to the nutritional and aesthetic steps above, anyone can attain clear skin while simultaneously augmenting their health.

Health author and Stanford University graduate Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include ?Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne? (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work ?Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we?re still not getting this dieting thing? (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005. For useful acne self-help articles visit

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Survival Rates

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a cancer of the abdomen lining caused due to prolonged exposure to asbestos. Thousands of lawsuits are handled every year dealing with the issue of peritoneal mesothelioma and its effects. Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal swelling. Fluid commonly accumulates in the abdominal cavity causing the swelling and pain. The symptoms can become quite serous over time, as the swelling will exert great force on surrounding organs and lead to great pain.

If diagnosed at an early stage, than there are chances of survival, depending upon on how advanced the cancer is at the time of the diagnosis. Treatment with radiation or chemotherapy and early diagnosis can be of great help. In fact, these treatments can help a patient to survive for a long time. It is often true that if the cancer is found early and treated aggressively, almost half of the patients whose cancer is found early reach the two-year mark and about 20% survive five years. For peritoneal mesothelioma, patients are often informed that they won?t be able to live for more than one year. But peritoneal mesothelioma specialists, working in leading cancer centers throughout the world, often report better statistics than this, based upon the clinical trials that they are carrying out.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma provides detailed information on peritoneal mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma treatment, peritoneal mesothelioma lawyers, peritoneal mesothelioma survival rates and more. Peritoneal Mesothelioma is affiliated with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.

Healthier Living and Organic Farming

A large part of organic agriculture involves the health of the soil and the ecosystems in which crops and livestock are raised. Foods certified as organic must be produced using growing methods that minimize soil erosion and that maintain or enhance the fertility of the soil. All the chemicals in the world can't nourish a garden as well as healthy organic compost.

Look for natural and organic alternatives to chemical fertilizers, such as the use of compost. Natural fertilizers, compost and organic materials encourage native earthworms. The soil's organic matter contributes to good soil structure, and water-holding capacity. Improve the soil with organic matter and fertilizers to develop the best soil for growing seeds and plants.

The availability of nutrients from organic fertilizers depends on their breakdown by soil organisms, which in turn depends on weather and soil conditions. Their nutrients are not available to plants until the organic matter has decomposed. In reality, you can't have a good organic garden without a good composter.

The use of disease resistance must be emphasized within an organic program. In current organic production systems, growers are not permitted to use conventional synthetic organic fungicides in their disease management program. The national organic program rules prohibit the use of conventional pesticides, petroleum, or sewage-sludge-based fertilizers, bioengineering or ionizing radiation and synthetic substances. But, there are several general things any organic gardener can do to beat those pests naturally.

Many believe that organic foods contain a higher level of nutrient minerals and much lower levels of heavy metals. As a result, the industry has understandably grown from experimental garden plots to large farms with surplus products sold under special organic labels.

Today, organic foods are available at supermarkets and farmer's markets, in restaurants and through mail-order suppliers, even here on the web.

Example -

Buying organic will insure that the food products you consume contain no genetically modified organisms, and are free from irradiation.

Purchasing locally grown, organically produced fruits, vegetables and meat assures you of having the very best food available for your family's table. Buying hemp, organic cotton and recycled products like home furnishings, baby clothes, and natural beauty products aid conservation of natural resources. Growing organically takes more time, requires more knowledge and skill, and, for now, costs more.

Francesca Black works in marketing at Organic Items and Aromatherapy Blends leading portals for organic products and natural excercise.

How the Qlink Can Help You

In our every day lives we are being affected by forces that we cannot see and these forces are wearing down our health, both mental and physical, on a daily basis. These forces originate from EMFs, Electromagnetic Fields, which are present everywhere, but is concentrated in certain areas, like near power lines. In the home the EMFs are concentrated around power outlets.

The Q-link was created by group of professionals who combined their research to produce a device that would help people to resist the effects of the EMFs. The Qlink is intended to help to build up your bio-field, the field that permeates and extends out of our bodies, and help you to combat the effects of radiation on your health. The Q-link is also intended to help those that live or work within a highly irradiated environment to continue to function at a peak levels.

The Qlink is an attractive, stylish pendant that can be worn any time and should be worn as often as possible to ensure that you receive the greatest benefits from it. This pendant will look good while providing you with a multitude of benefits. That something that looks so good can help you so much seems almost too much to believe, but the Q-link does just that. It is worn by many celebrities and many top performing athletes.

The athletes attest to the fact that the Qlink helps them to perform better than when they are not wearing it and even if you are not a top level athlete this pendant can help you in many ways. The Q-link has 3 chief functions and through the performing of these functions you will be the recipient of many health benefits, both mental and physical.

The chief functions are strengthening you capacity to function within an EMF inundated atmosphere, the bolstering of your resistance and resilience to the effects of stress encountered in the course of daily life and the third function is the increasing of your energy and the enhancing of your mental performance especially in times where you are submitted to large amounts of stress and tension to help you cope with the addition pressure.

The Qlink provides you with a myriad of benefits, including protection from the EMF radiation that is so prevalent these days, the enhancement of mental alertness and lucidity, the aid in balancing your emotion to help achieve the mental alertness and lucidity, helping you to achieve deep and refreshing sleep on a regular basis, as well as an improvement in athletic performance.

The more you wear your Q-link, the more emphatic the benefits will be that you receive. Your Qlink should be worn as often as possible, including while you sleep at night. If you wear it at all time then you will be helping to enforce your bio-field in a major and this will help to combat the lethargy, ailments and weariness that you feel when your bio-field has deteriorated.

All Qlink information has been researched and written by Juliette Pickup

Life After Breast Cancer Treatment

Many women are very uncertain and apprehensive about what to think, what to say and what to do after breast cancer treatment is over?at least for the time being?and they have recovered.

From the very first sign of breast cancer?maybe a lump in the breast discovered by a mammogram?and other symptoms of breast cancer, to a diagnosis to discussing treatments to receiving treatments and recovery, it?s been a long and arduous process for most women.

What now?

A big concern on the brain is the ever-looming threat of breast cancer recurrence. There are ways of preventing breast cancer recurrence, and many women decide to take tamoxifen after their treatments to prevent such a recurrence, but the important thing here is to not allow the fear of breast cancer coming back to haunt you every day.

Other issues have to do with your quality of life post-breast cancer treatment?managing pain and fatigue, dealing with the side-effects of treatment and other medications, breast reconstruction, menopause, sex, fertility and pregnancy, dealing with well-meaning friends, family members and strangers, and continued health checkups and medical followups.

Many women who come out of breast cancer treatment get a new ?lease on life? and become health nuts, engage in appropriate amounts of physical activity, do more volunteer work, work on special projects, devote more time to family and friends and just generally have a greater zest for life.

A much more likely scenario for women who have come through breast cancer treatment, however, is that they will experience a darker breast cancer recovery period. Some feel like there is always something to worry about and are afraid of ever having a normal life again. Some women experience strong symptoms of anxiety and depression, even paranoia or something close to post-traumatic stress disorder.

It?s helpful for these women to do something for themselves during this transitional period between breast cancer treatment and ?normalcy.? Many take some time off to just be with the ones they love, relaxing and resting. Or they take a vacation, for example, with their husbands and kids, or with a bunch of girlfriends.

Something else to consider is short-term counselling or therapy. Many women find it helpful to talk it out with a professional after enduring breast cancer treatments and dealing with the aftermath of recovering from a major life-threatening illness. Others look for a ?support group? of other breast cancer survivors, and find that to be even more helpful.

No, life will never again be the same. But that doesn?t mean it has to be a depressing, fearful or terrible life. It will be different, but it can be better. It just takes time.

Stay up to date on information, cures and news at the Breast Cancer Information Site.

Your Guide To Acne Skin Care

Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by dirty pores or eating chocolate. Acne is actually caused by overactive sebaceous glands. Hormones in you body cause acne to appear. Acne is extremely common in people ages 12-24, when our hormones are very active due to puberty, but many people continue to have acne outbreaks throughout their lives. Acne can show up on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders. While it is not life threatening, acne can cause scarring and emotional distress to those that suffer from it. This is why acne skin care is so important.

Many things can cause outbreaks of pimples and zits. Allergies, heredity, stress, weather, menstruation and even over washing can cause acne. There are lots of ways to treat acne. For mild to moderate cases, experts recommend washing your face twice daily and after any exercise. They also recommend over the counter acne products that contain ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These products can have some side effects of burning, redness and irritation, but often decrease or even disappear with continual use. The acne treatment industry is a multi-million dollar industry, and scientists come up with new ways to treat pimples regularly.

For moderate to sever acne, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist. A dermatologist can diagnose the problem and has many treatment options for acne to choose from. Some treatments include used prescribed topical medications for the treatment of your acne, and even oral antibiotics, which help reduce acne outbreaks. Not everyone will receive the same kind of acne treatments, and your dermatologist can tailor the treatments to your specific needs.

Taking care of your skin is the best way to reduce pimples. Choose cleansing products that are not overly harsh and are oil-free. Wash your face after sweating heavily. For young women, the use of makeup can exacerbate acne problems, so it is a good idea to pick cosmetics that are non-comedogenic, because they do not clog pores. Never go to sleep at night without washing your face. It is also imperative that you do not squeeze or pinch zits. You may be tempted to do it, but it can lead to scarring. Don?t spend a lot of time scrubbing your face, because it can make acne worse. It is also smart to avoid putting your hands on your face a lot, because the oil on your hands gets transferred to your face and can cause further outbreaks.

Pimples are a part of life for most of us. While that may not be much consolation to someone who is suffering from acne, it may help to put it in perspective. Acne happens to everyone at some point in his or her lives. The good news is that there are many products available to treat acne, and severe acne can be improved by seeing a dermatologist. Acne skin care does not have to be painful or embarrassing. By taking care of your skin and tackling pimples as they appear with common sense and some good acne products, you can improve the overall look and feel of your skin.

Bob Hett offers simple and concise advice on the causes and treatment of acne. Get the answers to all of your questions at acne

How to Control and Clear Your Acne

The stressful world we all share can certainly have an impact on our appearance. The baby faces, shiny hair, luminous smiles, and slim figures can vanish if we're not careful. We have to preserve our beauty if we plan to keep it. Fortunately there is a sea of products out there to help us with this difficult task. One of the more common afflictions that people face on a daily basis concerns their skin. In fact, this may be the hardest thing to grapple with. As many of us know, acne breakouts can arise on a whim. Whether it's stress, diet, or environment that initiates a breakout, there are ways to fight and control acne. The Internet, along with drug and grocery stores carry a spectrum of treatments to obliterate those annoying pimples.

Today more than ever before, it is easier to control acne. This is primarily due to technology. With all of the research and testing done over the years, experts have identified the main causes of this common affliction. In doing so, they have come up with effective ways to treat and control acne. If you've never browsed the deluge of pimple fighters that jam the shelves of every local drug store, then it's time to get in the game. Don't let random breakouts rule your life. There are a number of acne treatments that can suit your condition. Whether you're looking for an exfoliant, or a drying cream, you are surely to find some form of treatment that will better your complexion.

A great place to begin your path to control acne is the Internet. If you simply punch in a few key words, such as acne treatment, or acne solution, you will be flooded with results. There are popular products such as Proactive Solution that control acne without the burden of scaring. Check out their website for more details on kits and guarantees. It is always good to understand your skin before you attempt to control acne with some random treatment cleanser or cream. What skin type are you? Find out for free online. At this point you will have a better idea of what acne products to search for. In this day and age, there is simply no reason why you can't control acne, instead of letting it control you. Take your life back and rid your complexion of those irksome little bumps. Hop online today and see what acne treatment would be best for you.

Keith Londrie II has put up three informative web sites so that you can learn more about acne and it's control. For more information please visit as well as and for more detailed information.

Who Else Suffers From Chronic Headaches? A Physical Perspective 2

Aromatherapy has also been shown to relieve headaches, primarily peppermint therapeutic grade essential oil. Try putting a couple drops on your temples during the day and at night. Lavender is also wonderful for relaxation, and calming.

Aromatherapy works in this way: once the essential oil is inhaled, aromatic signals are sent to the limbic system of the brain and have a direct affect on the mind and emotions. The chemical elements of the oils are carried into the bloodstream, shifting the physiology of the body. Schmachtenberger says biochemically, headaches may signify liver and gallbladder congestion. Having heavy metals in the body may create headaches. The main heavy metals are lead and mercury. Do you have a mouth full of mercury? Have you lived on fish practically your whole life? Have you ever lived close to a fossil fuel plant? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider doing a heavy metal cleanse, and also some liver detoxification work. Cleansing in general is good for everyone. Sulfur containing foods are great for cleaning out the liver. Some suggestions for sulfur containing foods are: cilantro, garlic, eggs, and dill. If you do feel you may be at risk for heavy metals, chlorella which is a form of blue algae is a heavy metal binder. It will bind with the heavy metals and flush them out of the body.

Soaking your hands and feet in water often brings immediate relief. Icing your head will also bring relief. Place the ice pack on your forehead or on the back of your neck. What is happening in the body during a headache is that there is essentially too much blood flowing in to the head and it can?t flow out. The arteries are more open than the veins at this point. Soaking your hands and feet or icing your head supports blood to flow more into the extremities.

You may want to consider some supplements to support your body. Some supplements and herbs to consider:

?Drink water! If we are thirsty that means that our body is already dehydrated! Simply being dehydrated can cause headaches.

?Central fats-omega 3. (Fish oil and cod liver oil.) This is vitamin D that we get from the sun

?B vitamins

?All calming herbs: chamomile, lavender, valerian, passion flower, hops

Marnina Reid is a nationally certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She is the author of Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches, a newly released e-book. Marnina has a private practice in San Diego, and faciliates trainings in emotional healing. She mainly works with women who have suffered from emotional trauma helping them to remove the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward. Several of Marnina's clients have suffered from chronic headaches and have been successful at eliminating them. This inspired her to create an e-book specifically addressing headaches.

For free cutting edge health tips that can enhance your life and prevent disease visit:

For more information on Marnina Reid, or Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches Please visit:

Keep Your Heart Healthy Naturally With Cardio EZ

Cardio E-Z

An oral chelation supplement that was developed by Dr. Donsbach in 1997, Cardio E-Z is a product that is used to help with cardiovascular and heart health. It contains several vitamins and antioxidants such as EDTA, CoQ10, etc., in order to help maintain a healthy heart.

There are several vitamin components that make up Cardio E-Z, and among them are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Calcium, Magnesium, Coenzyme Q10, and Gingko.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that commonly goes by the name of ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble substance that helps with bodily functions. Being an antioxidant, vitamin C helps neutralize oxidative stress or free radical damage in the cells. In other words, vitamin C boosts the body?s antioxidant defense against diseases like heart disease.

Aside from this, vitamin C in Cardio E-Z can also help in the body?s process of healing wounds, as well as in the production of skin, tendons, blood vessels, etc.

Vitamin E

A fat-soluble substance and likewise, an antioxidant, vitamin E is also able to help with heart disease. This is because cell damage by free radicals is the root cause of cardiovascular disease. Being so, vitamin E as an antioxidant can also combat free radical attacks, and thereby help with heart disease.

Vitamin E is also found in Cardio E-Z. There was a study conducted wherein 121,000 women were tested with vitamin E. Those who took vitamin E supplements had a 40% lower risk for coronary artery disease compared to those people who did not take the vitamin E supplements.


Niacin or Vitamin B3 is manufactured inside the body in small amounts to help with bodily functions such as metabolism, cell respiration, the secretion of stomach fluids, and the nervous system. However, there are some people who are deficient in niacin, which sometimes leads to dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia.

Vitamin B6

A water-soluble substance, vitamin B6 is important to the body. It aids in the metabolism of protein, as well as in the functions of the nervous system and the immune system.


Calcium plays an important role, especially in the bones. It also helps with the body functions involving the muscles and the nerves.


Magnesium is also found in Cardio E-Z. Magnesium is used not only in over 300 chemical reactions in the body, but also in keeping the heart healthy. It also helps with the cardiovascular health by keeping the heart rhythm steady.


A very potent antioxidant also known as ubiquinone, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is found naturally in the body. It aids in cardiovascular health, such as with congestive heart failure.


Gingko is one of the oldest herbs used in traditional medicine and is recognized for its health benefit on the circulatory system. Not only can it help with preventing clumping in the arteries, but also with the brain and the blood oxygen levels.

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Acne Treatment Tips

Acne is a broad term which includes blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Acne can strike at any age. Effective acne treatments are sometimes difficult to find, and understanding acne and prevention can be frustrating. Here are some acne treatment tips that have worked for many.

Although acne isn?t life threatening it can be uncomfortable and hard on your ego. There has always been a debate about the actual cause of acne. The actual cause isn?t as important as finding a cure.

So is there a cure for acne. Well yes and no. There are many products available and for some they are a cure, for others they do not help. A cure is only a cure when you find a product that works for you.

Most acne treatments will take time to work. It usually takes around 8 weeks before you see any significant improvement so you are going to have to be patient. Once you?ve got your acne cleared up it?s important to continue with the treatment that?s working so it does not return.

If you have serious acne it is best to consult a dermatologist. However in milder cases you will often be able to get it under control by yourself just by preservering. Try these tips to conquer your acne.


Regular exercise helps keep your whole body in shape. It builds your immune system and helps eliminate toxins from the body. It?s a great start to fighting acne.


You need to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh fruit and vegetables are full of nutrients that your body needs. They boost the immune system and are good antioxidants. They can work towards helping you get rid of the acne. Try to avoid refined sugars and fatty foods which have are not good for you or your skin. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush your system of toxins.


Choose cosmetics that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Avoid oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. Make sure you wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue.


Hormones can play a role in acne flare ups and they can be used to reduce outbreaks. Your doctor may decide to use HRT to eliminate or reduce your acne outbreaks.

Clean Skin

You need to avoid harsh scrubbing of your face but you also need to thoroughly clean your skin nightly. Use a mild cleaning regime every night. Once or twice a week you should also use an exfoliator to gently remove damaged skin and unplug pores.


Is actually a great exfoliating treatment the removes dead skin. However you should never shave an area that is infected or inflamed. Always use a shaving cream if your skin is sensitive.


Can be a contributing factor to acne so try to relax and unwind. Emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body which can cause an outbreak.

You can help control your acne outbreaks by following these simple steps. What are you waiting for?

M.D. Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at The Acne Cure

Natural Foods That Induce Acne!

There are some natural foods that actually lead to blemishes and acne ? regardless of whether you are a teenager or an adult. Acne can be prevalent in adults as well as teenagers and there are ways we can avoid it ? although the pharmaceutical and drug companies will tell you otherwise.

The drug companies occupy a billion dollar industry and there?s a lot of money to be made. What the public doesn?t know is advantageous for these companies because it keeps us coming back for more treatments - that continue to feed this huge industry.

But what many people with acne also don?t realize is that what we eat can actually have a huge impact on our skin. What does this mean for us? It means less money spent on medicines and treatments and more time spent on enjoying life.

The Close Relationship between Food and Acne:

Did you know that mangos, bagels, potatoes, popcorn, papaya, and many other natural foods (which I won?t tell you about here) actually cause acne? It?s true. These foods are inflammation-inducing foods which cause problems such as a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. This leads to a burst of inflammation on a cellular level. Basically, as our insulin rises, this leads to increased inflammation throughout our bodies.

It is essential that we stick to eating anti-inflammatory foods like apples, oatmeal, yogurt, fish and celery (to name a few). There are tons more but you?ll only learn that by visiting There I?ll share with you the secret foods that actually do induce acne. I?ll also share with you recipes and natural foods that actually stop acne dead! No more expensive drugs...

You will find the secret is right in your very own kitchen! Really? it?s all in what you eat. I?ll give you the acne-secrets that will treat your acne. You?ll be amazed!

Remember, your health and well-being is your responsibility. Take care of your skin. It will love you for it!

Janice Johnson is the founder of which offers all-natural tips, information and recipes to help treat acne naturally in both teenagers and adults.

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Survival Rate

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma is a lethal cancer that starts in the lining of the lungs. The main cause is believed to be unprotected contact with asbestos. Every year about 3000 new cases of this disease are reported in the United States. It is estimated that over the past fifty years nearly eight million people have been exposed to asbestos and that 300,000 new cases would be reported by the year 2030. The peak may be around 2020 and thereafter the incidence is likely to taper down because of the preventive measures that are being taken.

Like in all cases of cancer, early detection and appropriate treatment improve the survival rate. On both counts the pleural mesothelioma patients are at a disadvantage. Symptoms take anywhere between 20 to 50 years to manifest. Because of this, the patients are generally in the fifty plus age group. And the outwardly noticed indications of the sickness are similar to that of several lesser ailments. This makes the diagnosis difficult. Because of all these, by the time the problem is detected, the cancer is likely to have spread. As yet there is no fully effective line of treatment. It is generally accepted that a combination therapy is better than monotherapy. A great deal of research is being done in this area.

A number of studies have been made about the survival rate among pleural mesothelioma patients. They all come to the same conclusion ? the disease is almost always fatal. The lifespan of a person diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma is about six months to two years. There have been exceptions and their stories are inspiring. The life expectancy varies according to the stage (pleural mesothelioma has four different phases) and the type. One research based on the histologic (tissue structure)tests shows a median survival of 11 months ? 9.4 months for sarcomatous, 12.5 months for epithelial and 11 months for mixed.

Several inspirational books are available for the patient to read and fortify himself. Also helpful are chat rooms with others in the same condition.

Pleural Mesothelioma provides detailed information on Malignant Diffuse Pleural Mesothelioma, Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma, Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Survival Rate, Mesothelioma Pleural Brachytherapy and more. Pleural Mesothelioma is affiliated with Peritoneal Mesothelioma Lawyers.